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총 52,377건 중 48,881 - 48,900건 출력
  • 48881
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    The troublesome life and raigne of King Henry the Third wherein five distempers and maladies are set forth ... : sutable to these unhappie times of ours, and continued with them till the King tied his actions to the rules of his great and good councell, and not to passionate and single advice.
  • 48882
    Book Info
    The troublesome life and raigne of King Henry the Third wherein five distempers and maladies are set forth ... : sutable to these unhappie times of ours, and continued with them till the King tied his actions to the rules of his great and good councell, and not to passionate and single advice.
  • 48883
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    The troublesome life and raigne of King Henry the Third. Wherein five distempers and maladies are set forth. Viz. 1. By the Pope and church-mens extortions. 2. By the places of best trust bestowed upon unworthy members. 3. By patents and monopolies for private favourites. 4. By needlesse expences and pawning of jewels. 5. By factious Lords and ambi
  • 48884
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    The troublesome life and raigne of King Henry the Third. Wherein five distempers and maladies are set forth. Viz. 1. By the Pope and church-mens extortions. 2. By the places of best trust bestowed upon unworthy members. 3. By patents and monopolies for private favourites. 4. By needlesse expences and pawning of jewels. 5. By factious Lords and ambitious peeres. Sutable to these unhappie times of
  • 48885
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    The true English Protestants apology against the blacke-mouth'd obloquie of ignorance and innovation. Necessary to support the weak, to confirm the strong, to instruct the ignorant, and stop the mouth of the adversary. Wherby the Church of England is in some part vindicated from the oduous accusations of popery, supersitions, and idolatry. Preached
  • 48886
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    The true Protestants prayer or the godly mans supplication unto Almihgty [sic] God, for the afflicted Church in Ireland. Composed by that learned and religious divine, Francis Cook Batchelor in Divinity, and preacher at Yoxall in Stafford-shire. Humbly desiring all godly Christians, for the Lord Christs sake, to joyne with him in prayer for the aff
  • 48887
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    The true and last newes from Ireland. As it was delivered by a gentleman of great credit, who was himselfe and wife prisoners unto the rebels for the space of 13 weekes, neere unto the towne of Drogheda, in the north of that kingdome. Comtaining a true relation of the brave atchievements of the honourable, Francis Moore, brother to the right honour
  • 48888
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    The true and originall copy of the first petition which was delivered by sir David Watkins, Mr. Shute, who were accompanied with Mr. Burrowes, M. Peters, Mr. Goodwin, and fourescore and fifteene more, who framed this petition upon the grounds of the late protestation which they had formerly taken. VVhich petition was delivered to the honourable Hou
  • 48889
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    The true constitution of a particular visible church, proved by Scripture. Wherein is briefly demonstrated by questions and answers what officers, worship, and government Christ hath ordained in his church. / By that reverend and learned divine, Mr. Iohn Cotton, B.D. and pastor of Boston in New England.
  • 48890
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    The true constitution of a particular visible church, proved by Scripture. Wherein is briefly demonstrated by questions and answers what officers, worship, and government Christ hath ordained in his church. / By that reverend and learned divine, Mr. Iohn Cotton, B.D. and pastor of Boston in New England.
  • 48891
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    The true constitvtion of a particular visible church, proved by scripture wherein is briefly demonstrated by questions and answers what officers, worship, and government Christ hath ordained in his chvrch / by that reverend and learned divine, Mr. Iohn Cotton ...
  • 48892
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    The true copie of a letter importing divers passages of high and dangerous consequence. VVritten by one Master Tempest a grand recusant, to his brother master John Tempest, likewise a papist and an officer in the Kings army. Which letter was intercepted at Manchester, and sent to a member of the House of Commons to be made known to the House, and w
  • 48893
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    The true copie of a letter sent from Sir Ralph Hopton, Col. Ashburnham, and Sir Iohn Berkley ; to Mr. Christopher Clarke, Major of the city of Excester [sic] for the laying down their armes, raysed for the Parliament, and the delivering up the city to the King : with the answer which the Major returned to them.
  • 48894
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    The true copie of a letter written by Captain Wingate, now prisoner in Ludlow, taken by the malignant partie, in the late battaile fought at Worcester, and sent to a member of the Hoble house of Commons. Setting forth the inhumane, barbarous and savage cruelties towards him, and how he was compelled to ride through the army naked: with his resoluti
  • 48895
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    The true coppy of the complaint of Roderyck Mors, sometime a gray Fryer, unto the Parliament House of England, about an hundred yeares agoe, when the Bishop of Rome being banish'd out of the realme, the Bishops of England acted his part by power of the old Romish canon, newly translated into English law.
  • 48896
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    The true copy of a letter sent from Portsmouth by George Guillims to Mr. Robert VVhitney dwelling in Herefordshire; and intercepted amongst others by some of the Parliaments troops: vvhereby it doth plainly appeare that the papists or malignant party, doe seeke out all wayes and meanes to work the ruine and destruction of the Protestants.
  • 48897
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    The true demands of the rebells in Ireland. Declaring the causes of their taking up armes. Sent into England by Sir Phelom O-Neale, their generall: to the Honorable and High Court of Parliament. Vlster, February 1.0. [sic] 1641. Published for prventing [sic] false copies already extant, or that may be hereafter printed. Avowed by R.P. Gent.
  • 48898
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    The true diurnall occurrances [sic] or The heads of the proceedings of both houses of Parliament
  • 48899
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    The true diurnall occurrances [sic] or The heads of the proceedings of both houses of Parliament
  • 48900
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    The true effigies of Sr John Hotham of Hotham in Yorke sh.ro Kt. one of the Members of the Hon.ble House of Comons [sic], and governour of Hull &c.