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총 52,377건 중 49,501 - 49,520건 출력
  • 49501
    Book Info
    The true copies of the three last letters, vvritten by the late Earle of Strafford. The one unto his sacred Majesty. The other to his lady in Ireland. The third to a lady of great note : together with his owne elegie, written by his owne hand, not counterfeit. With the Psalme that he chose to read at the time of his death.
  • 49502
    Book Info
    The true copies of two letters vvritten by the late Earle of Strafford. The one to his Sacred Majesty. The other to a Lady of great note. With the Psalme that he chose to read at the time of his death.
  • 49503
    Book Info
    The true coppy of a letter sent by Mr Speaker to the sheriffes of severall counties. Namely: Worcester, Cambridge, Huntington, Lecester, North-hampton, Warwick, and Rutland. Which have not as yet paid in the poll-money. With the copy of an order sent from the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament to these severall counties before-named, for
  • 49504
    Book Info
    The true coppy of a letter sent from Thomas, Earle of Arundell, Lord Marshall, from Middleborough in Zealand, to Mr. Pym. And read before the committee the 18. of September, 1641. Whereunto is added the coppy of another letter sent to Mr. Pym also from the committee in Scotland, Sep. 13. 1641. With the names of the committees that sat there for tha
  • 49505
    Book Info
    The true euangelical temper wherein divinity and ecclesiastical history are interwoven, and mixed, both to the profit and delight of the Christian reader, and moderately, and soberly fitted to the present grand concernments of this state, and church / preached in three sermons at St. Martins in the Strand ... by Jo. Jackson.
  • 49506
    Book Info
    The true euangelical temper wherein divinity and ecclesiastical history are interwoven, and mixed, both to the profit and delight of the Christian reader, and moderately, and soberly fitted to the present grand concernments of this state, and church / preached in three sermons at St. Martins in the Strand ... by Jo. Jackson.
  • 49507
    Book Info
    The true form of church government, first instituted by Christ, novv used and practised in all the reformed churches of Germanie, France, and Scotland ... plainly proved by Scripture, rectifide reason, and the testimonie of the church ...
  • 49508
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    The true grounds of ecclesiasticall regiment set forth in a briefe dissertation. Maintaining the Kings spirituall supremacie against the pretended independencie of the prelates, &c. Together, vvith some passages touching the ecclesiasticall power of parliaments, the use of synods, and the power of excommunication.
  • 49509
    Book Info
    The true manner of the life and death of Sir Thomas Wentworth, late Lord Lievtenant deputy of Ireland, Lord Generall of his Majesties army, knight of the noble Order of the Garter, who was beheaded the 12. day of this present moneth of May, 1641, the rune is Welladay Welladae.
  • 49510
    Book Info
    The true originall of the soule proving both by divine and naturall reason, that the production of mans soule is neither by creation nor propagation, but a certain meane way between both : wherein the doctrine of originall sinne, and the purity of Christs incarnation, is also more fully cleared then hath been heretofore published / by H.W. B.D.
  • 49511
    Book Info
    The true state of the businesse of glasse of all kindes, as it now standeth both in the price of glasse and materialls, how sold these fifteen yeers last past, and how formerly, the price of materialls as they are now bought, and what hath been formerly paid, with a report of the condition of all kindes of glasses.
  • 49512
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    The true subiect to the rebell, or, The hurt of sedition, how greivous it is to a common-wealth written by Sir Iohn Cheeke ... ; whereunto is newly added by way of preface a briefe discourse of those times, as they may relate to the present, with the authors life.
  • 49513
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    The truest relation of the Earle of Straffords speech on the scaffold on Tower-hill, before he was beheaded, May 12. 1641. Together with his deportment before and at the end of his execution
  • 49514
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    The truth of the proceedings in Scotland. Containing the discovery of the late conspiracie. With divers other remarkeable passages. Related in a letter written from Edinburgh, the 19. of October, 1641. Whereunto is added, an abstract of a letter written by his Majesty from Edinburgh, to one of the clarkes of the counsell, the 18. of October, 1641.
  • 49515
    Book Info
    The trve copie of a letter sent from the most reverend William Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury to the Vniversity of Oxford when he resign'd his office of chancellour published by occasion of a base libell and forgery that runs under this title : and also the answer of the vniversity to the said letter.
  • 49516
    Book Info
    The trve coppy of a letter sent by Mr Speaker to the sheriffes of several counties. Namely: Worcester, Cambridge, Huntington, Lecester, [double brace] North-hampton, Warwick, and Rutland. Which have not as yet paid in the poll-money. : With the copy of an order sent from the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament to these severall counties before-named, for the speedy transportation of tha
  • 49517
    Book Info
    The trve coppy of a letter sent by Mr Speaker to the sheriffes of severall counties namely, Worcester, Cambridge, Huntington, Lecester, North-hampton, Warwick, and Rutland, which have not as yet paid in the poll-money : with the copy of an order sent from the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament to these severall counties afore-named for t
  • 49518
    Book Info
    The trve coppy of a letter sent by Mr. Speaker to the sheriffes of several counties namely, Worcester, Cambridge, Huntington, Lecester, North-hampton, Warwick, and Rutland, which have not as yet paid in the poll-money : with the copy of an order sent from the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament to these severall counties before-named, for the speedy transportation of that money to York
  • 49519
    Book Info
    The trve coppy of a letter sent from Thomas, Earle of Arundell, Lord Marshall from Middleborough in Zealand to Mr. Pym and read before the committee the 18 of September, 1641 : whereunto is added the coppy of another letter sent to Mr. Pym also from the committee in Scotland, Sep. 13, 1641 : with the names of the committees that sat there for that
  • 49520
    Book Info
    The trve demands of the rebells in Ireland declaring the causes of their taking up armes : sent into England by Sir Phelom O-Neale, their generall : to the Honorable and High court of Parliament : Vlster, February 10, 1641.