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총 92,693건 중 92,101 - 92,120건 출력
  • 92101
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    A sermon preached at Pawles Crosse on Sunday the ninth of December. 1576. by T.W.
  • 92102
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    A sermon preached at the christening of a certaine Iew at London by Iohn Foxe. Conteining an exposition of the xi. chapter of S. Paul to the Romanes. Translated out of Latine into English by Iames Bell.
  • 92103
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    A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie at Hampton Courte, the 19. of February laste paste. By VVilliam Iames Doctour of Diuinitie
  • 92104
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    A sermon preached before the Queenes Maiestie, by maister Edwarde Dering, the 25 day of Februarie. Anno.1569
  • 92105
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    A short discourse of the life of seruingmen plainly expressing the way that is best to be followed, and the meanes wherby they may lawfully challenge a name and title in that vocation and fellowship. With certeine letters verie necessarie for seruingmen, and other persons to peruse. With diuerse pretie inuentions in English verse. Hereunto is also
  • 92106
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    A spirituall consolation, written by Iohn Fyssher Bishoppe of Rochester, to hys sister Elizabeth, at suche tyme as hee was prisoner in the Tower of London. Uery necessary, and commodious for all those that mynde to leade a vertuous lyfe: also to admonishe them, to be at all tymes prepared to dye, and seemeth to bee spoken in the person of one that
  • 92107
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    Special and chosen sermons of D. Martin Luther collected out of his writings and preachings for the necessary instruction and edification of such, as hunger and seeke after the perfect knowledge and inestimable glorie which is in Christ Iesu, to the comfort and saluation of their soules. Englished by VV.G.
  • 92108
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    The second part of Appian of Alexandria wherin be contained so manie of the Romanes expeditions against forraine nations as haue bene defended from the spoyle of war or the decay of time and bin brought into light and come to our handes. That is to say: 1 Against Mithridates King of Pontus, with his miserable end. 2 Againste the Hiberians, nowe called Spaniardes, and among many notable things, th
  • 92109
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    The seconde part of the Mirrour for magistrates conteining the falles of the infortunate princes of this lande, from the conquest of Caesar, vnto the commyng of Duke William the Conquerour.
  • 92110
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    The seconde part of the Mirrour for magistrates conteining the falles of the infortunate princes of this lande, from the conquest of Cæsar, vnto the commyng of Duke William the Conquerour.
  • 92111
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    The sermon, which Christ made on the way to Emaus to those two sorowfull disciples, set downe in a dialogue by D. Vrbane Regius, wherein he hath gathered and expounded the chiefe prophecies of the old Testament concerning Christ
  • 92112
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    The summe of Christianitie reduced vnto eight propositions, briefly and plainly confirmed out of the holy worde of God.
  • 92113
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    A sermon of Christ crucified preached at Paules Crosse the Friday before Easter, commonly called Good Fridaie. Written and dedicated to all such as labour, and be heauy laden in conscience, to be read for their spirituall comfort. By Iohn Foxe. Seen and allowed. Newly recognished by the author.
  • 92114
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    A sermon preached before the right honorable Earle of Darbie, and diuers others assembled in his honors chappell at Newparke in Lankashire, the second of Ianuarie. Anno humanae salut, 1577
  • 92115
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    A sermon preached on Sundaye, being the .17. of March Anno. 1577. at S. Alpheges Church within Creplegate in London, by William Fulke doctor in diuinitie. Seene and allowed, accordyng to the order appoynted in the Queenes Maiesties Iniunctions
  • 92116
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    A short and an absolute order of confession most requisite of all persons to be ouer loked [sic] before they confesse them.
  • 92117
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    A straunge and terrible wunder wrought very late in the the parish church of Bongay, a tovvn of no great distance from the citie of Norwich, namely the fourth of this August, in ye yeere of our Lord 1577 in a great tempest of violent raine, lightning, and thunder, the like wherof hath been seldome seene. With the appeerance of an horrible shaped th
  • 92118
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    A supplication exhibited to the most mightie Prince Philip king of Spain &c. VVherin is contained the summe of our Christian religion, for theprofession whereof the Protestants in the lowe Countries of Flaunders, &c. doe suffer persecution, vvyth the meanes to acquiet and appease the troubles in those partes. There is annexed An epistle written to
    Del Corro
  • 92119
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    S. Avgvstines manuell, or, litle booke of the contemplation of Christ, or of Gods worde, whereby the remembraunce of the heauenly desires which is falne asleepe may be quickned vp agayne.
  • 92120
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    Spiritus est vicarius Christi in terra. A treatise wherein dicing, dauncing, vaine playes or enterluds with other idle pastimes [et]c. commonly vsed on the Sabboth day, are reproued by the authoritie of the word of God and auntient writers. Made dialoguewise by Iohn Northbrooke minister and preacher of the word of God