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총 92,693건 중 92,061 - 92,080건 출력
  • 92061
    Book Info
    The second tome of the Palace of pleasure contayning store of goodlye histories, tragical matters, & other morall argumentes, very requisite for delight and profyte. Chose and selected out of diuers good and commendable authors, and now once agayn corrected and encreased. By VVilliam Painter, clerke of the ordinance and armarie.
  • 92062
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    The seconde part of the Secretes of Maister Alexis of Piemont: by hym collected out of diuerse excellent authors, and nevvly translated out of Frenche into Englishe. With a generall table of all matters contained in the saied booke. By William Warde
  • 92063
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    The sermons of master Ralfe Gualter vpon the prophet Zephaniah written in Latine. Translated into English by Moses Wilton. Seene and allowed
  • 92064
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    The summe of Christianitie reduced vnto eight propositions, briefly & plainly confirmed out of holy woorde of God
  • 92065
    Book Info
    A sermon preached at Greenevviche, before the Queenes Maiestie, by the reuerende Father in God the Bishop of Chichester, the 14. day of Marche.1573. Seene and allowed according to the order appoynted
  • 92066
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    A sermon preached at Hampton Court on Sonday being the. 12. day of Nouember, in the yeare of our Lord. 1570. VVherein is plainly prooued Babilon to be Rome, both by Scriptures and doctors. Preached by VVilliam Fulke, Doctor of Diuinity lately fellow of S. Iohns Colledge in Cambridge.
  • 92067
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    A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the 19. of Iuli 1579 setting forth the excellencye of Gods heauenlye worde: The exceeding mercye of Christ our Sauior: the state of this world: A profe of the true Church: A detection of the false Church: or rather malignant rable: A confutation of sundry haeresies: and other thinges necessary to the vnskilfull to
  • 92068
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    A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the Fryday before Easter, commonly called good Friday, in the yeere of our Lorde. 1579. By Iohn Knewstub
  • 92069
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    A sermon preached at Yorke before the right Honorable, Henrie Earle of Huntington, Lorde President of her Maiesties councell established in the north, and other noble men, and gentle men, at a general communion there, the 23. of September in the eightienth yeare of her Maiesties raigne: by Mathewe Hutton Deane of Yorke.
  • 92070
    Book Info
    A sermon, no lesse fruitfull then famous Made in the yeare of our Lorde. 1388. and founde out hyd in a wall. Which sermon, is here set foorth by the olde copy, without adding or diminishing, saue the olde and rude Englishe, here and there amended.
  • 92071
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    A short and profitable treatise touching the cure of the disease called (Morbus Gallicus) by unctions, set forth by William Clowes, of London, chirurgion.|De morbo gallico
  • 92072
    Book Info
    A short discourse of mans fatall end with an vnfaygned, commendation of the worthinesse of Syr Nicholas Bacon, Knight, Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England: who disceased the xx. day of February. 1578.
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 92073
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    A shorte dictionarie most profitable for yong beginners, the second time corrected, and augmented, with diuerse phrasys, and other things necessarie therevnto added: by Lewys Euans.
  • 92074
    Book Info
    A shorte dictionarie most profitable for young beginners, the second time corrected, and augmented, with diuerse phrasys, and other things necessarie therevnto added: / by Lewys Euans..
  • 92075
    Book Info
    A spiritua[l and] most precious [pearle tea]ching al men to lou[e & em]brace the crosse as a most [sure &] necessary thing vnto the soul w[hose] comfort is to be taken [thereof] wher and how both consolation and aid in all maner of affliction is to bee sought, and againe hovv all men shoulde behaue themselues therein according to the word of God / written for thy comfort by a learned prea
  • 92076
    Book Info
    A summe of the Guisian ambassage to the Bishop of Rome, founde lately amongst the writinges of one Dauid and aduocate of Paris, and translated out of French into Latin, and from Latin into English
  • 92077
    Book Info
    A svvoord agaynst swearyng conteining these principal poyntes. 1 That there is a lawful vse of an oth, contrary to the assertion of the Manichees & Anabaptistes. 2 Howe great a sinne it is to sweare falsly, vainely, rashly, or customably. 3 That common or vsual swearing leadeth vnto periurie. 4 Examples of Gods iuste and visyble punishment vpon bla
  • 92078
    Book Info
    A svvoord agaynst swearyng conteyning these principall poyntes. 1 That there is a lawful vse of an oth, contrary to the assertion of the Manichees & Anabaptistes. 2 Howe great a sinne it is to swear falsly, vaynely, rashly, or customably. 3 That common or vsual swearing leadeth vnto periurie. 4 Examples of Gods iuste and visible punishment vpon bla
  • 92079
    Book Info
    Sapientissimi regis Salomonis concio de summo hominis bono, quam Hebraei Cohelet, graeci & Latini Ecclesiasten vocant in Latinam linguam ab Antonio Corrano Hispalensi versa, & ex eiusdem praelectionibus paraphrasi illustrata. Accesserunt & notae quaedam in singula capita; quibus totius concionis oeconomia, ac singularum ferè sententiarum dialectica
    Del Corro
  • 92080
    Book Info
    Sermons of M. Iohn Caluine, vpon the X. Commandementes of the Lawe geuen of God by [sic] Moses, otherwise called the Decalogue / gathered word for word, presently at his sermons, when he preached on Deuteronomie, without adding vnto, or diminishing from them anything afterward ; translated out of Frenche into English, by I.H.