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총 52,377건 중 49,421 - 49,440건 출력
  • 49421
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    A true coppy of a bold and most peremptory letter, sent to the Honourable Earle of Salisbury, / by A. B. C. &c. To mittigate his prosecuting of recusants.
  • 49422
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    A true coppy of a letter from the Lord cheife Iustices in Ireland, with a proclamation of the rebels therein dated from Dublin Novem. 5. 1641. VVhereunto is annected certaine propositions presented to the Parliament by the marchants for the West-Indy Company : with some obiections answered.
  • 49423
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    A true copy of a letter sent from a gentleman of worth in Ireland, to a speciall friend of his, a servant of great trust to the Kings Majesty Importing joyfull newes of a great overthrow given to the rebels. 16. Ianuary, 1641.
  • 49424
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    A true copy of a speech delivered in the Parliament in Scotland, by the Earle of Argile concerning the government of the church : together with the Kings going to Parliament August 19, 1641.
  • 49425
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    A true copy of that sermon vvhich was preached at St. Pauls the tenth day of October last. By Thomas Cheshire, Minister of Gods holy Word and sacraments.
  • 49426
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    A true copy of that sermon which was preached at Saint Pauls the tenth day of October last [By] Thomas Cheshire, minister of Gods holy Word and Sacraments.
  • 49427
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    A true copy of the Lord Andevers two speeches to the Lords in Parliament the one concerning the Star-Chamber : the other concerning the pacification : both which were formerly corrupted and abused by a false copy printed.
  • 49428
    Book Info
    A true copy of the Lord Andevers two speeches to the Lords in Parliament the one concerning the Star-Chamber : the other concerning the pacification : both which were formerly corrupted and abused by a false copy printed.
  • 49429
    Book Info
    A true copy of the Lord Andevers two speeches to the Lords in Parliament; the one concerning the Star-Chamber; the other concerning the pacification: both which were formerly corrupted and abused by a false copy printed.
  • 49430
    Book Info
    A true copy of the Lord Andevers two speeches to the Lords in Parliament; the one concerning the Star-Chamber; the other concerning the pacification: both which were formerly corrupted and abused by a false copy printed.
  • 49431
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    A true description of the visible congregation of the saints under the Gospel, according to the word of truth
  • 49432
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    A true description or rather a parallel betweene Cardinall Wolsey, Arch-Bishop of York, and William Laud, Arch-Bishop of Canterbury.
  • 49433
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    A true discovery of a bloody plott intended to have been put in practice on Thursday the 18 of this present November, against some of the chiefe of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled by bloody minded papists : as also a relation of intended insurrections in six severall parts of this land on the same day, discovered by Thomas Beale and by him presented to the high court of Parliament i
  • 49434
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    A true discovery of the proiectors of the wine proiect, out of the vintners owne orders made at their common hall, whereby it clearely appears that this project was contrived at Vinters Hall by the drawing vintners of London, and for their only advantage, to suppresse the coopers, and monopolize the sole benefit of retailing wines throughout this k
  • 49435
    Book Info
    A true narration of the Royall fishings of Great Brittaine and Ireland instituted anno 1632, and prosecuted by the Right Honourable Philip, Earle of Pembroke and Montgomery, and his associats, until anno 1640, from the river of Thames : whereunto is added by Simon Smith ...
  • 49436
    Book Info
    A true narration of the Royall fishings of Great Brittaine and Ireland instituted anno 1632, and prosecuted by the Right Honourable Philip, Earle of Pembroke and Montgomery, and his associats, until anno 1640, from the river of Thames : whereunto is added by Simon Smith ...
  • 49437
    Book Info
    A true narration of the royall fishings of Great Brittaine and Ireland. Instituted Anno 1632, and prosecuted by the Right Honourable, Philip, Earle of Pembrook and Montgomery, and his associats, untill Anno 1640, from the river of Thames. Whereunto is added a discovery of new trades, for the employing of all the poore people and vagrants in the kin
  • 49438
    Book Info
    A true narration of the royall fishings of Great Brittaine and Ireland. Instituted Anno 1632, and prosecuted by the Right Honourable, Philip, Earle of Pembrook and Montgomery, and his associats, untill Anno 1640, from the river of Thames. Whereunto is added a discovery of new trades, for the employing of all the poore people and vagrants in the kingdomes. / By Simon Smith, agent for the royall fi
  • 49439
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    A true relation of a Scotchman, vvho comming into the church of St. Olaves in the old iury in London, at such time as the people were receiving the communion, did much disturb them, and by force tore the service-book in peeces, on Sunday Septemb. 5. 1641. With an admonition to all such abortives amongst us, to perswade them to waite the time of the
  • 49440
    Book Info
    A true relation of a combustion, hapning, at St. Anne's Church by Aldersgate, betweene a stranger, sometimes a Iesuite, but now, thankes be to God, reformed to our church, and one Marler a buttonmaker, contending which should first preach, the minister being absent that Sabbath day: August 8th. 1641.