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총 52,377건 중 49,741 - 49,760건 출력
  • 49741
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    Triall of conscience in a quotidian exercise written by Tho. Riley.
  • 49742
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    Triall of conscience in a quotidian exercise written by Tho. Riley.
  • 49743
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    Tvveeds teares of joy, to Charles great Brittains king.|Tweeds tears of joy, to Charles Great Britains king
  • 49744
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    Tvvo bookes of epigrammes, and epitaphs Dedicated to two top-branches of gentry: Sir Charles Shirley, Baronet, and William Davenport, Esquire. Written by Thomas Bancroft.
  • 49745
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    Tvvo famous sea-fights. Lately made, betwixt the fleetes of the King of Spaine, and the fleetes of the Hollanders The one, in the West-Indyes: the other, the eight of this present moneth of February, betwixt Callis and Gravelin. In the former, the Hollander suffered. In the latter the Spaniard lost. Two relations not vnfit for these times to animat
  • 49746
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    Tvvo sermons preached at Northampton at two severall assises there The one in the time of the shrevalty of Sir Erasmus Dryden Baronet. Anno Domini, 1621. The other in the time of the shrevalty of Sir Henery Robinson Knight, Anno Domini, 1629. By Robert Bolton Bachelour in Divinity, late minister of Broughton in Northampton-shire, and sometimes fell
  • 49747
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    Tvvo treatises I. The purchase of Grace, shewing the excellency of Christ, and the graces of his spirit. II. The soules delight in Gods tabernacles, shewing the excellency of time, spent in duties of God's solemne service. Instances in the chiefe, viz. prayer, word, and sacraments. Motives and directions for right performance. Lastly, the chiefe us
  • 49748
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    Twells an almanack for the yeare of our Lord God 1639. Being the third after the leap-yeare and from the worlds creation 5588. ; Calculated and properly referred to the meridian latitude of Cambridge, where the pole is elevated 5[3?] degrees and 17 minutes. Whereunto are annexed many profitable tables, serviceable for all sorts pf men..
  • 49749
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    Two bookes of epigrammes, and epitaphs
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 49750
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    Two sermons: preached by that faithfull and reverend divine, Richard Sibbes, D.D. and sometimes preacher to the honorable society of Grayes Inne; and master of Katherine Hall in Cambridge
  • 49751
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    A treatise collected out of the statutes of this kingdome, and according to common experience of the lawes, concerning the office and authorities of coroners and sherifes Together with an easie and plaine method for the keeping of a court leet, court baron, and hundred court, &c. By John Wilkinson, of Bernards Inne, Gent.
  • 49752
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    A treatise of the consecration of the Sonne of God to his everlasting priesthood And the accomplishment of it by his glorious resurrection and ascention. Being the ninth book of commentaries upon the Apostles Creed. Continued by Thomas Iackson Doctor in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Maiesty, and president of C.C.C. in Oxford.
  • 49753
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    A treatise of the first part of chirurgerie, called by mee Synthetike the part which teacheth the reunition of the parts of the bodie disjoyned. Containing the methodical doctrine of wounds: delivered in lectures in the Barber-Chirurgeons Hall, upon Tuesdayes, appointed for these exercises, and the keeping of their courts. By Alexander Read, Doctor
  • 49754
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    A treatise of the sacraments according to the doctrin of the Church of England touching that argument Collected out of the articles of religion, the publique catechism, the liturgie, and the book of homilies. With a sermon preached in the publique lecture, appointed for Saint Pauls Crosse, on the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist, Iune 24. 1638. / By T.B
  • 49755
    Book Info
    A treatise of the sacraments according to the doctrin of the Church of England touching that argument Collected out of the articles of religion, the publique catechism, the liturgie, and the book of homilies. With a sermon preached in the publique lecture, appointed for Saint Pauls Crosse, on the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist, Iune 24. 1638. / By T.B. Pr. Pl.
  • 49756
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    A treatise of vse and custome
  • 49757
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    A true and brief relation of the bloudy battell fought foure dayes and foure nights together betweene Duke Bernard van VVimeren, victour, and Iohn de Weerdt, with the Duke Savelli, both imperiall generalls, vvho were utterly overthrowne and beaten / translated out of authentick letters, as well out of the Duke of Wimeren his owne letter, as another
  • 49758
    Book Info
    A true and brief relation of the bloudy battell fought foure dayes and foure nights together betweene Duke Bernard van VVimeren, victour, and Iohn de Weerdt, with the Duke Savelli, both imperiall generalls, vvho were utterly overthrowne and beaten / translated out of authentick letters, as well out of the Duke of Wimeren his owne letter, as another written to a great lord from Basill.
  • 49759
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    A true and terrible narration of a horrible earthquake which happened in the province of Calabria (in the kingdome of Naples, under the dominion of the King of Spaine) in Italy, upon the 27 of March last past according to forraigne account, and by our English computation, the 17. and the festivity of S. Patrick: to the devastation and depopulation
  • 49760
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    A true discription of his Majesties royall and most stately ship called the Soveraign of the Seas, built at Wolwitch in Kent 1637 With the names of all the prime officers in her, who were appointed by his Majesty since the time of her launching at Wolwitch. Also a briefe addition to the first printed coppy, worthy your observation and reading. Publ