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총 52,377건 중 49,361 - 49,380건 출력
  • 49361
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    Two speeches spoken by Sir Simonds D'Ewes the first touching the Antiquity of Cambridge lately published by Iohn Thomas, with many ignorant and foolish mistakes which are here rectified : the other concerning the priviledge of Parliament in causes civill and criminall.
  • 49362
    Book Info
    Two speeches spoken by Sir Simonds D'Ewes. The first touching the antiquity of Cambridge, lately published by Iohn Thomas, with many ignorant and foolish mistakes which are here rectified. The other concerning the priviledge of Parliament in causes civill and criminall.
  • 49363
    Book Info
    Two speeches spoken by Sir Simonds D'Ewes. The first touching the antiquity of Cambridge, lately published by Iohn Thomas, with many ignorant and foolish mistakes which are here rectified. The other concerning the priviledge of Parliament in causes civill and criminall.
  • 49364
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    Two speeches spoken in Parliament, by Sir Edward Hales, and Sir William Wroth: on the twentieth day of Januarie, 1641. Concerning a letter sent from his Majestie to the House of Commons, and read in the same that day.
  • 49365
    Book Info
    Two speeches spoken in Parliament, by Sir Edward Hales, and Sir William Wroth: on the twentieth day of Januarie, 1641. Concerning a letter sent from his Majestie to the House of Commons, and read in the same that day.
  • 49366
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    Two strange prophesies predicting wonderfull events to betide this yeere of danger in this clymate whereof some have already come to passe vvell worthy of note : the one being found in the reigne of King Edward the fourth : the other in the reigne of King Henry the eighth : named Mother Shipton.
  • 49367
    Book Info
    Two strange prophesies, predicting wonderfull events, to betide this yeere of danger, in this clymate, whereof some have already come to passe. Well worthy of note: the one being found in the reigne of King Edward the fourth: the other in the reigne of King Henry the eighth: named Mother Shipton.
  • 49368
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    Two treatises the first concerning Gods certaine performance of his conditional promises, as touching the elect, or, A treatise of Gods most free and powerfull grace, lately published without the authours privitie, and printed corruptly, by the name and title of Solid comfort for sound Christians : the second, concerning the extent of Christs death and love, now added to the former : with an addi
  • 49369
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    Two treatises the first, of Christs counsell to the angell of the church of Laodicea, being a warning-peece for the ministers of these times : the second, of holy meditations & contemplations of Jesus Christ, concerning our redemption, reconcilation, and hope of glorification by him alone.
  • 49370
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    Tyrannicall-government anatomized, or, A discovrse concerning evil-councellors being the life and death of John the Baptist : and presented to the Kings most excellent Majesty by the Author.
  • 49371
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    A Treatise of warm beer wherein is declared by many reasons that beer so qualified is farre more wholesome then that which is drunk cold.
  • 49372
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    A True and perfect copie of the protestation of the archbishops & bishops of Ireland against the toleration of poperie as it was agreed upon, and subscribed by them at Dublin, the 26 of November, MDCXXVI.
  • 49373
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    A True coppie of divers letters sent from the governors of Ireland to the Parliament in England desiring their speedy ayd for the supply wherein is declared the revolting of divers counties to the rebels who are come within 4 miles of Dublin where they prevent much reliefe, cattell and provision from comming to the city : with the substance of a pr
  • 49374
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    A True coppie of the lawes and rules of government agreed upon and established by the nobles of the severall counties of Ireland : now risen in armes for the maintaining and settlement of the ancient Romish and Catholike religion the upholding of His Majesties rights and prerogatives [sic] and the libertie of a free nation : and the copie of a new oath to be taken to performe the same by all the
  • 49375
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    A True description of the birth, education, life and death of William Ward, alias Walker, alias Waller, alias Slaughter who was borne in Cumberland, and exected at Tyburne the 26 of Iuly 1641 : with his confession at the place of execution.
  • 49376
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    A True description or rather a parallel betweene Cardinall Wolsey, Arch-Bishop of York, and VVilliam Laud, Arch-Bishop of Canterbvry.
  • 49377
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    A True relation of the French embassage with the confutation of some points of Father Phillips his letter.
  • 49378
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    A True relation of the vnparalleld breach of Parliament (as is conceivd) by His Majesty, on Tuesday the 4 of January 1641. being instigated thereunto by unadvised counsells ... under pretence of a legall proceeding. : Together with a relation of the hostile intention upon the House of Commons, by Captaine Hyde, and those other caviliers and souldiers that accompanied His Majesty ... : And also a
  • 49379
    Book Info
    A Trve copy of the petition of the Lord Maior, aldermen, and the rest of the Common-Councell of of London, presented to both Houses of Parliament, March 18, 1641 with the answer of both Houses of Parliament to the said petition : together with Mr. Speakers letter, ordered by the Honourable House of Commons, to the High Sheriffe and gentry of Yorkshire, shewing their dislike of such as have endeav
  • 49380
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    A Trve discovery of the proiectors of the wine proiect out of the vintners owne orders made at their common hall whereby it clearely appears that this project was contrived at Vinters Hall by the drawing vintners of London : and for their only advantage to suppresse the coopers and monopolize the sole benefit of retailing wines throughout this kingdome : and hereby is also truly set forth the exc