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총 52,377건 중 49,241 - 49,260건 출력
  • 49241
    Book Info
    Trusty and well belo[ved]
  • 49242
    Book Info
    Truth and peace honestly pleaded, and rightly sought for: or, A loyall subjects advice. Usefull to [brace] confirm convince calme condemne honest ignorant passionate malicious [brace] men. By A true lover of God and King Charles.
  • 49243
    Book Info
    Truth in two letters by a man worth from the regiment of Colonell Browne, upon the designes of, Marblorovv [sic] and VVinchester. With the manner of all the proceedings since they went out upon that service. Not written by any pot poet. But by an honest true hearted citizen, who serves more in conscience then covetousnesse.
  • 49244
    Book Info
    Truthes from severall parts of the kingdome since Munday the one and thirtieth of October to this present from Warwicke, Banbury, Oxford, Redding, Daintry, Exeter, Chester and London : also an order concerning the preparing of Heads of an humble addresse to His Majestie.
  • 49245
    Book Info
    Truthes from severall parts of the kingdome, since Munday, the one and thirtieth of October, to this present. From Warwicke, Banbury, Oxford, Redding, Daintry, Exeter, Chester, and London. Also an order concerning the preparing of Heads of an humble addresse to His Majestie.
  • 49246
    Book Info
    Truths from Leicester and Notingham August 1, anno Dom. 1642.
  • 49247
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    Truths from Leicester and Notingham, August 1. anno Dom. 1642.
  • 49248
    Book Info
    Trve and nevv nevves with an example from Warwick Castle, and also from other parts, especially upon the antiround-heads : and also some other debosh't maglignant and profane persons, wherein God's judgements are exemplified to ful as a just warning to all those that make a game or mocke of religion : with a true relation of Sir Edward Petro's hanging out his winding sheet and the Bible in his co
  • 49249
    Book Info
    Trve inteligence from Dublin, April the 3, touching those important passages have happened thereabouts as also the death of Sr. Simon Harcut an honourable gentleman : together with a worthy relation from Deane Barnard concerning severall remarkable particulars of Gods mercy towards our forces in the county of Louth : and the taking in of Ardee and
  • 49250
    Book Info
    Trve intelligence from Ireland being two letters sent from Dublin by men of good repute the 25 of Aprill 1642, by the last post : vvherein is related the victorious proceedings of the Protestants against the rebells in Ireland.
  • 49251
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    Trve intelligence from Ireland dated from Dublin the second of April, and received here the eleventh.
  • 49252
    Book Info
    Trve intelligence from Ireland relating many passages of consequence betweene the Protestants and the rebels : by way of daily occurrences / exactly taken by a gentleman of good repute in Dublin, and sent by the last poast, from thence to a friend in London ; together with an order of the House of Peeres.
  • 49253
    Book Info
    Trve intelligence from Ireland relating many passages of consequence betweene the Protestants and the rebels : by way of daily occurrences / exactly taken by a gentleman of good repute in Dublin, and sent by the last poast, from thence to a friend in London ; together with an order of the House of Peeres.
  • 49254
    Book Info
    Trve intelligence from Ireland. Being two letters sent from Dublin by men of good repute the 25 of Aprill 1642. by the last post. VVherein is related the victorious proceedings of the Protestants against the rebells in Ireland.
  • 49255
    Book Info
    Trve intelligence from Lincolne-shire discovered by a letter to a private gentleman : presented to the view and consideration of the peaceably minded.
  • 49256
    Book Info
    Trve nevves from Yorke consisting of severall matters of note, and high concernment since the 13 of Iune : concerning these severall heads, viz. : concerning 1. Sir Iohn Meldrun, 2. L. Marq. Hamilton, 3. Earl of Newcastle, 4. Earle of Warwick, 5. Lord Willoughbit, 6. Duke of Richmond, 7. L. Marq. Hertford, 8. Earle of Bristoll, 9. Lord Paget : whereunto is added newes from Ireland, viz. : concern
  • 49257
    Book Info
    Trve newes from Hull being a perfect relation of a conspiracy there by divers cavaliers coming in disguised habits, and entring themselves as souldiers, who intended to have surprised the tovvne, and to have killed Sir Iohn Hotham : with the manner how their wicked purpose was discovered, and they delivered up to safe custody / by R.C.
  • 49258
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    Trve newes from Mvnster in Ireland being a copy of a letter sent to the Countesse of Thomond in Northamptonshire : Cork the fourth of Iune 1642.
  • 49259
    Book Info
    Trve news from Oxford being a relation of the magnificent valour of the scholars in number 500 compleatly armed : the more encouraged in respect of the presence of the Lord Lov-lace and Lord Wilmont who for by a scholar in the university to a brother of his in London.
  • 49260
    Book Info
    Trvth and peace honestly pleaded, and rightly sought for, or, A loyall subjects advice vsefvll to confirm, convince, calme, condemne honest ignorant passionate malicious men / by A true lover of God and King Charles.