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총 52,377건 중 48,841 - 48,860건 출력
  • 48841
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    Terrible newes from York sent in a letter to London concerning great and weighty affairs of high cousequence allo [sic] a great mutiny and uprore which hapned in the city of York at twelve of the clock at night by threescore rogues which rose with clubs and bils, animated on by some great person against 20 men of good quality who lodged there on Sunday night : with some passages concerning the K
  • 48842
    Book Info
    Terrible newes from York sent in a letter to London concerning great and weighty affairs of high cousequence [sic]. Allo [sic], a great mutiny and uprore, which hapned in the city of York, at twelve of the clock at night by threescore rogues which rose with clubs and bils, animated on by some great person, against 20 men of good quality, who lodged
  • 48843
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    Thankes to the Parliament
  • 48844
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    Thankes to the Parliament.
  • 48845
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    Thankes to the Parliament.
  • 48846
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    Thankes to the Parliament.
  • 48847
    Book Info
    That great expedition for Ireland by way of underwriting proposed, by both Houses of Parliament and graciously assented unto by His Maiesty is heere vindicated as pious, charitable, iust, politicke, profitable : and obiections to the contrary clearely answered / by one who heartily wisheth the speedy promotion of this proposition of underwriting as
  • 48848
    Book Info
    That great expedition for Ireland by way of underwriting proposed, by both Houses of Parliament and graciously assented unto by His Maiesty is heere vindicated as pious, charitable, iust, politicke, profitable : and obiections to the contrary clearely answered / by one who heartily wisheth the speedy promotion of this proposition of underwriting as almost the onely remedy.
  • 48849
    Book Info
    That great expedition for Ireland by way of underwriting proposed, by both Houses of Parliament, and graciously assented unto by His Maiesty is heere vindicated as pious, charitable, iust, politicke, profitable. And obiections to the contrary clearely answered, by one who heartily wisheth the speedy promotion of this proposition of underwriting, as
  • 48850
    Book Info
    That great expedition for Ireland by way of underwriting proposed, by both Houses of Parliament, and graciously assented unto by His Maiesty is heere vindicated as pious, charitable, iust, politicke, profitable. And obiections to the contrary clearely answered, by one who heartily wisheth the speedy promotion of this proposition of underwriting, as almost the onely remedy.
  • 48851
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    The Taking of the castle of Portsmovth with the circumstances thereof : exprest in a letter dated Septemb. 6, from A clarke in the leaguer.
  • 48852
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    The Taking of the castle of Portsmovth; with the circumstances thereof : exprest in a letter dated Septemb. 6, from a clarke in the leaguer.
  • 48853
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    The Times dissected. Or, A learned discovrse of severall occvrrences very worthy of speciall observation, to deter evill men, and incourage good.|Learned discovrse of severall occvrrences very worth of speciall observation|Times
  • 48854
    Book Info
    The True and last newes from Ireland as it was delivered by a gentleman of great credit, who was himselfe and wife prisoners unto the rebels for the space of 13 weekes, heere unto the towne of Drogheda, in the north of that kingdome : containing a true relation of the brave achievements of the honourable, Francis Moore, brother to the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Moore, Lord Viscount of Droghed
  • 48855
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    The True and originall copy of the first petition which was delivered by Sir David Watkins, Mr. Shute who were accompanied with Mr. Burrowes, M. Peters, Mr. Goodwin, and fourescore and fifteene more who framed this petition upon the grounds of the late protestation which they had formerly taken : vvhich petition was delivered to the honourable House of Commons on Thursday the first of December, 1
  • 48856
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    The True proceedings of the severall counties of Yorke, Couentry, Portsmovth, Cornewall with an abstract of a letter sent from one of the Earle of Warwicks gentlemen concerning divers weighty matters, 22 August, 1642.
  • 48857
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    The True relation of the entertainment of my Lord of Essex at Northampton with the just number of horse and foot that flockt from neighbouring countries to assist his person : also the relation of 4 Holland ships that purposely arrived thither for to help his Excellency in his pretended proceedings : with just number of men, ammunition and money they brought over : here is likewise the true relat
  • 48858
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    The True state and condition of the kingdom of Ireland sent to the House of Commons from their committee there whose names are signed thereto viz. Robert Reynolds, Robert Goodwyn, both members of the said House : also the true relation of the great victory the Protestants in that kingdom lately had against the rebels there : sent in a letter by Sir
  • 48859
    Book Info
    The True state and condition of the kingdom of Ireland sent to the House of Commons from their committee there whose names are signed thereto viz. Robert Reynolds, Robert Goodwyn, both members of the said House : also the true relation of the great victory the Protestants in that kingdom lately had against the rebels there : sent in a letter by Sir Richard Greenvill to the said committee who hath
  • 48860
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    The Truest and most reall relation of the apprehension of three most notorious rebels in Ireland brought to the Parliament in England viz : the Lord Magwire, Collonel Read cosin germin to Tyrone, Captain Mac Mallion brother to Philomy O Neale : the relation being truly taken from their own mouthes word for word as followeth : with the true decription how they were first taken neer Dublin apprehen