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총 52,377건 중 49,181 - 49,200건 출력
  • 49181
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    To the seduced partie of the citizens of London.
  • 49182
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    To the supreme authority of England, the Commons assembled in Parliament. The humble addresse of Thomas Devenish
  • 49183
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    Tom Nash his ghost the three scurvy fellowes of the upstart family of the snufflers, rufflers, and shufflers : the thrice treble-troublesome scufflers in the church and state, the onely lay ecclesi-ass, I call generallissimos : being like Jobs 3. comforters, or the churches 3. anti-disciples, the clergies 3. persecuters, the states 3. hers-leeches, the devils 3. chaplaines : namely, the Anabaptis
  • 49184
    Book Info
    Tom Nash his ghost. To the three scurvy fellowes of the upstart family of the snufflers, rufflers and shufflers; the thrice treble-troublesome scufflers in the church and state, the onely lay ecclesi-ass, I call generallissimo's. Being like Jobs 3. comforters, or the churches 3. anti-disciples, the clergies 3. persecuters, the states 3. hors-leeche
  • 49185
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    Tom-Tell-Troth, or A free discourse touching the murmurs of the times directed to His Majesty, by way of humble advertisement.
  • 49186
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    Tom-Tell-Troth, or A free discourse touching the murmurs of the times, directed to His Majesty, by way of humble advertisement.
  • 49187
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    Tom-tell-troth, or, A free discovrse tovching the mvrmvrs of the times directed to His Majesty by way of hvmble advertisement.
  • 49188
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    Treason discovered from Holland, or, A discoverie of a most damnable and divellish attempt of two Iesuites and three other Catholiques against the life and person of the Ladie Elisabeth with the manner and means of their prevention, as also, the names of the Iesuites and the rest of the conspirators : likevvise, a true report of the mercie of God shewed in the most unexpected deliverance of the c
  • 49189
    Book Info
    Treason discovered from Holland: or, A discoverie, of a most damnable and divellish attempt of two Iesuites and three other Catholiques, against the life and person of the Ladie Elisabeth. With, the manner and means of their prevention; as also, the names of the Iesuites, and the rest of the conspirators. Likevvise, a true report of the mercie of G
  • 49190
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    Trigonometry: or, The doctrine of triangles. First written in Latine, by Bartholomevv Pitiscus of Grunberg in Silosia, and now translated into English, by Ra: Handson. Whereunto is added (for the mariners use) certaine nauticall questions, together with the finding of the variation of the compasse. All performed arithmetically, without map, sphaere
  • 49191
    Book Info
    Trigonometry: or, The doctrine of triangles. First written in Latine, by Bartholomevv Pitiscus of Grunberg in Silosia, and now translated into English, by Ra: Handson. Whereunto is added (for the mariners use) certaine nauticall questions, together with the finding of the variation of the compasse. All performed arithmetically, without map, sphære, globe, or astrolabe, by the said R.H.
  • 49192
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    True and happie newes from Yorkshire declaring the resolution of the lords, knights, and gentry of the county of York, agreed upon at the last assizes holden and kept at the said city : and by some of the gentry presented to the Kings Majesty and to both House of Parliament : together with the House of Commons answer to the same : ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assmbled [sic], that
  • 49193
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    True and happy newes from Worcester read in the honourable House of Commons, Septem. 24, 1642 sent in a letter from His Excellencie the Earle of Essex upon Saturday the 24 of September, 1642 to the House of Commons : wherein is declared a famous victory by Master Fines a member
  • 49194
    Book Info
    True and happy newes from Worcester. Read in the honourable House of Commons, Septem. 24. 1642. Sent in a letter from His Excellencie the Earle of Essex upon Saturday the 24 of September, 1642. to the House of Commons. Wherein is declared a famous victory by Master Fines a member of the House of Commons over Prince Robert, who came to the said city
  • 49195
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    True and happy news from Ireland being the coppy of a letter / vvritten from Sir W. Saintliger lord president of Munster, to the lord lievtenant of Ireland ; relating severall vallorous defeats given to the rebels, wherein many of them were slaine, the rest put to flight and much pillage taken ; read in the honorable House of Commons on Tuseday, Ap
  • 49196
    Book Info
    True and happy news from Ireland, being the coppy of a letter vvritten from Sir W. Saintliger lord president of Munster, to the lord lieutenant of Ireland. Relating severall vallorous defeats given to the rebels, wherein many of them were slaine, the rest put to flight and much pillage taken. Read in the honorable House of Commons on Tuseday Aprill
  • 49197
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    True and ioyfull newes from Exceter. Shewing how Sir Ralph Hopton, Sir Bevill Greenvill, with divers of the Cornish malignants, made their approaches thither. With five thousand horse and foot, intending to plunder that great and rich city: and how they were manfully repulst by the valour of the citizens. With the losse of fifteene hundred of their
  • 49198
    Book Info
    True and ioyfvll newes from Exceter shewing how Sir Ralph Hopton, Sir Bervill Greenvill, with divers of the Cornish malignants, made their approaches thither : with five thousand horse and foot, intending to plunder that
  • 49199
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    True and joyfull news from His Majestie being a true and exact relation of His Majesties most gracious message and propositions for a treaty to reconcil the differences betweene His Majestie and the Parliament : presented to both Houses ... on Saturday the 27. of August 1642 ...
  • 49200
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    True and nevv nevves with an example from VVarwick Castle, and also from other parts, especially upon the anti-round-heads. And also some other debosh't malignant, and profane persons, where-in Gods judgements are exemplified to ful as a just warning to all those that make a game or mocke of religion. With a true relation of Sir Edward Peto's hangi