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총 52,377건 중 48,921 - 48,940건 출력
  • 48921
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    The trve Protestant sovldier, fighting valiantly under truths banner, and by the glorious light of Gods word overthrowing the strongest bulwarkes, and subtle stratagems of the Church of Rome. / By Hamnet Warde.
  • 48922
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    The trve copie of His Maiesties gracious pardon which His Majestie hath lately sent and now once againe doth offer to all his loving subjects as it is mentioned in one of the propositions if yet they will forbeare to take up or levy any more armes in a hostile manner against his person, crowne, and dignity : excepting such persons which have been f
  • 48923
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    The trve copie of a letter importing divers passages of high and dangerous consequence written by one Master Tempest ... to his brother Master John Tempest ... ; which letter was intercepted at Manchester and sent to a member of the House of Commons to be made known to the House, and was accordingly read at the committee for the safety of the kingdome ; with divers remarkable passages from Shrews
  • 48924
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    The trve copie of a letter written by Captain Wingate ...; setting forth the inhumane barbarous and savage cruelties towards him and how he was compelled to ride through the army naked; with his resolution to die in Parliaments cause ; whereunto is added the Kings Majesties speech at Shrewsbury on Michaelmas eve to the gentry and commons of the cou
  • 48925
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    The trve law of free monarchy, or, The reciprocall and mutuall duty betvvixt a free king and his naturall subjects by a well affected subject of the kingdome of Scotland.
  • 48926
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    The trve law of free monarchy, or, The reciprocall and mutuall duty betvvixt a free king and his naturall subjects by a well affected subject of the kingdome of Scotland.
  • 48927
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    The trve originall of the sovlle proving both by divine and naturall reason that the production of mans soule is neither by creation nor propagation but a certain meane way between both : wherein the doctrine of originall sinne and the purity of Christs incarnation is also more fully cleared then hath been heretofore published / by H.W.
  • 48928
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    The trve petition of Colonel Hvme as it was presented to the Lords assembled in the high court of Parliament being then one of the poore brethren of the famous foundation of the Charter house : declaring to their lordships that if they would be pleased to imploy him for the businesse in Ireland and let him have but sixscore or an hundred instruments of war : which he should give direction for to
  • 48929
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    The tvvo petitions of the Buckingham-shire men delivered the XIth of January one to the Peers, the other to the House of Commons, in the behalfe of Mr. Hampden, burgesse for their shire, &c. They being 4000. that came on horseback to deliver them. And also a relation of the free and voluntary offers of the trayned bands of the City of London; of th
  • 48930
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    The twelve bishops called to the Parliament, to answere the manifold articles whereof they were impeached. Ian. 17. With votes of both Houses that passed upon a conference concerning the accused bishops. Likewise an order from the Parliament directed to the sheriffes of Berkshire, Surrey, and Hampshire, in apprehension of Colonel Lunsford, and the
  • 48931
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    The two petitions of the County of Buckingham, as they were presented to both Houses, by knights, esquiers, captaines, and gentlemen, with a very great number of freeholders, being the true copy as it was presented to the Houses of Parliament January 11. 1641.
  • 48932
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    The two petitions of the county of VVarwick and coventry, as they were presented to both houses, by knights, esquires, gentlemen and freeholders, in the behalfe of themselves, and many others of the said county, being the true copy as it was presented to the Houses of Parliament. February 12 1641.
  • 48933
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    The two petitions of the inhabitants of the county of Buckingham presented to the honorable House of Parliament, by knights, esquires, captains, gentlemen, and free-holders, about 6000 in number : January 11, 1641 [i.e. 1642].
  • 48934
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    The two petitions of the knights, gentlemen, and free-holders of the county of Oxon together with the two petitions of the knights, gentlemen, ministers, free-holders, and other inhabitants of the county of Kent, as they were presented to both Houses of parliament on the eighth, and ninth of February.
  • 48935
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    The two speeches of the Lord Wharton, spoken in Guild-Hall, Octob. 27, 1642 in which are contained a full and true relation of the battell betweene the two armies at Kinton : corrected by the authors owne hand.
  • 48936
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    The two speeches of the Lord Wharton, spoken in Guild-Hall, Octob. 27. 1642. In which are contained a full and true relation of the battell betweene the two armies at Kinton. Corrected by the authors owne hand.
  • 48937
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    The tyranny of Satan discovered by the teares of a converted sinner in a sermon preached in Paules Church on the 28 of August, 1642 / by Thomas Gage ...
  • 48938
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    The tyranny of Satan, discovered by the teares of a converted sinner, in a sermon preached in Paules Church, on the 28 of August, 1642. By Thomas Gage, formerly a Romish Priest, for the space of 38 yeares, and now truly reconciled to the Church of England.
  • 48939
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    This last ages looking-glasse, or, Englands sad elligie by S. H.
  • 48940
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    This last ages looking-glasse: or Englands sad elligie. By S. H.