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총 52,377건 중 48,741 - 48,760건 출력
  • 48741
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    A true relation of a brave exploit performed by Captain Richard Dawks, in taking of the Castle of Dover for the King and Parliament, and the safety of the whole kingdom, the quiet of the town of Dover, and all those parts of the country thereabouts, on the 21 of August, 1642. Which was never conquered or taken before, but by that worthy gent', Capt
  • 48742
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    A true relation of a divelish designe. By the Papists: to blow up the city of Oxford with gunpowder, on Thursday, the thirteenth of Ianvary, 1641 Which being suspected by the city, and diverse houses searcht, at an inne being the signe of the starre, neere Carfax, in an outhouse there was found 22 barrels of gunpowder with two barrels of shot and b
  • 48743
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    A true relation of a famous victory obtained against Prince Robert, and twelve troupes of the cavaliers at the city of Worcester, on Saturday the 24. of September by his Excellency the Earl of Essex: in which Prince Robert is very dangerously wounded, commissary Wimot run through with a sword, Captaine Sandys hurt, Serjeant-Major Douglas slain, and
  • 48744
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    A true relation of a great and cruell battell fought by the Lord Willoughby of Parham with 800. horse and foot who were going to the L. Generall, against Prince Rupert with 9. troops of horse, and 300. foot, neer Brumiegum in Warnicke-shire, October the 17 Declaring also the manner of the L. Willoughbies obtaining the victory, killing about 50. of
  • 48745
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    A true relation of a great battell fought betwixt the Earle of Essex, and Prince Robert their forces, with the manner of the taking Prince Robert prisoner, and divers other commander. Signified to both houses, Sept. 20. Also the manner of the death of Sir Iohn Byron, who with twenty eight cavaleers more were slaine upon Aubingley Heath in Worcrster
  • 48746
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    A true relation of a great discovery intended against Hull sent in a letter by Sir John Hotham to both houses of Parliament ; with a true copy of a letter sent from Master Beckwith, a recusant, to Lieutenant Fooks his son in law, in service at Hull under Sir IohnHotham ; also three proclamations lately sent from the Kings Most Excellent Majestie fr
  • 48747
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    A true relation of a most blessed victory obtained against the Marquesse of Hartford; on the seven and twentieth day of November, before the city of Hereford, by the Right honourable Earle of Stamford declaring how the marquesse was overthrowne, and above two thousand of his men slaine, the rest dispersed, and the marquesse forced to hide himselfe
  • 48748
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    A true relation of all the passages in York, Beverle, Hull and Burton Since the first of August to the ninth. First the carriage and behaviour of the Caveliers at Beverley and Burton, threatning to beare downe their houses about their eares at Beverley, and wounding others at Burton for not yeelding to their request. Secondly the petition of the Ca
  • 48749
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    A true relation of all the proceedings in Ireland from the end of April last to this present sent from Tristram Whetcombe ... to his brother Benjamine Whetcombe ... ; with a certificate under the hand and seal of Sir William Saint-Leger lord president of Munster ; as also the copy of an oath which was found in a trunck in Kilbrittaine Castle neer Kinsale, after the rebels were fled from thence th
  • 48750
    Book Info
    A true relation of all the proceedings in Ireland, from the end of April last, to this present: sent from Tristram Whetcombe, mayor of Kinsale, to his brother Benjamine Whetcombe, merchant in London. With a certificate under the hand and seal of Sir William Saint-Leger, lord president of Munster. As also the copy of an oath which was found in a tru
  • 48751
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    A true relation of certaine nevvs from the vvest of Ireland conteining, 1 the treasonable intents of the Irish rebels, to crown Sir Philome Oncale King of Ireland, and how his crown is taken and carried to the Parliament, the 9 of Iune : 2 the taking and demolishing of the Lord Barramoore's house, called Castle Lyon, by the three arch rebels the Lord Roach, the Lord Musgrave, and Mac. Donah : 3 a
  • 48752
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    A true relation of certaine nevvs from the west of Ireland. Conteining, 1 The treasonable intents of the Irish rebels, to crown Sir Philome Oneale King of Ireland. And how his crown is taken and carried to the Parliament, the 9 of Iune. 2 The taking and demolishing of the Lord Barramoore's house, called Castle Lyon, by the three arch rebels the Lor
  • 48753
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    A true relation of certaine passages which Captaine Basset brought from the west parts of Cornewall. Concerning some shippes which came from Bilbo in Spaine to goe to Ireland; but were driven into an iland called St. Ives, by reason of tempestuous weather; wherein was found great store of popish reliques, beside friers, priests, and Jesuites. There
  • 48754
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    A true relation of divers great defeats given against the rebells of Ireland, by the Earle of Ormond, lieutenant-generall of all His Majesties forces in that kingdom: with a map describing the order of a battell lately fought there. Published by His Majesties command.
  • 48755
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    A true relation of every remarkable circumstance in relieving of Tredagh, by Captaine Thomas Steutevile. Also the copy of Sir Phelome Oneal's commission, for the establishing of Colonell Richard Plunket Lievetenant [sic] Generall of Lempster, and Vlster. Together, with the distresse of the whole kingdome, and other passages of note.
  • 48756
    Book Info
    A true relation of severall overthrows given to the rebells by Colonel Crayford, Colonell Gibson, and Captain Greams the relation being sent from Dublin in two letters by the last post, Septem. 13, 1642 : together with the names of the chief of the rebels that were slain at the said overthrow .
  • 48757
    Book Info
    A true relation of severall overthrows given to the rebells, by Colonell Crayford, Colonell Gibson; and Captain Greams. The relation being sent from Dublin in two letters, by the last post, Septem. 13. 1642. Together with the names of the chief of the rebels that were slain at the said overthrow.
  • 48758
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    A true relation of some remarkeable passages concerning Nottingham-shire petition and His Majesties answer also the ill usage of the Linconshire gentlmen at Yortk who delivered their petition / written from an esquire of Nottingham-shire ... and sent to his brother dwelling in London ; whereunto is added His Majesties message sent to the Parliament Aprill 8, 1642 concerning his resolution to go i
  • 48759
    Book Info
    A true relation of some remarkeable passages concerning Nottingham-shire petition, and His Majesties answer. Also the ill usage of the Linconshire gentlmen at York, who delivered their petition. Written from an esquire of Nottingham-shire (being one of the gentlemen who presented their petition at York) and sent to his brother, dwelling in London.
  • 48760
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    A true relation of the Earle of Warwicks encounter personally with his owne ship against two French shippes. Also a true relation of the brave overthrow my Lord of Stamford gave to Prince Robert and his cavaleers, having but 600. horse and foot against 1300. of the princes, being done in Harborow. Likewise newes from Ireland, with a relation of One