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총 52,377건 중 48,761 - 48,780건 출력
  • 48761
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    A true relation of the Lord Brookes setling of the militia in Warwick shire Sent to a speciall friend in the city, by one that was there present.
  • 48762
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    A true relation of the Lord Brookes setling of the militia in Warwicke shire. Sent to a speciall friend in the city, by one that was there present..
  • 48763
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    A true relation of the apprehension of the Lord Digby, as hee was intending his iourney and shipped for France, intercepted by Sir Iohn Pennington, vice admirall of his Maiesties fleet, and by him detained prisoner. With a bloody plot politically intended against the Parliament, by certaine papists and their adherents. As also the opposition made b
  • 48764
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    A true relation of the army set out by the county of Essex under the command of the Right Honourable Earle of Warwick for the defence of the King and Parliament containing 12000 horse and foot, most of them having set out themselves at their owne costs and charges : also the names of such gentlemen as are nominated to levy the said army in that county and be commanders of it and the severall plac
  • 48765
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    A true relation of the army set out by the county of Essex, under the command of the Right Honourable, Robert Earle of Warwick: for the defence of the King and Parliament, containing 12000. horse and foot, most of them having set out themselves at their owne costs and charges. Also the names of such gentlemen as are nominated to levy the said army
  • 48766
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    A true relation of the barbarous crueltie of divers of the bloudy caveleers, as in all parts; so more especially and principally, now in the county of Northampton where they fight kill and slay, and commit other horrible execrable and detestable insolencies and outrages, as may be seene by the examinations of diverse persons taken. Before, Laurence
  • 48767
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    A true relation of the chiefe passages betweene Mr. Anthony Wotton, and Mr. George Walker, in the yeare of our Lord 1611. and in the yeares next following untill 1615. Written by George Walker, out of his owne papers which he hath yet to shew; for the vindicating of himselfe from some imputations laid on him by Mr. Thomas Gataker, in his defence of
  • 48768
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    A true relation of the chiefe passages in Ireland from the 25th of April to this present as the retaking of the Newry from the rebels by the Lord Conway and Munroe, the Scotch commander : likewise the taking of the towne and castle of Carlingford ... : also the taking of Narrow Water Castle ... / by T.A. and P.G.
  • 48769
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    A true relation of the chiefe passages in Ireland from the 25th of April to this present as the retaking of the Newry from the rebels by the Lord Conway and Munroe, the Scotch commander : likewise the taking of the towne and castle of Carlingford ... : also the taking of Narrow Water Castle ... / by T.A. and P.G.
  • 48770
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    A true relation of the chiefe passages in Ireland, from the 25th of April to this present. As the retaking of the Newry from the rebels, by the Lord Conway, and Munroe the Scotch commander. Likewise the taking of the towne and castle of Carlingford, by a ship that came from Knockfergus, with ten or twelve of the chiefe commanders. Also the taking o
  • 48771
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    A true relation of the late battaile before Worcester, taken on Sunday last, Sept. 25 by a gentleman of the Innes of Court, (now in his Excellences armie) from the mouthes of Master Nathaniel Fynes, and many other commanders who were in the said skirmish, and sent up to Master Pym.
  • 48772
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    A true relation of the late expedition into Kent by the appointment of both Houses of Parliament. As it was expressed in a letter from a man of good credit, who was in the action, dated from Dover the 29. of August, 1642. Wherein my Lord Roper, and Sir Peter Ricault, were taken into custody and confined unto Upner Castle, and likewise how we tooke
  • 48773
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    A true relation of the late expedition of the right honorable, the Earl of Ormond, and Sir Charles Coote, Knight, and Baronet, into the severall counties of Kildare, Queens county, Kings county, and the county of Catherlagh, made by a person of very good note, and a commander in that army. April. 29. Whereunto is added, an order by the House of Com
  • 48774
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    A true relation of the late occurrences in Ireland in two letters; one brought over by a noble gentleman, Sir Hards Waller, of a sharpe skirmish there happened the 29. of Iune last, betwixt the Right Honourable the Lord Inchguin, Captain William Jephton, and Sir William Courtney, of the English party, and the rebels on the other side in the provinc
  • 48775
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    A true relation of the late proceedings of the London Dragoneers, sent down to Oxford, consisting of foure companies under the command of Sir Iohn Seaton. The captaines of which companies that were appointed in the said expedition, were as followeth, viz. Serjeant Major Lee. Captaine Stackhouse. Captaine Wilson. Captaine Mason.
  • 48776
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    A true relation of the latest occurrences in Ireland. Sent from the postmaster there, to a friend of his in London. Dated in Ireland, August 17. 1642
  • 48777
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    A true relation of the latest occurrences in Ireland. Sent from the postmaster there, to a friend of his in London. Dated in Ireland, August 17. 1642.
  • 48778
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    A true relation of the manner of taking of the Earl of Northampton, and 60. cavalliers by Colonell Hampden, and Colonell Goodwin, with some of the Lord Brookes his forces, together with the assistance of the sheriffe and trained bands of Northampton-shire, at Deintry in the said county of Northampton on Munday last, as it was presented to the speak
  • 48779
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    A true relation of the passages of Gods providence in a voyage for Ireland. With the additionall forces sent for reducing of that kingdome by His Maiesie [sic], and Paliament [sic]. Wherein every daye worke is set downe faithfully by H. P. an eye-witnesse thereof, under the command of Alexander L. Forbes, Lieutenant General under the L. Brooke for
  • 48780
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    A true relation of the passages which happened at the town of Portsmouth at the late siege, which began the 12 day of August last, and was surrendered on the 7th day of September following. 1642. Written by one that was employed in that service.