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총 52,377건 중 48,801 - 48,820건 출력
  • 48801
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    A true relation out of Ireland, of all the passages, and overthrowes given to the rebels, from the 1 of Iune untill the 10 of July, 1642. Sent in a letter from Captaine Iohn Gower, and ordered to be printed.
  • 48802
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    A true report of the late good successe in Ireland. From thence received in London, May 2. 1642.
  • 48803
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    A true report of the occurrences at Portsmouth from a speciall hand presented to an honorable person in London. August 15.
  • 48804
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    A trve Christian svbiect vnder an heathen prince: Or Tertullians plea for allegeance argued in time of the sixth persecution, under the Emperour Severus. Ann. Dom. 204. With a briefe application to the citizens of London, written by a Member of the House of Commons·
  • 48805
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    A trve and fvll relation of the trovbles in Lancashjere, between the Lord Strange, now Earle of Derby, and the well-affected people of that countie with their valiant resistance and full resolution : also, certain passages between the Earl of Newcastle and Captaine Hotham in York-sheire : sent to a reverend divine in London.
  • 48806
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    A trve and perfect diurnall of the most remarkeable passages in Ireland, from the second of April to this present / sent over by a gentleman of very good worth, and an eye-witnesse ; to a brother of his in London.
  • 48807
    Book Info
    A trve and perfect diurnall: of the most remarkeable passages in Ireland, from the second of April to this present. / Sent over by a gentleman of very good worth, and an eye-witnesse. To a brother of his in London.|True and perfect diurnall.
  • 48808
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    A trve copie of two letters brought by Mr. Peters this October 11 from my L. Forbes from Ireland the one to the House of Peeres the other to the House of Commons : I. declaring the wofull misery of that kingdome in all corners and quarters, II. his very happie and successefull endevours against the rebels what they have been, III. how, through Gods blessing, with five or six thousand men presentl
  • 48809
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    A trve coppy of a letter from Chester, concerning divers passages of the Lord Strange there, sent to a worthy gentleman, and read in the Hovse of Commons..
  • 48810
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    A trve copy of a letter sent unto the right honourable the lord maior of London from a Trusty friend in the army ; written on Munday morning 24 Oct. immediately after the battell.
  • 48811
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    A trve description of the pot-companion poet who is the founder of all the base and libellous pamphlets lately spread abroad : also a character of the seil-bole cook.
  • 48812
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    A trve relation of Gods providence in the province of Mvnster in delivering them from the hands of ther enemies and giving them a great victory : related in a letter / sent from a gentleman, a voluntier in the Lord Dungarvans troope to a worthy friend of his in London.
  • 48813
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    A trve relation of the chiefe passages betweene Mr. Anthony Wotton, and Mr. George Walker, in the yeare of our lord 1611, and in the yeares next following untill 1615 written by George Walker ... ; for the vindicating of himselfe from some imputations laid on him by Mr. Thomas Gataker, in his defence of Mr. Wotton.
  • 48814
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    A trve relation of the disastrous and most bloody battell, fought between the armies under his maiesty, and the Earle of Essex ... likewise, a relation of my Lord Whartons coming up post to the Parliament with newes of the happy successe of the Parliaments forces. Whereunto is added a declaration of the lords and commons assembled in Parliament, for the speedie putting this city into a posture of
  • 48815
    Book Info
    A trve relation of the miseralble [sic] estate that Ireland now standeth in manifested by a letter sent from the Lord Dungarvan, son to the Earle of Corke, to Sir Arthur Magennis, a worthy knight in England : wherein is shewed the great distresse of the Protestants there inhabiting : likwise the preparation for Ireland, by assent of both Houses of Parliament : with the great comfort that they dai
  • 48816
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    A trve relation of the passages of Gods providence in a voyage for Ireland with the additionall forces sent for reducing of that kingdome by His Maiesie [sic] and Parliament wherein every daye worke is set downe faithfully / by H. P. ... under the command of Alexander L. Forbes, Lieutenant General under the L. Brooke for that service from the 29 of June to the 29 of September 1642 ; likewise seve
  • 48817
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    A trve relation of the proceedings of His Excellence the Earle of Essex with his army, since his departure from these parts in pursuite of the cavaliers with the taking of Redding by Colonell Hampden and Colonell Hurry with their regiments : with the departure of the Kings forces by Worcester towards Shrewsbvry / by H. G
  • 48818
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    A trve relation of the proceedings of the Scottish armie now in Ireland by three letters / the first sent from General Major Monroe to Generall Leslie his excellence ; the second writ by the Major and aldermen of London-Derry to Generall Major Monroe ; the third sent by the Earle of Antrvm to Generall Major Monroe ; which letters were sent by Generall Major Monroe to Generall Leslie his excellenc
  • 48819
    Book Info
    A trve relation of the taking of Roger Manwering Bishop of St. Davids coming from Ireland in a disguis'd habit in the ship call'd the Eagle, the 28 of June, 1642 by Captaine John Pointz; also the relation of the sudden rising of the Lord Strange in Lankashire, and of his intention of the taking of the magazine of Larpoole ; likewise concerning the Lord Digbies coming over in the ship call'd the P
  • 48820
    Book Info
    A trve report of the late good svccesse in Ireland from thence received in London, May 2, 1642.