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총 52,377건 중 48,781 - 48,800건 출력
  • 48781
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    A true relation of the prcsent [sic] estate of Cornwall. With the true proceedings of Captaine Pym; VVho is with his forces at Plimouth, hindering the passage of the Lord Mohone, which with seventeen thousand cavaliers, endeavoureth to joyne his forces with his Majesty. Whereunto is annexed severall remarkeable passages concerning the cavaliers beh
  • 48782
    Book Info
    A true relation of the present estate of Cornwall with the true proceedings of Captaine Pym, vvho is with his forces at Plimouth hindering the passage of the Lord Mohone, which with seventeen thousand cavaliers endeavoureth to joyne his forces with His Majesty : vvhereunto is annexed severall remarkeable passages concerning the cavaliers behaviour
  • 48783
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    A true relation of the present estate of Ireland in a letter written from one Master Peters in Dublin to one Sir Robert Iones a knight, resident in the citie of London which came to him the 17 of February, Anno Dom. 1642 : as also the flight from thence upon the coming of Captaine Pollard and some Scotch regiments against them, with the losse of the towne and all their ammunition to our English f
  • 48784
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    A true relation of the present state of Ireland, vvith the victorious proceedings of the Protestants against the rebells there: being sent in a letter to a merchant of note in London, Maij 13.
  • 48785
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    A true relation of the proceedings at Hereford by the Lord St. Iohns and his regiment there, of the Kings comming thither and his intertainment, and the late proceedings at Manchester; with the cashiring of the Earle of Derby and his forces from before that town. From the fourth of October to the eight, upon which day they left the siege. 14. Octob
  • 48786
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    A true relation of the proceedings from York and Beverley shewing the great power and strength there raised against the Parliament and Hull under the command of the Lord of Carnarvon, the Lord Rich, Colonell Fielding, Colonell Fielding, Colonell Lunsford, Capt. Butler, &c. : also the bountie of the clergie and of the gentrie in York-shire tending to the encreasing and managing of these unhappie p
  • 48787
    Book Info
    A true relation of the proceedings from York and Beverley. Shewing the great power and strength there raised against the Parliament and Hull, under the command of the Lord of Carnarvon, the Lord Rich, Colonell Fielding, Colonell Fielding, Colonell Lunsford, Capt. Butler, &c. Also the bountie of the clergie, and of the gentrie in York-shire, tending
  • 48788
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    A true relation of the proceedings of His Excellence the Earle of Essex, with his army, since his departure from these parts, in pursutie of the cavaliers. With the taking of Redding by Colonell Hampden, and Colonell Hurry with their regiments. With the departure of the Kings forces by Worcester towards Shrewsbury.
  • 48789
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    A true relation of the proceedings of the Scots and English forces in the north of Ireland sent in a letter to Mr. Tobias Siedgwicke living in London ... : vvith divers other things worthy your observation.
  • 48790
    Book Info
    A true relation of the proceedings of the Scots and English forces in the north of Ireland: sent in a letter to Mr. Tobias Siedgwicke, living in London; relating these particulars: viz. 1. Their meeting at Drumboe in the county of Antrem. 2. The manner of their march towards the Nury, with the taking of a fort neere Kilwarlin Woods. 3. The taking o
  • 48791
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    A true relation of the proceedings of the Scottish armie now in Ireland, by three letters. The first sent from Generall Major Monroe to Generall Leslie his excellence. The second writ by the major and aldermen of London-derry to Generall Major Monroe. The third sent by the earle of Antrum to Generall Major Monroe. Which letters were sent by General
  • 48792
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    A true relation of the severall passages and proceedings of Colonell Goring at Portsmouth, and how he is revolted from the Parliament, who imposed that trust in him, and keepes it for the King. How he hath shut the gates, and hath gotten a garrison of above five hundred men with great store of money and ammunition beside. Also how the Parliament ha
  • 48793
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    A true relation of the taking of Mountjoy in the county of Tyrone, by Collonell Clotworthy, having 600. of his men therewith him in Ireland. As also what was done by the remaindor of his regiment as Antrim in his absence.
  • 48794
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    A true relation of the taking of Roger Manwering Bishop of St. Davids coming from Ireland in a disguis'd habit, in the ship call'd the Eagle, the 28. of June, 1642 by Captaine John Pointz ; also a declaration of Sir Iohn Hothams proceedings at Hull ; likewise concerning the Lord Digbies coming over in the ship call'd the Providence, his being chased at sea by our ships ; and how Sir Edward Stradl
  • 48795
    Book Info
    A true relation of the taking of Roger Manwering Bishop of St. Davids coming from Ireland in a disguis'd habit, in the ship call'd the Eagle, the 28. of June, 1642. By Captaine John Pointz. Also the relation of the sudden rising of the Lord Strange in Lankashire, and of his intention of the taking of the magazine of Larpoole. Likewise concerning th
  • 48796
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    A true relation of the taking of the city of Yorke by Sir John Hotham for the King and Parliament, Sept. 16. With the description of the battell fought between Sir Iohn Hotham and the Earle of Cumberlaud [sic], and the number of men slaine on both sides. Likewise how the Earle of Cumberland, (being pursu'd) escaped out of the citie disguised like a
  • 48797
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    A true relation of the transaction of the commands of both Houses of Parliament in the execution of the militia in the county of Leicester. By the Right Honourable Henry Earle of Stamford, lord lieutenant of the said county. The honourable the Lord Ruthen, Sir Arthur Haselrigge Knight, deputy lieutenants, and others subservient to the same commands
  • 48798
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    A true relation of the treaty and ratification of the marriage concluded and agreed upon betweene our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the Grace of God, King of great Britaine, France and Ireland, and the Lady Henretta Maria daughter of France and sister to his most Christian Majestie the French King.
  • 48799
    Book Info
    A true relation of the unparaleld breach of Parliament, by his Maiesty, as is conceivd the 4 of Ianuary, 1641 being instigated therunto by unadvised counsels, under the pretence of a legall proceeding. Together with a relation of the hostile intention upon the House of Commons, by Captaine Hyde, and those other caviliers and souldiers that accompan
  • 48800
    Book Info
    A true relation of the vnparalleld breach of Parliament by His Majesty, on Tuesday the 4th. of January 1641. being instigated thereunto by unadvised counsells, under pretence of a legall proceeding. Together with a relation of the hostile intention upon the House of Commons, by Captaine Hyde, and those other caviliers and souldiers that accompanied