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총 52,377건 중 49,221 - 49,240건 출력
  • 49221
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    True nevves from Devonshire, and Cornwall. Being a collection of severall letters sent to the gentlemen and attorneyes of Lyons-Inne in London, this weeke by the last post, from the westerne counties of England. And composed together by the gentlemen of the said June, for the better satisfaction of the whole kingdome, and to prevent future and fals
  • 49222
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    True nevves from Norvvich: being a certaine relation how that the cathedrall blades of Norwich (on the 22. of February 1641. being Shrove-tuesday, did put themselves into a posture of defence, because that the apprentices of Norwich (as they imagined) would have pulled down their organs. In which relation the foolishnesse of these cathedrall men ar
  • 49223
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    True nevves from Portsmouth being Colonell Goring his speech delivered to the soldiers in Portsmouth before his shutting up the gates : wherein he labours to withdraw their hearts and mindes from their fidelitie to the Parliament : also the information of a coachman, given into the house, concerning his carrying down many gentlemen and moneyes to Portsmouth : with the discovery of the Earl of Por
  • 49224
    Book Info
    True nevves from Yorke. Consisting of severall matters of note, and high concernment, since the 13. of Iune, concerning these severall heads, viz. Concerning 1. Sir Iohn Meldrun. 2. L. Marq. Hamilton. 3. Earle of Newcastle. 4. Earle of Warwick. 5. Lord Willoughbie. 6. Duke of Richmond. 7. L. Marq. Hertford. 8. Earle of Bristoll. 9. Lord Paget. Wher
  • 49225
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    True newes from Harborough in Leichestershire, declaring how the Earle of Stamford met with Prince Robert as he was plundering the said towne also how the said Earle of Stamford fell upon them ... : likewise the true proceedings of the Parliaments forces in those parts of the evill-affected party and malignant spirits of their kingdome.
  • 49226
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    True newes from Hull. Being a perfect relation of a conspiracy there by divers cavaliers comming in disguised habits, and entring themselves as souldiers, who intended to have surprised the tovvne, and to have killed Sir Iohn Hotham. With the manner how their wicked purpose was discovered, and they delivered up to safe custody. By R.C.
  • 49227
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    True newes from Ireland, sent in a letter to a friend at the Meare-maide in Cheap-side.
  • 49228
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    True newes from Ireland, sent in a letter to a friend at the Meare-maide in Cheap-side.
  • 49229
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    True newes from Munster in Ireland, being a copy of a letter sent to the Countesse of Thomond in Northamptonshire. Cork the fourth of Iune 1642.
  • 49230
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    True newes from Portsmouth. Being, Colonell Goring his speech, delivered to the soldiers in Portsmouth, before his shutting up the gates; wherein he labours to withdraw their hearts and mindes from their fidelitie to the Parliament. Also, the information of a coachman, given into the house, concerning his carrying down many gentlemen and moneyes to
  • 49231
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    True newes from Somerset-shire.
  • 49232
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    True newes from Somerset-shire.
  • 49233
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    True newes from our navie now at sea shewing the most remarkable passages there since His Excellency the Earl of Warwicks departure thence, including these particulars : namely, the taking of a ship neere to silley, laden with ammunition from Saint Maloes, and bound for Sir Ralph Hopton in Cornwall : the intercepting divers letters, from the malignant fugitives, to divers in the Kings army : the
  • 49234
    Book Info
    True newes from our navie, now at sea: shewing the most remarkable passages there since His Excellency the Earl of Warwicks departure thence, including these particulars. Namely, the taking of a ship neere to Silley, laden with ammunition from Saint Maloes, and bound for Sir Ralph Hopton in Cornwall. The intercepting divers letters, from the malign
  • 49235
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    True newes out of Herefordshire being a certaine and exact relation of a battell fought betweene the Lord Marquesse Hertford, the Lord Herbert, and their cavaliers in number six thousand men : against the Earle of Stamford and his forces in those parts, being the trained bands of that countrey, and others adjoyning : as also some companies left there with the saud Earl of Stamford, by his Excelle
  • 49236
    Book Info
    True newes out of Herefordshire. Being a certaine and exact relation, of a battell fought betweene the Lord Marquesse Hertford, the Lord Herbert, and their cavaliers, in number six thousand men. Against the Earle of Stamford, and his forces in those parts; being the trained bands of that countrey, and others adjoyning. As also some companies left t
  • 49237
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    True news from Oxford. Being a relation of the magnificent valour of the scholars in number 500. compleatly armed; the more encouraged in respect of the presence of the Lord Lov[e]lace and Lord Wilmot, who for manifold achievements stiled them with the title of heroicke cavaleers. Sent in a letter by a scholar in the university to a brother of his
  • 49238
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    True, but sad and dolefull newes from Shrevvesbury. Expressed in two severall letters: whereof, the one was written to a gentleman of the Inner-Temple: the other, to a friend in London, relating at large the severall passages of the late skirmish at or near Worcester, between a party of each army, viz. Under the command of Prince Robert on the one
  • 49239
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    Trust a papist and trust the Devill, or, no vvit to a womans: a reall relation of a romish priest, who to obtain his desire upon a married wife, not far from Yorke, would fain have perswaded her, that adultery was but a veniall sin, with a copy of a letter from the recusant to the woman, also her answer to it, and she revealing it to her husband. A
  • 49240
    Book Info
    Trust a papist and trust the devill, or, No vvit to a womans a reall relation of a Romish priest, who to obtain his desire upon a married wife not far from Yorke, would fain have perswaded her, that adultery was but a veniall sin : with a copy of a letter from the recusant to the woman : also her answer to it and the revealing it to her husband : also the manner how the husband with some of his n