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총 52,377건 중 49,381 - 49,400건 출력
  • 49381
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    A Trve relation of a Scotchman, vvho comming into the church of St. Olaves in the old iury in London, at such time as the people were receiving the communion, did much disturb them, and by force tore the service-book in peeces, on Sunday Septemb. 5, 1641 with an admonition to all such abortives amongst us, to perswade them to waite the time of the Lords reformation by the Parliament, and not to b
  • 49382
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    A Trve relation of a combvstion hapning at St. Anne's Chvrch by Aldersgate betweene a stranger, sometimes a Iesuite, but now, thankes be to God, reformed to our church, and one, Marler a buttonmaker, contending which should first preach, the minister being absent that Sabbath day, August 8, 1641.
  • 49383
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    A Trve relation of the proposing, threatning, and perswading the vintners to yeeld to the imposition upon wines declaring the dislike of the generality of retailers, and whatsoever they either did or suffered therein, was meerly by compulsion : and heereby is also truely set forth their great, and almost insupportable losse by this imposition : together with the extreame wrongs and injuries they
  • 49384
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    A Trve relation of the unparaleld breach of Parliament, by His Maiesty as is conceivd the 4 of Ianuary, 1641 being instigated therunto by unadvised counsels, under pretence of a legall proceeding together with a relation of the hostile intention upon the House of Commons, by Captaine Hyde, and those other cavaliers and souldiers that accompanied His Majesty in a war-like manner, armed with swords
  • 49385
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    A table shewing instantly by the eye the number of acres belonging to any summe of money according to the rate setled by Parliament upon any of the lands within the foure provinces of Ireland ...
  • 49386
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    A tale in a tub, or, A tub lecture as it was delivered by my-heele Mendsoale and inspired Brownist and a most upright translator : in a meeting house neere Bedlam the one and twentieth of December, last 1641 / vvritten by J. T.
  • 49387
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    A terrible out-cry against the loytering exalted prelates shewing the danger, and unfitnesse of conferring them in any temporall office or dignity : wherein the Devill is proved to be a more diligent prelate, then any of our English bishops are, leaving them to the consideration of the Kings Majestie, and the high court of Parliament / by Mr. Prinne, a faithful witnesse of Jesus Christ, and a suf
  • 49388
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    A thankesgiving unto God taken out of the forme of prayer and administration of the sacraments used in the Church of Scotland after their deliverance from the tyranny of the Frenchmen, by the English with prayers made for the continuation of peace betweene the realmes of England and Scotland. Printed at Edinburgh by Thomas Bassandine, anno Domini 1
  • 49389
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    A threefold treatise of the Sabbath distinctly divided into the patriarchall, mosaicall, Christian Sabbath : for the better clearing and manifestation of the truth ... / by Richard Bernard ...
  • 49390
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    A tract against the high rate of vsvrie presented to the high court of Parliament, Anno Domini 1623 : in which the use for money was brought downe from ten to eight in the hundred / by the same authour.
  • 49391
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    A treacherous plot of a confederacie in Ireland with the rebels at Calway with furniture of guns and ammunition for warre : brought over in ships of salt, but being discovered, were prevented and the names related of the chiefe agents : with a relation of the rebels in the province of Connage who were discomfitted and about 100 of the rebels slaine and 20 of them taken prisoners who afterwards be
  • 49392
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    A treacherous plot of a confederacie in Ireland, with the rebels at Calway, with furniture of guns and ammunition from France ... with a relation of the rebels, in the province of Connoge, who were discomfitted ... with their cruelty to Sir Thomas Nevill, whom they hanged on his own grounds ... / This report whereof being sent over by Mr. August, Minister of Gods Wood in the county of Lymbricke.
  • 49393
    Book Info
    A treacherous plot of a confederacie in Ireland, with the rebels at Calway, with furniture of guns, and ammunition for warre. Brought over in ships of salt, but being discovered, were prevented and the names related of the chiefe agents. With a relation of the rebels, in the province of Connoge, who were discomfitted, and about 100 of the rebels sl
  • 49394
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    A treatise against images and pictures in churches and an answer to those who object that the times are changed / written by George Salteren ...
  • 49395
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    A treatise against images and pictures in churches. And an answer to those who object that the times are changed. Written by George Salteren, Esquire.
  • 49396
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    A treatise against recusants in defence of the Oath of alegeance· With executions of consideration, for repressing the encrease of papists. By Sir Robert Cotton, Knight.
  • 49397
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    A treatise against recusants, in defence of the oath of alegeance. With executions of consideration, for repressing the encrease of Papists. / By Sir Robert Cotton, knight.
  • 49398
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    A treatise collected ovt of the statutes of this kingdom and according to common experience of the lawes concerning the office and authorities of coroners and sheriffes together with an easie and plaine method for the keeping of a Court Leet, Court Baron and Hundred Court &c. / by Iohn Wilkinson.
  • 49399
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    A treatise concerning estates tayle and discents of inheritance written by N.N. ; and published by I. Sherman ...
  • 49400
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    A treatise for declining of verbes which may be called the second chiefest worke of the French tongue. Set forth, by Claudius Holliband.