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총 52,377건 중 49,661 - 49,680건 출력
  • 49661
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    A Timely advice. Or, a treatise of play, and gaming Wherin is shewed how far forth it is lawfull to use such play: and how dangerous and hurtfull by excesse to abuse it.
  • 49662
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    A terrible sea-fight related in the copie of letter sent to I.M. councellour, pensioner, and bailiffe to the citie of Batavia : concerning the great fight betweene nine East India ships of the Hollanders and three great gallions, which happened about Goas Bare in the East Indies, the 20.30 of September, 1639.
  • 49663
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    A treatise concerning a Christians carefull abstinence from all appearance of evill gathered for the most part out of the schoolemen, and casuists: wherein the questions and cases of conscience belonging unto the difficult matter of scandall are briefly resolved: By Henry Jeanes, Mr of Arts, lately of Hart-Hall in Oxon, and rector of the church of
  • 49664
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    A treatise of prayer, and of the fruits and manner of prayer. By the most Reuerend Father in God Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochestre, Preist and most eminent Cardinall of the most holy Catholike Church, of the title of S. Vitalis. Translated into English by R.A.B.
  • 49665
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    A treatise of the interest of the princes and states of Christendome. Written in French by the most noble and illustrious Prince, the Duke of Rohan. Translated into English by H.H.
  • 49666
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    A treatise of the passions and faculties of the soule of man With the severall dignities and corruptions thereunto belonging. By Edvvard Reynoldes, late preacher to the honorable society of Lincoln's Inne: and now rector of the Church of Braunston in Northamptonshire.
  • 49667
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    A true and fearfull pronouncing of warre against the Roman Imperial Majesty, and withall against the king of Poland, by the late emperour of Turkey, Soloma Hometh which said Turke is since happily prevented (of his cruell purpose) by death, but by all appearance the now surviving Turk that succeeds him hath the like bloudy purposes to prosecute his designes against Christendome, as may appeare by
  • 49668
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    A true relation of one Susan Higges dwelling in Risborrow a towne in Buckinghamshire, and how shee lived 20. yeeres, by robbing on the high-wayes, yet unsuspected of all that knew her; till at last, comming to Messeldon, there robbing a woman; which woman knew her and called her by her name: now when she saw she was betrayed, she killed her, and st
  • 49669
    Book Info
    A true relation of one Susan Higges dwelling in Risborrow a towne in Buckinghamshire, and how shee lived 20. yeeres, by robbing on the high-wayes, yet unsuspected of all that knew her; till at last, comming to Messeldon, there robbing a woman; which woman knew her and called her by her name: now when she saw she was betrayed, she killed her, and standing by her while she gave three groanes, she s
  • 49670
    Book Info
    A true relation of one Susan Higges, dwelling in Risborrow a towne in Buckinghamshire, and how shee lived 20. yeeres, by robbing on the high-wayes, yet unsuspected of all that knew her; till at last, comming to Messeldon, there robbing a woman; which woman knew her and called her by her name: now when she saw she was betrayed, she killed her, and s
  • 49671
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    A true remonstrance of the state of the salt businesse, undertaken (for the furnishment thereof between Barwick and Pool; they with the Ile [sic] of Wight, and members inclusive) / by the Societie of Saltmakers of South, and North-Shields, and of Scotland.
  • 49672
    Book Info
    A true remonstrance of the state of the salt businesse, undertaken (for the furnishment thereof between Barwick and Pool; they with the Ile of Wight, and members inclusive) by the Societie of Saltmakers of South, and North-Shields, and of Scotland.
  • 49673
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    A true representation of the proceedings of the kingdome of Scotland; since the late pacification: by the estates of the kingdome: against mistakings in the late declaration, 1640
  • 49674
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    A true representation of the proceedings of the kingdome of Scotland; since the late pacification: by the estates of the kingdome: against mistakings in the late declaration, 1640
  • 49675
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    A true subiects wish For the happy successe of our Royall Army preparing to resist the factious rebellion of those insolent covenanters (against the sacred Maiesty, of our gracious and loving king Charles) in Scotland. To the tune of, O How now Mars, &c.
  • 49676
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    A true translation of a paper written in French, delivered by Margaret Martell to the under-sheriff at the time and place of her execution, at Suffolk-street end, July 16, 1697, for the barbarous murther of Elizabeth Pullen, wife of Paul Pullen, Esq.
  • 49677
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    Ten sermons upon several occasions, preached at Saint Pauls Crosse, and elsewhere. By the Right Reverend Father in God Arthur Lake late Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells
  • 49678
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    The Turne of time, or, The period of rebellion dedicated, to the infamous members late sitting at Westminster
  • 49679
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    The third part of The principles of the art militarie practised in the warres of the United Provinces, vnder the lords the States Generall, and his Highnesse the Prince of Orange, treating of severall peeces of ordnance, carriages, engines, quadrants, morters, petards, as also instructions for master gunners, and canoniers, with diverse instruments
  • 49680
    Book Info
    The third part of The principles of the art militarie practised in the warres of the United Provinces, vnder the lords the States Generall, and his Highnesse the Prince of Orange, treating of severall peeces of ordnance, carriages, engines, quadrants, morters, petards, as also instructions for master gunners, and canoniers, with diverse instruments, and materials belonging to a warre with their s