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총 52,377건 중 49,441 - 49,460건 출력
  • 49441
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    A true relation of a company of Brownists, separatists, and nonconformists, in Monmouthshire in Wales. With the manner of their doctrine, christnings, vveddings, and burialls. Together vvith a relation of the knavery that some of their teachers practised to enrich themselves withall. The truth whereof will be justified by sundry people of good qual
  • 49442
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    A true relation of a damnable gun-powder plot, found out at Rugland-Castle, in Monmoth-shire in Wales, related to the high court of Parliament by Iohn Davies, Nov. 12, being an eye-witnesse to the same ... : Whereunto in annexed a true discoverie of a horrible and bloudy treason and con[s]piracie. Against the Protestants of this kingdome in generall ... Which discovery was brought to the the Hous
  • 49443
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    A true relation of an apparition in the likenesse of a bird with a white brest, that appeared hovering over the deathbeds of some of the children of Mr. James Oxenham of Sale Monachorum, Devon. Gent. Confirmed by sundry witnesses as followeth in the ensuing treatise.
  • 49444
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    A true relation of that memorable Parliament, which wrought wonders. Begun at Westminster, in the tenth yeare of the reigne of K. Richard the second. Whereunto is added an abstract of those memorable matters, before and since the said kings reigne, done by Parliaments. Together with a character of the said amiable, but unhappy king, and a briefe st
  • 49445
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    A true relation of the French embassage, with the confutation of some points of Father Phillips his letter.
  • 49446
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    A true relation of the grievous handling of William Sommers of Nottingham being possessed with a devill shewing how he was first taken and how lamentable from time to time he was tormented and afflicted / published by John Darrel ...
  • 49447
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    A true relation of the grievous handling of William Sommers of Nottingham, being possessed with a devill. Shewing how he was first taken, and how lamentable from time to time he was tormented and afflicted. / Published by John Darrel, minister of the Word of God.
  • 49448
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    A true relation of the lewd life and repentant death of one John Sherman, a tailour who lived in Taunton Dean in Somersetshire being vainly led away by his brother in law to the sect of the Brotherhood, who after his recantation was chosen a preacher among their societie : inluring many after his owne idle opinions, with some chief points of his do
  • 49449
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    A true relation of the most vvise and vvorthy speech made by Captain Ven, one of the Burgesses of the Parliament to the apprentises of London; who rose in Cheapside upon the combustion at Westminster on Wednesday last at night, December 29. 1641. As also the randevowes they had that night at the counter in Wood-streete. VVith a description of the e
  • 49450
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    A true relation of the murders committed in the parish of Clunne in the county of Salop by Enoch ap Evan upon the bodies of his mother and brother, with the causes moving him thereunto. Wherein is examined and refuted a certaine booke written upon the same subject, by P. Studley, entituled the Looking glasse of schisme. Also an appendix in further
  • 49451
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    A true relation of the plot discovered in Ireland, and rising of the papists there truly declared by a letter / sent from one of the aldermen in Dublin ; shewing how far they have proceeded in their rebellion, and the townes and castles they have taken ; with a proclamation published there for the suppression of the rebells and prevention of furthe
  • 49452
    Book Info
    A true relation of the plot discovered in Ireland, and rising of the papists there, truly declared by a letter sent from one of the aldermen in Dublin shewing how far they have proceeded in their rebellion, and the townes and castles they have taken. With a proclamation published there for the suppression of the rebells and prevention of further mi
  • 49453
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    A true relation of the proposing, threatning, and perswading the vintners to yeeld to the imposition upon wines. Declaring, the dislike of the generality of retailers, and whatsoever they either did or suffered therein, was meerly by compulsion. And heereby is also truely set forth their great, and almost insupportable losse by this imposition. Tog
  • 49454
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    A true, exact, and perfect relation of the famous and renowned victorie gained by the most redoubted armie of the mightie and victorious monarch Philip, of the name the fourth King of Spaine, &c. the seventh of September, being upon the eve of the nativitie of our lady : against the forces of Levvis, of that name the 13 French King : then straightly beleaguering both with navall and land powers t
  • 49455
    Book Info
    A true, exact, and perfect relation of the famous and renowned victorie, gained by the most redoubted armie of the mightie and victorious monarch Philip, of that name the fourth King of Spaine, &c. the seventh of September, being upon the eve of the nativitie of our lady : against the forces of Levvis, of that name the 13. French King, then straigh
  • 49456
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    A trve and briefe relation of the bloody battel of Nievport in Flanders found betwixt Prince Mavrice of happy memory and Albert arch-duke of Avstria vpon the second of Iuly 1600
  • 49457
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    A trve and fvll relation of the horrible and hellish plot of the Iesuites, popish priests, and other papists in Ireland for the massacring of the two chiefe justices and all the privie councell and Protestants in that kingdome / as it was related by my Lord Keeper in the House of Commons November the first, 1641.
  • 49458
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    A trve copie of a letter sent from Patrick Roch a Romish priest in Ireland to Doctor Washington, provost of the college of Dublin and to the whole society wherein may plainly appeare their further machinations and plot workes towards the subversion of Protestanisme if God permit : likewise a short description of the rebels proceeding as it was sent in posscript of the same letter : sent in a lett
  • 49459
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    A trve copie of the disputation held betweene Master Walker and a Iesuite in the house of one Thomas Bates in Bishops Court in the Old Baily concerning the ecclesiasticall function
  • 49460
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    A trve coppy of a bold and most peremptory letter sent to the honourable Earle of Salisbury to mittigate his prosecuting of recusants / by A. B. C. &c.