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총 52,377건 중 49,541 - 49,560건 출력
  • 49541
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    Three speeches of the Right Honorable, Sir Francis Bacon Knight, then his Majesties Sollicitor Generall, after Lord Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban. Concerning the post-nati naturalization of the Scotch in England union of the lawes of the kingdomes of England and Scotland. Published by the authors copy, and licensed by authority.
  • 49542
    Book Info
    Three speeches of the Right Honorable, Sir Francis Bacon Knight, then his Majesties Sollicitor Generall, after Lord Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban. Concerning the post-nati naturalization of the Scotch in England union of the lawes of the kingdomes of England and Scotland. Published by the authors copy, and licensed by authority.
  • 49543
    Book Info
    Three speeches of the Right Honorable, Sir Francis Bacon, Knight ... concerning the post-nati, naturalization of the Scotch in England, vnion of the lawes of the kingdomes of England and Scotland.
  • 49544
    Book Info
    Three speeches of the Right Honorable, Sir Francis Bacon, Knight ... concerning the post-nati, naturalization of the Scotch in England, vnion of the lawes of the kingdomes of England and Scotland.
  • 49545
    Book Info
    Three speeches of the Right Honorable, Sir Francis Bacon, Knight ... concerning the post-nati, naturalization of the Scotch in England, vnion of the lawes of the kingdomes of England and Scotland.
  • 49546
    Book Info
    Three speeches of the Right Honorable, Sir Francis Bacon, Knight ... concerning the post-nati, naturalization of the Scotch in England, vnion of the lawes of the kingdomes of England and Scotland.
  • 49547
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    Three speeches, made by Sir Iohn VVray to the House of Commons, assembled in Parliament : 1 against Thomas Earle of Strafford, and the Bishop of Canterbury : 2 being a motion for the taking of an oath to maintaine the religion and vowes established : 3 against the oath and Commons made by the Assembly at the last Convocation.
  • 49548
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    To His Highnesse the Lord Protector of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland the humble addresses of Menasseh ben Israel, a divine, and doctor of physick, in behalfe of the Jewish nation.
    Ben Israel
  • 49549
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    To prepon emchariotichòn i.e. Communion comlinesse wherein is discovered the conveniency of the peoples drawing neere to the table in the sight thereof when they receive the Lord's Supper : with the great unfitness of receiving it in pewes in London ... / by Ephraim Udall ...
  • 49550
    Book Info
    To prepon eycharistichon i.e. Communion comlinesse. Wherein is discovered the conveniency of the peoples drawing neere to the table in the sight thereof when they receive the Lords Supper. With the great unfitness of receiving it in pewes in London, for the novelty of high and close pewes. The former way of receiving tending to edification by the s
  • 49551
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    To the High and Honourable Court of Parliament, the humble petition of the University of Oxford, in behalfe of episcopacy and cathedralls
  • 49552
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    To the Honorable Houses of Commons now assembled in the high Court of Parliament. The most humble petition of the nobility, gentry, clergie and commons, within the county of Nottingham.
  • 49553
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    To the Honorable Houses of Parliament now assembled, the humble petition of many of the inhabitants within his Majesties county of Kent,
  • 49554
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    To the Kings Most Excellent Maiesty the humble desires of the commissioners of Your Maiesties kingdome of Scotland.
  • 49555
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    To the Kings Most Excellent Majestie the hvmble petition of the inhabitants of the county of Glocester with their protestation to His Majestie : whereunto is annexed Sir Edward Hales, his worthy speech in Parliament, Ian. 20, 1641 : vpon the reading of the letter which His Majestie sent to both Houses of Parliament.|Speech in Parliament, Jan. 20, 1641, upon the reading of the letter which His Maj
  • 49556
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    To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and the Lords and Peeres now assembled in Parliament. The humble petition and protestation of all the bishops and prelates now called by his Majesties writts to attend the Parliament, and present about London and Westminster, for that service.
  • 49557
    Book Info
    To the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. The humble remonstrance and petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament. Most gracious Soveraigne, your Majesties most humble and loyall subjects the Lords and Commons in Parliament, doe with all faithfulnes and zeale to yonr [sic] Majesties service, ...
  • 49558
    Book Info
    To the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. The humble remonstrance and petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament. Most gracious Soveraigne, your Majesties most humble and loyall subjects the Lords and Commons in Parliament, doe with all faithfulnes and zeale to yonr [sic] Majesties service, ...
  • 49559
    Book Info
    To the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. The humble remonstrance and petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament. Most gracious Soveraigne, your Majesties most humble and loyall subjects the Lords and Commons in Parliament, doe with all faithfulnes and zeale to yonr [sic] Majesties service, ...
  • 49560
    Book Info
    To the Kings most Excellent Maiesty, and the Honourable Court of Parliament The humble petition of many his Maiesties loyall and faithfull subiects, some of which having beene miserably persecuted by the prelates and their adherents, by all rigorous courses, for their consciences, practising nothing but what was instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ,