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총 52,377건 중 49,461 - 49,480건 출력
  • 49461
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    A trve coppy of a letter from the Lord Cheife Iustices in Ireland with a proclamation of the rebels therein, dated from Dublin Novem. 5, 1641 whereunto is annected certaine propositions presented to the Parliament by the marchants for the West-Indy company : with some objections answered.
  • 49462
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    A trve relation of a company of Brownists, separatists, and nonconformists in Monmouthshire in Wales with the manner of their doctrine, christnings, vveddings, and burialls : together with a relation of the knavery that some of their teachers practised to enrich themselves withall : the truth whereof will be justified by sundry people of good quality inhabiting in the said county / by Edward Harr
  • 49463
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    A trve relation of that memorable Parliament which wrought wonders begun at Westminster, in the tenth yeare of the reigne of K. Richard the second : whereunto is added an abstract of those memorable matters, before and since the said kings reigne, done by Parliament : together with a character of the said amiable, but unhappy King, and a briefe story of his life and lamentable death.|Historia siv
  • 49464
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    A trve relation of the manner of the execution of Thomas Earle of Strafford with the severall passages and circumstances, together with his speech to the people on the scaffold, the 12. of May, 1641.
  • 49465
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    A trve relation of the most vvise and vvorthy speech made by Captain Ven, one of the Burgesses of the Parliament to the apprentises of London who rose in Cheapside upon the combustion at Westminster on Wednesday last at night, December the 29, 1641 : as also the randevowes they had that night at the counter in Wood-streete : vvith a description of
  • 49466
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    Tachygraphy the most exact and compendious methode of short and swift writing that hath ever yet beene published by any / composed by Thomas Shelton ... ; approoved by both unyversities.
  • 49467
    Book Info
    Tachygraphy the most exact and compendious methode of short and swift writing that hath ever yet beene published by any / composed by Thomas Shelton, author and professor of the said art. Approoved by both unyersities.
  • 49468
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    Taylors physicke has purged the divel, or, The divell has got a squirt and the simple seame-rent thred bare Taylor translates it into railing poetry and is now foundly cudgelled for it / by Voluntas Ambulatoria.
  • 49469
    Book Info
    Taylors physicke has purged the divel. Or, The divell has got a squirt, and the simple, seame-rent, thredbare Taylor translates it into railing poetry, and is now soundly cudgelled for it. By Voluntas Ambulatoria.
  • 49470
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    Ten heads of a conference delivered by M. Pymm, at a committee of both Houses Iunii 24. 1641
  • 49471
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    Ten propositions delivered by Master Pimme, from the House of Commons, to the Lords, at a conference, Iune, 24, 1641.
  • 49472
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    Ten sermons vpon severall occasions preached at Saint Pauls Crosse, and elsewhere / by Arthur Lake ...
  • 49473
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    Terence in English Fabulae comici facetissimi et elegantissimi poetae Terentii omnes anglicae factae & hac nova forma editae / opera ac industria R.B. ...|Works.|Fabulae comici facetissimi et elegantissimi poetae Terentii omnes anglicae factae & hac nova forma editae.
  • 49474
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    The Times dissected, or, A learned discovrse of severall occvrrences very worthy of speciall observation to deter evill men, and incourage good.
  • 49475
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    The Tragedy of Phillis, complaining of the disloyall love of Amintas. To a new court tune.
  • 49476
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    The True character of an untrue bishop with a recipe at the end how to recover a bishop if hee were lost.
  • 49477
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    The Truest relation of the discoverie of a damnable plot in Scotland, found out by a miraculous meanes. : Two great actors in the same being so taken with the sweet disposition of those worthies against whom they plotted; that their troubled consciences would not permit them to proceed in their wicked intents. : As also, the names of those lords, that should have bin cut off in this plot of Scotl
  • 49478
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    The tapsters downfall and the drunkards joy, or, A dialogue between Leather-beard the tapster of the sheaves, and Ruby-nose, one his ancient acquaintance, who hath formerly eaten three stone of rost beefe on a Sunday morning; but now (being debarred of that priviledge) sleights him; and resolves to drinke wine altogether.|Dialogue between Leather-beard the tapster of the sheaves, and Ruby-nose, o
  • 49479
    Book Info
    The tapsters downfall and the drunkards joy, or, a dialogue beetween Leather-beard the tapster of the sheaves, and Ruby-nose, one of his ancient acquaintance, who hath formerly eaten three stone of roast beefe on a Sunday morning; but now (being debarred of that priviledge) sleights him; and resolves to drinke wine altogether.
  • 49480
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    The temple sacred poems, and private ejaculations / by Mr. George Herbert ...