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총 52,377건 중 48,721 - 48,740건 출력
  • 48721
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    A true declaration of Kingstons entertainment of the cavaliers the on [sic] 13. of November when they entred the towne, with ringing of bels for joy. And how afterwards the cavaliers did requite them at their departure, making no distinction betweene the malignant and well-affected. Being a worthy president and fore-warning, for all cities and town
  • 48722
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    A true description of a treacherous plot intended against this kingdome, by the Lord Digby and his assistants, at Sherborne in the county of Dorset: with the exact number of armes, muskets, pikes and barrels of gunpowder, to the number of two hundred, by him hid and contrived in an old cellar belonging to the Lord George his father. With the manner
  • 48723
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    A true description of the discipline of vvar both for horse and foot, used in His Maiesties army, under the excellencies William Earle of New-castle, and Prince Robert. With the order and manner of their marching and exercising in the field: as followeth;
  • 48724
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    A true description of the pot-companion poet: who is the founder of all the base and libellous pamphlets lately spread abroad. Also, a character of the swil-bole cook.
  • 48725
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    A true discovery of a womans wickednesse, in endeavouring to betray the city of London to the Caveliers, by discovering the strength of the said city to them, and giving notice of all our proceedings heerein. Also declaring how she betrayed the forces which were billited at Brainford. With a manifestation of the certainty of the death of Prince Robert : also a declaration, wherein in [sic] is man
  • 48726
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    A true diurnall of the passages in Parliament
  • 48727
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    A true diurnall of the passages in Parliament [Issue 10]
  • 48728
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    A true diurnall, or, A continued relation of Irish occurrences ...
  • 48729
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    A true divrnall: or A continued relation of Irish occurences, from the 12. of Febr. to the 8. of March. Printed after a copy that was sent from Mr. William Bladen of Dublin, to his sonne resident here in London: shewing what overthrowes was given to the rebells, and what good successe the Protestant party had; with a relation of the late reliefe of Trohedagh.|True diurnall|Continued relation of I
  • 48730
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    A true inventory of the goods and chattels of superstition. Late of the parish of ignorance, in the county of blind-devotion, and in the kingdome of idolatry, deceased: taken and apprised, in this nineteenth of February Anno Domini 1642. As also, a relation of the Popes being in a swoun, at the newes of the abolishment of superstition in the kingdo
  • 48731
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    A true narration of the surprizall of sundry cavaliers being sent from Nottingham to Oxford, as they were lodged at Brackley And also of a cabinet and packet of writings, and other things of great value, cast into a field of standing oates to be thereby concealed, but discovered and taken avvay. Many of the fore-said cavaliers were sent to Banbury
  • 48732
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    A true relation oe [sic] the late battaile before Worcester, taken on Sunday last, Sept. 25. by a gentleman of the Innes of Court, (now in his Excellences armie) from the mouthes of Master Nathaniel Fynes, and many other commanders who were in the said skirmish, and sent up to Master Pym..
  • 48733
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    A true relation of Gods Providence in the province of Munster. In delivering them from the hands of their enemies; and giving them a great victory. Related in a letter sent from a gentleman, a voluntier in the Lord Dungarvans troope, to a worthy friend of his in London.
  • 48734
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    A true relation of His Majesties coming to the town of Shrewsbury, on the 20 of this instant September, and his passage from thence the 23 day, to the city of Chester, with the manner of his entetainment [sic] there. Together with the L: Grandisons surprizing Nantwich, and the plundering of divers houses in the town and country thereabouts, of such
  • 48735
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    A true relation of His Majesties comming to Coventry upon Saterday [sic] last, and how the citizenr [sic] of Coventrie shut up the gates against him, comming with a great number of cavaleers, with the number of thoss [sic] forces that came with him thither, and his Majesties resolution thereupon. Sent in a lettr [sic] from the committee that are re
  • 48736
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    A true relation of His Majesties reception and royall entertainment at Lincoln, by the knights, esquires, gentlemen, and free-holders of the said countie.
  • 48737
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    A true relation of His Majesties reception and royall entertainment at Lincoln: by the knights, esquires, gentlemen, and freeholders of the said county. July 15. 1642
  • 48738
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    A true relation of His Majesties successe at Brainford neere London, November the 12, 1642.
  • 48739
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    A true relation of Prince Robert his forces coming to one M. Purslins neere Coventry, and burning downe all his out-houses; with the manner how the said M. Purslin having but eight men, kept them foure houres in fight, and killed a colonell, a captaine, and six cavaliers; with the manner of two severall parleyes with the cavaliers, and the articles
  • 48740
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    A true relation of a brave exploit performed by Captain Richard Dawks in taking of the Castle of Dover for the King and Parliament and the safety of the whole Kingdom, the quiet of the town of Dover, and all those parts of the country thereabouts on the 21 of August, 1642 : which was never conquered or taken before but by that worthy gent. Captain Rich. Dawks aforementioned / and set forth by Nic