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총 52,377건 중 49,261 - 49,280건 출력
  • 49261
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    Trvth in two letters by a man worth from the regiment of Colonell Browne, upon the designes of Marblorovv and VVinchester : with the manner of all the proceedings since they went out upon that service : not written by any pot poet, but by an honest true hearted citizen, who serves more in conscience then covetousnesse.
  • 49262
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    Turn-over and read, and after reading censure.
  • 49263
    Book Info
    Turn-over and read, and after reading censvre
  • 49264
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    Tvvo declarations of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament the one concerning His Majesties late proclamation for the suppressing of the present rebellion ... : the other for the raising of all power, and force ... to leade against all traitors, and their adherents ...
  • 49265
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    Tvvo letters from tvvo chief officers under the command of the Earle of Ormond Particularly relating their good and happy successe in their late expedition.
  • 49266
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    Tvvo letters of great consequence to the House of Commons the one from Alisbury in Buckinghamshire, dated March 22, 1642 and signed by Col. Arthur Goodwyn, ... [et al.] ; the other from Sir William Brereton to a member of the House of Commons,
  • 49267
    Book Info
    Tvvo petitions the one presented to the honourable House of Commons from the countie Hereford May the fourth, 1642 : the other to His Majestie and the Parliament from the towne of Ludlovv in the countie of Salop.
  • 49268
    Book Info
    Tvvo petitions. The one presented to the honourable House of Commons, from the countie of Hereford May the fourth, 1642. The other, to His Majestie, and the Parliament, from the towne of Ludlovv in the countie of Salop.
  • 49269
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    Tvvo proclamations by His Excellency Robert Earl of Essex ....
  • 49270
    Book Info
    Tvvo proclamations by the King His Maiesties proclamation for the more free passage of all his loving subjects and the free carriage and conveyance of their horses, provisions, or other goods from any one place or part to another within his kingdom of England and the dominions thereof.
  • 49271
    Book Info
    Tvvo proclamations by the King. His Maiesties proclamation for the more free passage of all his loving subjects, and the free carriage and conveyance of their horses, provisions, or other goods from any one place or part to another within his kingdom of England, and the dominions thereof.
  • 49272
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    Tvvo sermons preached in the parish church of St. Giles in the fields, by way of preparative upon the Articles of the Creed by VVilliam Haywood ...
  • 49273
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    Tvvo speeches made in the House of Peers on Munday the 19 of December, for and against accomodation the one by the Earl of Pembroke ; the other by the Lord Brooke.
  • 49274
    Book Info
    Tvvo speeches spoken by the Earle of Manchester, and Iohn Pym, Esq. as a reply to His Majesties answer to the citie of Londons petition, sent from His Maiestie by Captaine Hearne, and read at a Common-Hall, on Friday the 13 of Ianuarie 1642 : also, a true narration of the passages of that day.
    Montagu Manchester
  • 49275
    Book Info
    Twenty eight propositions made by both Houses of Parliament nineteen of them to the Kings Maiestie for a reconciliation of differences between His Majesty and the said Houses : the other nine concerning the raising of horse, horsemen, and arms, for the defense of the King and both Houses of Parliament ...
  • 49276
    Book Info
    Twenty eight propositions made by both Houses of Parliament nineteen of them to the Kings Maiestie for a reconciliation of differences between His Majesty and the said Houses, the other nine concerning the raising of horse, horsemen, and arms for the defence of the King and both Houses of Parliament : also instructions for deputie lieutenants which are members of the House of Commons and other li
  • 49277
    Book Info
    Two Petitions of the knights, gentlemen, freeholders, and others of the inhabitants of the county of Hertford the one to the right honourable House of Peers : the other, to the knights, citizens, and burgesses, of the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament / delivered by at least 4000 knights, gentlemen, freeholders, and other inhabita
  • 49278
    Book Info
    Two declarations of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament one, July 12, for the preservation and saftey of the kingdom, and the town of Hull : the other, July 13, concerning the miserable distractions and grievances this kingdom now lieth in, by means of Jesuiticall and wicked councellors now about His Majesty : with an order of both Houses of Parliament to ... to raise forces to suppress
  • 49279
    Book Info
    Two declarations of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament the former being a full narration of the proceedings of the evill councellors about His Majestie in many parts of the kingdome, with the necessity that lyes upon them speedily to provide for the safety of His Majesty, and the whole realme : the other to assure the inhabitants neare Hull that they shall be fully satisfied by both Ho
  • 49280
    Book Info
    Two declarations of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament the one concerning the releasing of diverse worthy ministers and other His Maiesties good subjects in the County of Chester who are imprisoned and bound over to the next assise for resusing to obey the illegal commission of Array and yeelding obedience to the ordinance and command of Parliament : the other for the repaying of all s