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총 50,249건 중 49,941 - 49,960건 출력
  • 49941
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    A treatise of morall phylosophye contaynyng the sayinges of the wyse / gathered and Englished by William Bauldewin.
  • 49942
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    A treatyse of the newe India with other new founde landes and islandes, aswell eastwarde as westwarde, as they are knowen and found in these oure dayes, after the description of Sebastian Munster in his boke of universall cosmographie: wherin the diligent reader may see the good successe and rewarde of noble and honeste enterpryses, by the which no
  • 49943
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    A true and lyuely historyke purtreatures of the vvoll Bible
  • 49944
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    A true and lyuely historyke purtreatures of the vvoll Bible
  • 49945
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    A true and lyuely historyke purtreatures of the vvoll Bible|Quadrins historiques de la Bible.
  • 49946
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    The treasury of healthe conteynyng many profitable medycines gathered out of Hypocrates, Galen and Auycen, by one Petrus Hyspanus [and] translated into Englysh by Humfre Lloyde who hath added therunto the causes and sygnes of euery dysease, wyth the Aphorismes of Hypocrates, and Iacobus de Partybus redacted to a certayne order according to the memb
  • 49947
    Book Info
    This boke newely imprynted sheweth the maner of measuryng of all maner of lande as well of woodlande, as of plowelande, and pastour in the felde, [and] comptynge the true nombre of acres of the same. Newely inuented and compyled by Syr Rycharde Benese, Chanon of Marton Abbay besyde London.
  • 49948
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    Twelue sermons of Saynt Augustine, now lately translated into English by Tho. Paynel
  • 49949
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    A treatise of morall phylosophye contayning the sayinges of the wise / gathered and Englished by William Baldewyn.
  • 49950
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    A true copy of the ordinance made in the time of king Henry the .vi. to be obserued in ye kinges escheker, by the offycers and clerkes there for takynge of fees of the kynges accomptauntes
  • 49951
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    This lytell practyce of Ioha[n]nes de Vigo in medycyne, is translated out of Laten in to Englysshe, for the health of the body of man These medycynes were proued by Thornetone.
    Da Vigo
  • 49952
    Book Info
    This lytell practyce of Ioha[n]nes de Vigo in medycyne, is translated out of Laten in to Englysshe, for the health of the body of man These medycynes were proued by Thornetone.
  • 49953
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    To Dauid Dicars when|Davy Dicars dreame.
  • 49954
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    To goodman Chappels supplication|Davy Dicars dreame.|Supplicacion unto mast. Camell.
  • 49955
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    A treatise in English and Frenche right necessary and proffitable for al young children (the contentes whereof apere in a table in the ende of this boke) made by Peter du Ploiche teacher of the same dwelling in Trinitie lane at the signe of the Rose
  • 49956
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    This prymer of Salisbury vse is se tout [sic] along with houtonyser chyng [sic] with many prayers & goodly pyctures in the kalender in the matins of our lady in the houres of the crosse in the vii psalmes and in the dyryge. ; And benewly enprynted at Rouen.|Primer (Salisbury).
  • 49957
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    A treatise against the folishnesse of men in differinge the reformation of their liuing and amendment of their manners, compyled by the godly lerned man John Riuius, and translated into Englishe by Iohn Bankes.
  • 49958
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    A treatise of morall phylosophye contayning the sayinges of the wyse. Gathered and Englyshed by Wylliam Baldewyn.
  • 49959
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    A treatise of schemes [and] tropes very profytable for the better vnderstanding of good authors, gathered out of the best grammarians [and] oratours by Rychard Sherry Londoner. Whervnto is added a declamacion, that chyldren euen strapt fro[m] their infancie should be well and gently broughte vp in learnynge. Written fyrst in Latin by the most excel
  • 49960
    Book Info
    A treatyse of the state and disposition of the worlde with the alteracions and chaunginges therof through the great coniunctions of the iii hyest planetes, called Maxima, Maior, Media, and Minor : declaringe the very tyme, the day, houre and minute, that God created the sonne, moone, and sterres, and the places where they were fyrst set in the heauens, and the beginning of their inouynges and so