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총 52,377건 중 49,721 - 49,740건 출력
  • 49721
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    A triall of our church-forsakers. Or A meditation tending to still the passions of unquiet Brownists, upon Heb.10.25 Wherein is iustified, against them, that the blessed Church of England 1 Is a true Church. 2 Hath a true ministry. 3 Hath a true worship. By Robert Abbot ...
  • 49722
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    A true and strange relation of fire, which by an eruption brake forth out of the bowels of the earth in the depth of the sea, and made an island of foure miles and a halfe in length, one of the islands of the Tercera's, to the amazement of the beholders And which is testified by divers marriners lately come into England. Which happened in the monet
  • 49723
    Book Info
    A true relation, of the lives and deaths of two most famous English pyrats, Purser, and Clinton who lived in the reigne of Queene Elizabeth. Together with the particular actions of their takings, and undertakings with other pleasant passages which hapned before their surprizall worth the observing.
  • 49724
    Book Info
    Table of ye booke of Proclamac[i]ons beginning 1625 King Charles & continues till 20th february 1638
  • 49725
    Book Info
    Tabulae ad grammatica Graeca introductoriae in quibus succinctè compingitur, brevissima, sed tamen expedita, singularum partium orationis declinabilium, variandi ratio : accessit vestibuli vice, ad eandem linguam ...|Tyrocinium ad syllogismum legitimum contexendum.|Heptades logicae.
  • 49726
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    The Tragedie of Chabot Admirall of France: as it was presented by her Majesties servants, at the private house in Drury Lane. Written by George Chapman, and James Shirly.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 49727
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    The Tragedy Of Albertvs Wallenstein, Late Duke Of Fridland, and Generall To the Emperor Ferdinand the Second
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  • 49728
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    The terrestriall paradise, or, Happinesse on earth. Written by Robert Crofts
  • 49729
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    The totall summe. Or No danger of damnation vnto Roman Catholiques for any errour in faith nor any hope of saluation for any sectary vvhatsoeuer that doth knovvingly oppose the doctrine of the Roman Church. This is proued by the confessions, and sayings of M. William Chillingvvorth his booke.
  • 49730
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    The tragedie of Chabot admirall of France as it vvas presented by her Majesties Servants, at the private house in Drury Lane. Written by George Chapman, and Iames Shirly.
  • 49731
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    The tragedie of Cleopatra Queen of AEgypt. By T.M. Acted 1626
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  • 49732
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    The tragedy of Albertus VVallenstein late Duke of Fridland, and generall to the Emperor Ferdinand the second. Written by Henry Glapthorne. The scene, Egers. And acted with good allowance at the Globe on the Banke-side, by his Majesties Servants.
  • 49733
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    The tragedy of Julia Agrippina; Empresse of Rome. By T.M.
  • 49734
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    The tragedy of Julia Agrippina; Empresse of Rome. By T.M. Esq
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 49735
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    The triumph of a Christian containing three excellent and heavenly treatises: 1. Iacobs wrestling with God. 2. The conduit of comfort. 3. A preparative for the Lords Supper. Full of sweet consolations for all that desire the comfortable sweetnesse of Iesus Christ; and necessary for those who are troubled in conscience. Written by that worthy man, M
  • 49736
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    The triumphs of Gods revenge against the crying and execrable sinne of murther Expressed in thirty severall tragicall histories, (digested into six bookes) which containe great variety of memorable accidents, historicall, morall, and devine. Written by Iohn Reynolds.
  • 49737
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    Totenham-Court a pleasant comedy. Acted at the private house in Salisbury-Court. By Thomas Nabbs.
  • 49738
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    Totenham-Court a pleasant comedy. Acted at the private house in Salisbury-Court. By Thomas Nabbs.
  • 49739
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    Toward the vindication of the Second Commandment: by Edm. Gurnay, Bachelour in Divinity, and minister of Gods word at Harpley in Norfolk
  • 49740
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    Translaet van een out placaet, vernieuwt ende ghepubliceert eer sijn Majesteyt van Goot Brittannien naer Iorck is ghegaen; ghebiedende all alle Iesuyten ende seminarisen uyt het landt te vertrecken..