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총 52,377건 중 49,701 - 49,720건 출력
  • 49701
    Book Info
    To the honourable the house of commons novv assembled in Parliament The humble remonstrance of the grievances of all his majesties posts of England, together with carryers, waggoners, and others, miserably sustained by the unlawfull projects of Thomas Witherings, sometimes mercer of London.
  • 49702
    Book Info
    To the honourable the house of commons novv assembled in Parliament. The humble remonstrance of the grievances of all his majesties posts of England, together with carryers, waggoners, and others, miserably sustained by the unlawfull projects of Thomas Witherings, sometimes mercer of London.
  • 49703
    Book Info
    To the honourable the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the House of Commons in Parliament. Arguments, or reasons humbly tendred, why the post should be recompenced for the dammages sustained by Mr. Thomas Witherings: also why they should have their [just] wages for His Majesties service, now in arrears..
  • 49704
    Book Info
    To the honourable, the knights, citizens and burgesses, of the Commons House of Parliament. Arguments, or reasons humbly tendered, why the posts should have free liberty to carry letters, &c.
  • 49705
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    To the right honourable the higher and lower houses of Parliament, now assembled: the humble complaint of Benjamin Crokey Gent.
  • 49706
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    Totius doctrinalis controversiae de Eucharistia decisio juxta articulum fidei Catholicum in antiquis patribus, de non-coexsistentia corporis Christi in diversis locis; unà cum Protestantium omnium communi consensu. I. De non-coexsistentia corporali. II. De capitibus aliis; expositionè verborum Christi, transsubstantiatione, manducatione, sacrificio
  • 49707
    Book Info
    Tractatus ethici: siue commentarii in aliquot Aristotelis libros ad Nichomachum, de moribus: a celeberrimo philosopho Eduardo Brerewood ... olim conscripti: iam primùm ex authoris ipsius autographo ... facti: per T.S. ...
  • 49708
    Book Info
    Tvvo treaties the first concerning the Holy Scriptures in generall; schewing vvhy how they are to bee made use of, by dayly reading & meditation: the second concerning the Psalmes in particular; shevving hovv they are to bee understood & applyed to our seuerall occasions in the life of Christianitie: for the helpe of such which in a plaine & popula
  • 49709
    Book Info
    Tvvo treatises first, the Practicall catechisme. Wherein, those principall truthes, which most directly, tend to life and godlinesse; are handled. Secondly. A treatise of the two sacraments of the Gospell, baptisme and the Lords Supper. Divided into two parts. The first, shewing the nature of the sacraments in generall. The second, the manner of du
  • 49710
    Book Info
    Tvvo treatises first, the Practicall catechisme. Wherein, those principall truthes, which most directly, tend to life and godlinesse; are handled. Secondly. A treatise of the two sacraments of the Gospell, baptisme and the Lords Supper. Divided into two parts. The first, shewing the nature of the sacraments in generall. The second, the manner of due preparation to the receiving of the Lords Suppe
  • 49711
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    Two acts of Parliament, the one for the preventing of the inconveniences happening by the long intermission of Parliament. : And the other for regulating of the Privie Councell, and for taking away the court, commonly called, The Star-Chamber.|Laws, etc.|Anno XVI. Caroli Regis
  • 49712
    Book Info
    Two unfortunate lovers, or, A true relation of the lamentable end of Iohn True, and Susan Mease: their lives this ditty doth relate, and how they dy'd unfortunate. To the tune of, The brides buriall.
  • 49713
    Book Info
    Two unfortunate lovers, or, a true relation of the lamentable end of Iohn True, and Susan Mease their lives thiss ditty doth relate, and how they dy'd unfortunate. To the tune of, The brides buriall.
  • 49714
    Book Info
    Two unfortunate lovers, or, a true relation of the lamentable end of Iohn True, and Susan Mease their lives thiss ditty doth relate, and how they dy'd unfortunate. To the tune of, The brides buriall.
  • 49715
    Book Info
    A table collected of the yeares of our Lord God, and of the yeares of the kings of England continued from the first yeare of William the Conquerour, untill the fifteenth yeare of our soveraigne lord, Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, shewing how the yeares of our Lord God, and the yeares of the kings of this
  • 49716
    Book Info
    A treatise of iustification wherein is first set dovvne the true doctrine in the causes effects fruits consequents of it, according to the Word of God. And then all obiections and cavils of the adversaries to Gods free iustification by grace, are answered and confuted, especially of Robert Bellarmine, Iesuit and Cardinal. Wherein also the popish do
  • 49717
    Book Info
    A treatise of morall philosophy wherein is contayned the worthy sayings of philosophers, emperors, kings, and orators, their lives and answers, of what linage they came, and of what countrey they were : whose worthy sentences, notable precepts, counsels, and parables do hereafter follow / first gathered and set forth by William Bauldwin ; and after
  • 49718
    Book Info
    A treatise of the authority of the Church The summe whereof was delivered in a sermon preached at Belfast, at the visitation of the diocese of Downe and Conner. By Henrie Leslie, Bishop of the diocese. Intended for the satisfaction of them who in those places oppose the orders of our Church, and now published upon occasion of a libell sent abroad i
  • 49719
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    A treatise of the sacraments according to the doctrin of the Church of England touching that argument Collected out of the articles of religion, the publique catechism, the liturgie, and the book of homilies. With a sermon preached in the publique lecture, appointed for Saint Pauls Crosse, on the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist, Iune 24. 1638. By T. B.
  • 49720
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    A treatise vpon sundry matters contained in the Thiry nine Articles of religion, which are professed in the Church of England long since written and published by Thomas Rogers.