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총 52,377건 중 49,841 - 49,860건 출력
  • 49841
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    A treatise, maintaining that temporall blessings are to bee sought and asked with submission to the will of God Wherein is confuted the presumptious way of absolute praying for temporals, in the particulars, broached, and defended by Mr. Rice Boye, in a late pamphlet, intituled The importunate beggar. As also a discovery of the late dangerous errou
  • 49842
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    A true discourse of the two infamous upstart prophets, Richard Farnham weaver of White-Chappell, and Iohn Bull weaver of Saint Butolphs Algate, now prisoners, the one in Newgate, and the other in Bridewell with their examinations and opinions taken from their owne mouthes April 16. anno 1636. As also of Margaret Tennis now prisoner in Old Bridewell
  • 49843
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    Taylors travels and circular perambulation, through, and by more then thirty times twelve signes of the Zodiack, of the famous cities of London and Westminster With the honour and worthinesse of the vine, the vintage, the wine, and the vintoner; with an alphabeticall description, of all the taverne signes in the cities, suburbs, and liberties afore
  • 49844
    Book Info
    Ten sermons, preached vpon seuerall Sundayes and saints dayes 1 Vpon the Passion of our Blessed Savior. 2 Vpon his resurrection. 3 Vpon S. Peters Day. 4 Vpon S. Iohn the Baptists Day. 5 Vpon the Day of the blessed Innocents. 6 Vpon Palme Sunday. 7 and 8 Vpon the two first Sundays in Advent. 9 and 10 Vpon the parable of the Pharisee and publicane, L
  • 49845
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    Tentations their nature, danger, cure. By Richard Capel, sometimes fellow of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford. To which is added a briefe dispute, as touching restitution in the case of usury.
  • 49846
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    Tentations their nature, danger, cure. The third part: by Richard Capel, sometimes fellow of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford.
  • 49847
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    Terentius a M. Antonio Mureto emendatus ; et argumentis in singulas fabulas & scenas illustratus, denuò ex collatione optimorum exemplarium emendatissimè excusus, vulgatæ annotatiunculæ in margine adscriptæ & auctæ, index vocum antiquarum apud Terentium.
  • 49848
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    Th[e] posie of godly prayers, fit for euery Christian to vse. Contayning onely prayers of repentance, remission of sinnes, and thanksgiuing, with an excellent exhortation to forsake the world: and a perswasion not to feare death. / Made and collected by Nicholas Themylthorpe Esquire, one of the Queenes Maiesties gentlemen sewers.|Posy of godly prayers|Posie of godly prayers, fit for euery Christia
  • 49849
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    The three vvonders of this age.
  • 49850
    Book Info
    The treasurers almanacke: wherein with necessary tables of interest, the lenders gaine, and borrowers losse, of 10. 8. 7. 6. in the 100. are easily composed and demonstrated for the longitude and latitude of all places whatsoever. 1636. Being most necessary and helpefull in coine, value, weight, and measure of all things. And properly referred and
  • 49851
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    The triall of a Christians sincere loue vnto Christ. By Mr William Pinke, Mr of Arts late fellow of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford
  • 49852
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    The true Gospel vindicated, from the reproach of a new Gospel. In which many things are opened that tend to the comfort of sad soules, and for their understandingof [sic] the Scriptures and their assurance of faith. : Whireunto [sic] is annexed, with submission to the Churches of Christ, and the true servants of Iesus Christ, a small taste of the R
  • 49853
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    The true inquisition or The sad soules search Wherein you may reade King Davids physicke against the plague. First preached at Newport, May 29. 1632 at the visitation in the Isle of wight. By W. Iones, B. of D. late preacher to Arreton in the Isle of Wight. Thought necessary to be republished, and read, and layd to heart, in this dangerous time of
  • 49854
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    To the Catholickes of England. Right honorable, right worshipfull, and much respected: we vnderwritten being appointed to serue the infected Catholicks of the citty and suburbs of London, with our spiritual assistance, hauing seene with our eyes the extreme necessity which many of the poorer sort are fallen into ...|Right honorable, right worshipfull, and much respected: we vnderwritten being appo
  • 49855
    Book Info
    True. 1636. : A new almanack and prognostication, for the yeere of o[ur] L[ord Go]d, and from the creation 5598. Being bissexti[ll] or leap yeere. Composed for the meridian of the [pres]ent and famous citty [of] Dublin and generally for all Ireland. / By Patrick True, G..|Prognostication for this present yeare of our Lord God. 1636.
  • 49856
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    Tubus historicus an historicall perspective; discovering all the empires and kingdomes of the vvorld, as they flourisht respectively under the foure imperiall monarchies. Faithfully composed out of the most approved authours, and exactly digested according to the supputation of the best chronologers. (With a catalogue of the kings and emperours of
  • 49857
    Book Info
    Tuuo sermons vpon the first words of Christs last sermon Iohn XIIII.I. being also the last sermons of Richard Sibbs, D.D., preached to the honourable society of Grayes Inne, Iune the 21. and 28. 1635, who the next Lords day following, dyed, and rested from all his labours.
  • 49858
    Book Info
    Tvvo sermons vpon the first words of Christs last sermon Iohn XIIII. I. Being also the last sermons of Richard Sibbs D.D. Preached to the honourable society of Grayes Inne, Iune the 21. and 28. 1635. Who the next Lords day follwing, died, and rested from all his labours
  • 49859
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    A True chronologi of all the kings of England from Brute, the first king vnto our most sacred King Charles mo[n]arke of ye whole yies.
  • 49860
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    A thankesgiuing, and prayer for the safe child-bearing of the Queenes Maiestie.