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총 52,377건 중 49,761 - 49,780건 출력
  • 49761
    Book Info
    A true relation of the late battell fought in New England, between the English, and the Pequet salvages in which was slaine and taken prisoners about 700 of the salvages, and those which escaped, had their heads cut off by the Mohocks: vvith the present state of things there.
  • 49762
    Book Info
    A true relation of the late battell fought in New-England, between the English and the Pequet salvages In which were slaine and taken prisoners about 700. of the salvages, and those which escaped, had their heads cut off by the Mohocks: with the present state of things there.
  • 49763
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    A true relation of those sad and lamentable accidents, which happened in and about the parish church of Withycombe in the Dartmoores, in Devonshire, on Sunday the 21. of October last, 1638
  • 49764
    Book Info
    A true relation of those sad and lamentable accidents, which happened in and about the parish church of Withycombe in the Dartmoores, in Devonshire, on Sunday the 21. of October last, 1638
  • 49765
    Book Info
    Take time, while time is being an exhortation to all sorts or sexes, of what degree soever, from the highest to the lowest, old or young, rich or poore. To the tune of, The ladies daughter of Paris.
  • 49766
    Book Info
    Take time, while time is being an exhortation to all sorts or sexes, of what degree soever, from the highest to the lowest, old or young, rich or poore. To the tune of, The ladies daughter of Paris.
  • 49767
    Book Info
    Take time, while time is: being an exhortation to all sorts or sexes, of what degree soever, from the highest to the lowest, old or young, rich or poore. To the tune of, The ladies daughter of Paris.
  • 49768
    Book Info
    Tarletons jests drawne into these three parts. [brace] 1 His court-witty iests. 2 His sound city iests. 3 His countrey-pretty iests [brace] Full of delight, wit, and honest mirth..
  • 49769
    Book Info
    Tarltons jests Drawne into these three parts. 1 His court-witty iests. 2 His sound city iests. 3 His countrey pretty iests. Full of delight, wit, and honest mirth.
  • 49770
    Book Info
    Taylors feast contayning twenty-seaven dishes of meate, without bread, drinke, meate, fruite, flesh, fish, sawce, sallats, or sweet-meats, only a good stomacke, &c. Being full of variety and witty mirth. By John Taylor.
  • 49771
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    The Tragedy Of Selimvs: Emperour Of the Turkes
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 49772
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    The temple Sacred poems, and private ejaculations. By Mr. George Herbert, late oratour of the Universitie of Cambridge.
  • 49773
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    The testaments of the twelve patriarchs, the sons of Iacob: translated out of Greeke into Latine by Robert Grosthead, sometime Bishop of Lincolne: and out of his copie into French and Dutch by others: and now Englished. To the credit whereof, an ancient Greeke copy, written in parchment, is kept in the University Librarie of Cambridge
  • 49774
    Book Info
    The tragedie of Alceste and Eliza As it is found in Italian, in La Croce racquistata. Collected, and translated into English, in the same verse, and number, by Fr. Br. Gent. At the request of the right vertuous lady, the Lady Anne Wingfield ...
  • 49775
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    The tragedy of Selimus Emperour of the Turkes. Written T.G.
  • 49776
    Book Info
    The tragedy of Selimus Emperour of the Turkes. Written T.G.
  • 49777
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    The tree of humane life, or, The bloud of the grape Proving the possibilitie of maintaining humane life from infancy to extreme old age without any sicknesse by the use of wine. By Tobias Whitaker Doctor in Physick of London.
  • 49778
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    The triall of the English liturgie, or A copie of a letter, wherein severall exceptions and arguments against the imposition and use of the service book in the English churches, are set forth and discussed. Written by a reverend divine, to his Christian friend, for his private satisfaction in this particular. And now published for publicke good
  • 49779
    Book Info
    The true Israelite, or, The sincere Christian distinguished from the hypocrite. By Master William Andrewes, late minister of the word of God
  • 49780
    Book Info
    The true Israelite, or, The sincere Christian distinguished from the hypocrite. By Master William Andrewes, late minister of the word of God.