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총 52,377건 중 49,801 - 49,820건 출력
  • 49801
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    A treatise of the fift generall covncel held at Constantinople anno 553. under Iustinian the emperour, in the time of Pope Vigilius. The occasion being those tria capitula, which for many yeares troubled the whole church. Wherein is proved that the popes apostolicall constitution and definitive sentence in matter of faith, was condemned as hereticall by the synod. And the exceeding frauds of Car
  • 49802
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    A treatise of the honor of Gods house: or, The true paterne of the Church, shewed in the parts and pietie of it with a discovery of the true cause and cure of our present contentions, and an answer of such objections as may offend the weake.
  • 49803
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    A true and briefe relation of the famous seige of Breda beseiged, and taken in vnder the able and victorious conduct of his Highnesse the Prince of Orange, captaine generall of the States armie, and admirall of the seas, &c. Composed by Henry Hexham quartermaster to the regiment of the honorable Coronell Goring.
  • 49804
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    A true and experimentall discourse, upon the beginning, proceeding, and victorious event of this last siege of Breda With the antiquity and annexing of it, to the house of Nassaw, and the many alterations it hath suffered by armes, and armies, within these threescore yeares. Together with the prudent plots, projects, and policies of warre: the assa
  • 49805
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    A true description of His Majesties royall ship, built this yeare 1637. at Wooll-witch in Kent To the great glory of our English nation, and not paraleld in the whole Christian world. Published by authoritie.
  • 49806
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    A true iournall of the Sally fleet vvith the proceedings of the voyage. Published by Iohn Dunton, London mariner, master of the admirall call'd the Leopard. Whereunto is annexed a list of Sally captives names, and the places where they dwell, and a description of the three townes in a card.
  • 49807
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    A true relation of all the remarkable places and passages observed in the travels of the right honourable Thomas Lord Hovvard, Earle of Arundell and Surrey, Primer Earle, and Earle Marshall of England, ambassadour extraordinary to his sacred Majesty Ferdinando the second, emperour of Germanie, anno Domini 1636. By Wiliam Crowne Gentleman
  • 49808
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    A true relation of the late battell fought in New England, between the English, and the salvages vvith the present state of things there.
  • 49809
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    Tabula directoria in qua, totum to texnikon linguae sanctae, ad amussim delineatur : quam in grati & devoti animi tekmhpion, ut debitum, illustri & verè nobili viro, D. Henrico Wotton / inscribit author Victorinus Bythner. P.
  • 49810
    Book Info
    Tabula directoria in qua, totum to texnikon linguæ sanctæ, ad amussim delineatur : quam in grati & devoti animi tekmhpion, ut debitum, illustri & verè nobili viro, D. Henrico Wotton / inscribit author Victorinus Bythner. P.
  • 49811
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    Tentations their nature, danger, cure. The third part: by Richard Capel, sometimes fellow of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford.
  • 49812
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    The tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. Newly imprinted and inlarged, according to the true and perfect copy last printed. By William Shakespeare
  • 49813
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    The treasurie of hidden secrets, commonly called, The good-huswives closet of provision, for the health of her houshold Gathered out of sundrie experiments, lately practised by men of great knowledge: and now newly inlarged with divers necessary physick helpes, and knowledge of the names and disposition of diseases, that most commonly happen to men
  • 49814
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    The triall of the English liturgie. Or A copie of a letter, wherein severall exceptions and argvments against the imposition and use of the service book in the English churches, are set forth and disussed. / Written by a reverend divine ... and now published for publicke good.|Book of common prayer
  • 49815
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    The true history of the life and sudden death of old Iohn Overs, the rich ferry-man of London And how he lost his life by his owne covetousnesse. And of his daughter Mary, who caused the Church of Saint Mary Overs in Southwark to be built, and of the building of London-Bridge.
  • 49816
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    The true relation and description of 2. most strange and true remarkable sea-fights against the Turkes. The one was on the 14. of April last, 1636. in a ship called the Blessing, of Stone-house in the parish of Pilmmouth, the masters name being Richard Andrew, of Stoken Tenew, betwixt Dartmouth and Exeter. The other sea-fight being the 6. of Nouemb
  • 49817
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    The true vvatch and rule of life Or a direction for the examination of our spirituall estate, and for the guiding of our whole course of life according to the word of God, whereby wee must be judged at the last day. Shewing us in the glasse of the Law, viz. the X. Commandements our owne naturall miseries. And in the glasse of the Gospell: viz. the
  • 49818
    Book Info
    The two inseparable brothers. Or A true and strange description of a gentleman (an Italian by birth) about seventeene yeeres of age who hath an imperfect (yet living) brother, growing out of his side, having a head, two armes, and one leg, all perfectly to be seen. They were both baptized together, the imperfect is called Iohn Baptist, and the othe
  • 49819
    Book Info
    The two inseparable brothers. Or A true and strange description of a gentleman (an Italian by birth) about seventeene yeeres of age who hath an imperfect (yet living) brother, growing out of his side, having a head, two armes, and one leg, all perfectly to be seen. They were both baptized together, the imperfect is called Iohn Baptist, and the other Lazarus. Admire the Creator in his creatures. T
  • 49820
    Book Info
    The two inseparable brothers. Or A true and strange description of a gentleman (an Italian by birth) about seventeene yeeres of age, who hath an imperfect (yet living) brother, growing out of his side, having a head, two armes, and one leg, all perfectly to be seen. They were both baptized together; the imperfect is called Iohn Baptist, and the oth