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총 92,693건 중 92,221 - 92,240건 출력
  • 92221
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    The scholemaster or plaine and perfite way of teachyng children, to vnderstand, write, and speake, the Latin tong but specially purposed for the priuate brynging vp of youth in ientlemen and noble mens houses, and commodious also for all such, as haue forgot the Latin tonge ... By Roger Ascham.
  • 92222
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    The second tome of homilees of suche matters as were promysed, and intituled in the former part of homilees. Set out by the aucthoritie of the Queenes Maiestie: and to bee read in euery parishe churche agreablie.
  • 92223
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    The seuerall confessions, of Thomas Norton, and Christopher Norton: two of the northern rebels: vvho suffred at Tiburne, and were drawen, hanged, and quartered, for treason. May. xxvii. 1570.|Severall confessions, of Thomas Norton, and Christopher Norton
  • 92224
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    The shepardes kalender Here beginneth the kalender of shepardes newly augmented and corrected.
  • 92225
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    The sicke mans salue Wherin the faithfull Christians may learn both how to behaue them selues paciently and thankfully in the time of sicknesse, and also vertuously to dispose their temporall goods, and finally to prepare themselues gladly and godly to die. Made by Thomas Becon.
  • 92226
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    The spur to the lordis.|Quhat menis thir mischant murtherars
  • 92227
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    A schole of wise conceytes vvherin as euery conceyte hath wit, so the most haue much mirth, set forth in common places by order of the alphabet. Translated out of diuers Greke and Latine wryters, by Thomas Blage student of the Queenes Colledge in Cambridge.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 92228
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    A sermo[n] preached before the Quenes Maiestie, By Maister Edward Dering, the. 25. day of February. Anno. 1569
  • 92229
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    A sermon preached at the Tower of London, by M. Dering the xi. day of Dece[m]ber. 1569
  • 92230
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    A sermon preached at the Tower of London, by M. Dering the xi. day of Dece[m]ber. 1569
  • 92231
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    A sermon preached at the Tower of London, by M. Dering the xi. day of Dece[m]ber. 1569
  • 92232
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    A setting open of the subtyle sophistrie of Thomas VVatson Doctor of Diuinitie which he vsed in hys two sermons made before Queene Mary, in the thirde and fift Fridayes in Lent anno. 1553. to prooue the reall presence of Christs body and bloud in the sacrament, and the Masse to be the sacrifice of the newe Testament, written by Robert Crowley clear
  • 92233
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    A shorte treatyse of the mysterie of the Euchariste: set furth, by Lewys Euans
  • 92234
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    A slaunderous libell (cast abroad) vnto an epitaph set forth vpon the death of D.E. Boner, with a reply to the same lying libell, by T. Broo
  • 92235
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    Sapartons alarum to all such as do beare the name of true souldiers, in England, or elswheare.
  • 92236
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    Sapartons alarum, to all such as do beare the name of true souldiers, in England, or els wheare.
  • 92237
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    A short and pretie treatise touching the perpetuall reioyce of the godly, euen in this lyfe Seene and allowed according to the order appointed.
  • 92238
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    A short discourse of the meanes that the Cardinal of Loraine vseth, to hinder the stablishing of peace, & to moue new troubles in Fraunce
  • 92239
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    A shorte dictionarie for yonge beginners Gathered of good authours, specially of Columel, Grapald, and Plini.
  • 92240
    Book Info
    A shorte dictionarie most profitable for young beginners, novve newelie corrected, and augmented with diverse phrasys, & other thinges necessarie thereunto added. / by Lewys Euans..