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총 92,693건 중 92,281 - 92,300건 출력
  • 92281
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    A sum or a brief collection of holy signes, sacrifices and sacraments, euen since the beginning of the worlde. And the true originall of the sacrifice of the masse. / Translated out of French into English by N. Lynge.
  • 92282
    Book Info
    Sex linguarum, Latinae, Gallicae, Hispanicae, Italicae, Anglicae, & Teutonicae, dilucidissimus dictionarius mirum quam vtilis, nec dicam necessarius, omnibus linguarum studiosis ...
  • 92283
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    Syllogisticon hoc est argumenta, seu probationes & resolutiones, ...de re & materia sacramenti eucharistici. Cum epistola ad papistas hortoia. per Io. Foxum.
  • 92284
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    The second part of the Secretes of Maister Alexis of Piemont, by hym collected out of diuers excellent aucthours, and newly translated out of French into English, with a generall table, of all the matters contayned in the sayde booke. By Willyam Ward
  • 92285
    Book Info
    The second tome of homelyes of such matters as were promised and intituled in the former part of homelyes set out by the aucthoritie of the Quenes Maiestie, and to be read in euery paryshe churche agreablye.|Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches.
  • 92286
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    The second volume conteining those statutes whiche haue been made in the time of the most victorious reygne of kyng Henry the eight with a table to the whole.
  • 92287
    Book Info
    The seconde tome of homelyes of such matters as were promised and intituled in the former part of homelyes, set out by the aucthoritie of the Quenes Maiestie: and to be read in euery paryshe churche agreablye.
  • 92288
    Book Info
    The seconde tome of homelyes of such matters as were promised and intituled in the former part of homelyes, set out by the aucthoritie of the Quenes Maiestie: and to be read in euery paryshe churche agreablye.
  • 92289
    Book Info
    The seconde tome of homelyes of such matters as were promised and intituled in the former part of homelyes, set out by the aucthoritie of the Quenes Maiestie: and to be read in euery paryshe churche agreablye.
  • 92290
    Book Info
    The seconde tome of homelyes of such matters as were promised and intituled in the former part of homelyes, set out by the aucthoritie of the Quenes Maiestie: and to be read in euery paryshe churche agreablye..|Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches. Book 2.|Second tome of homilies of such matters as were promised and intitled in the former part of homilies
  • 92291
    Book Info
    The seconde tome of homelyes of such matters as were promysed and intituled in the former part of homelyes, set out by the aucthoritie of the Quenes Maiestie: and to be read in euery paryshe churche agreablye. 1563.
  • 92292
    Book Info
    The seconde tome of homilies of such matters as were promised and intituled in the former part of Homylyes, set out by the aucthoritie of the Queenes Maiestie. And to be read in euery paryshe churche agreablye.
  • 92293
    Book Info
    The seconde tome of homilies of such matters as were promysed, and intituled in the former part of homilies, set out by the aucthoritie of the Queenes Maiestie. And to be read in euery paryshe churche agreablye.
  • 92294
    Book Info
    The seconde tome of homilies of suche matters as vvere promised and intituled in the former part of homilies, set out by the aucthoritie of the Queenes Maiestie. And to be read in euery parishe church agreablie.
  • 92295
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    The seueral rates and taxations for wages, made [and] set forth by the Iustices of peace of the Countie of Rutland
  • 92296
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    The seueral rates and taxations for wages, made [and] set forth by the iustices of peace of the countie of Lyncolne
  • 92297
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    A seconde declaration of the Prince of Conde, to make knowen the causers of the troubles whyche are at this day in this realme, and the dutie wherein he hathe and yet putteth hym selfe in at this presente, for the pacifyeng of the same. 1562
  • 92298
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    A shorte dictionarie, for yonge beginners Gathered of good authours specially of Columel, Crapald, and Plini.
  • 92299
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    A stronge battery against the idolatrous inuocation of the dead saintes, and against the hauyng or setting up of images in the house of prayer, or in any other place where there is any paril of idolatrye, made dialoguewise by Iohn Veron
  • 92300
    Book Info
    A stronge defence of the maryage of pryestes agaynste the Pope Eustachians, and Tatanites of our time, made dialogue wise by Iohn Veron, betwixte Robin Papyste, and the true Christian.