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총 52,377건 중 49,401 - 49,420건 출력
  • 49401
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    A treatise of carefulness wherein is set forth the symptomes of dangers by arguments against means to prevent overcharging cares. By the late faithfull preacher of Gods Word, Henry Archer, sometimes preacher in London.
  • 49402
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    A treatise of contentment leading a Christian with much patience through all afflicted conditions by sundry rules of heavenly wisedome : whereunto is annexed first, A treatise of the improvement of time, secondly, The holy warre, in a visitation sermon / by T.T.
  • 49403
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    A treatise of the affections, or, The soules pulse whereby a Christian may know whether he be living or dying : together with a lively description of their nature, signes, and symptomes : as also directing men to the right use and ordering of them / by William Fenner.
  • 49404
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    A treatise of the antiquity, authority, vses and jurisdiction of the ancient Courts of Leet, or view of franck-pledge and of subordination of government derived from the institution of Moses, the first legislator and the first imitation of him in this island of Great Britaine, by King Alfred and continued ever since : together with additions and alterations of the moderne lawes and statutes inqui
  • 49405
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    A treatise of the divine promises in five bookes : in the first, a generall description of their nature, kinds, excellency, right use, properties, and the persons to whom they belong : in the foure last, a declaration of the covenant it selfe .../ by Edvvard Legh ...
  • 49406
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    A treatise of the interest of the princes and states of Christendome written in French by the Duke of Rohan ; englished by H.H.
  • 49407
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    A treatise of the principall grounds and maximes of the lawes of this kingdome ... written by that most excellent and learned expositor of the law, W.N. of Lincolns-Inn, Esquire.
  • 49408
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    A treatise, shewing that the soveraignes person is required in the great councells or assemblies of the state, as well at the consultations as at the conclusions written by Sir Charles Cotton.
  • 49409
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    A true and exact relation of the Lord Digbies flight containing the cause of his departure, his comming to Sir Iohn Pennington into the Downes : wih the apprehending of Colonell Lunsford also the manner of Mr. Daniel Oneales man, carrying of letters to the Lord Digbie aboard Sir Iohn Penningtons ship : likewise the Lord Digbies going to sea in the tenth whelpe, with the apprehending of Oneales man
  • 49410
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    A true and full relation of the horrible and hellish plot of the Iesuites Popish priests and other papists in Ireland, for the massacring of the two chiefe justices, and all the Privie Councell and Protestants in that kingdome. As it was related by my Lord Keeper in the house of Commons November the first. 1641.
  • 49411
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    A true and historicall relation of the bloody battell of Nieuport in Flanders fought betweene Prince Maurice of Nassav (of blessed memory,) and His Highnesse Albert Archduke of Avstria : wonne on the second of Iuly, 1600 : together with a briefe relation of Sr. Francis Vere of famous memory, his parley in Ostend, and the assault and repulse of the
  • 49412
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    A true and perfect copie of the protestation of the archbishops & bishops of Ireland against the toleration of poperie. As it was agreed upon, and subscribed by them at Dublin, the 26. of November. MDCXXVI.
  • 49413
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    A true and perfect relation of all the severall skirmishes, brave exploits, and glorious victories obtained by the English Protestants, over the Irish rebels, when they raised the siege of Tredagh collected by Doctor Barnard, ... and presented to the honourable House of Commons, on Wednesday the 23 of March, 1641.
  • 49414
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    A true confutation of a false and lying pamphlet entituled, A divelish designe by the Papists to blow up the citty [sic] of Oxford with gunpowder, on Thursday the 13. of January 1641.
  • 49415
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    A true copie of the disputation held betweene Master Walker and a Iesuite, in the house of one Thomas Bates in Bishops Court in the Old Baily, concerning the ecclesiasticall function.
  • 49416
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    A true copie of the sentence of warre pronounced against Sir Francis Annesley, Knight, and Baron Mountnorris, in the realme of Ireland, in the castle chamber at Dublin in Ireland, the 12 of December 1635 together with His Lordships petition against Thomas, Earle of Strafford, exhibited into the honourable assembly of the Commons House of Parliament
  • 49417
    Book Info
    A true copie of the sentence of warre pronounced against Sir Francis Annesley, Knight, and Baron Mountnorris, in the realme of Ireland, in the castle chamber at Dublin in Ireland, the 12 of December 1635 together with His Lordships petition against Thomas, Earle of Strafford, exhibited into the honourable assembly of the Commons House of Parliament the seventh of November, 1640.
  • 49418
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    A true copie of the speech, made by the Honourable Denzell Holles, Esquire, at a conference by a committee of both Houses of Parliament in the Painted Chamber concerning the protestation fram'd by the House of Commons, which was solemnly made by every member of the same : wherein is set forth the protestation it selfe, and the reasons inducing them to make it : together with their desire, that th
  • 49419
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    A true coppie of divers letters, sent from the governors of Ireland, to the Parliament in England desiring their speedy ayd for the supply. Wherein is declared the revolting of divers counties to the rebels, who are come within 4. miles of Dublin, where they prevent much reliefe, cattell and provision from comming to the city. With the substance of
  • 49420
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    A true coppy of VVarvvickshire petitions, vindicated from that grosse abuse which the former impression cast upon the county to the honourable the knights, citizens and burgesses of the House of Commons, assembled in Parliament : the humble petition of the inhabitants of the county of Warwick, and city of Coventry, herepresent [sic].|True copy of Warwickshire petitions