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총 52,377건 중 51,061 - 51,080건 출력
  • 51061
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    To the faythfull Christians [by] Christ's vnworthie minister that desireth your edification, W.S.
  • 51062
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    To the right reverend father in God, Thomas, by the diuine prouidence, Bishop of London, his very honorable good lord.
  • 51063
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    To the right reverend father in God, Thomas, by the diuine prouidence, Bishop of London, his very honorable good lord.
  • 51064
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    Tricorones, siue Soles gemini in Britannia Carmen de Christiani IV. Regis aduentu in eandem. Officio Edmundi Bolton seruatum, eiusdem curâ, & sumptu editum.
  • 51065
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    Tricorones, sive, Soles gemini in Britannia carmen de Christiani IV regis aduentu in eandem.
  • 51066
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    Triplici nodo triplex cuneus. Siue Apologia pro iuramento fidelitatis, aduersus duo breuia P. Pauli Quinti, & epistolam Cardinalis Bellarmini, ad G. Blackuellum Archipresbyterum nuper scriptam. Authoritate regiâ.
  • 51067
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    Triplici nodo, triplex cuneus. Or An apologie for the Oath of allegiance against the two breues of Pope Paulus Quintus, and the late letter of Cardinal Bellarmine to G. Blackvvel the Arch-priest. Authoritate regiâ.
  • 51068
    Book Info
    Triplici nodo, triplex cuneus. Siue Apologia pro iuramento fidelitatis aduersus duo breuia P. Pauli Quinti, & epistolam Cardinalis Bellarmini, ad G. Blackuellum Archipresbyterum nuper scriptam. Authoritate regiâ.
  • 51069
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    Tvvo fruitful sermons, needfull for these times whereof the one may be called, A mariage present; the other, A sickemans glasse. Compiled by Roger Hacket, Doctor in Diuinitie.
  • 51070
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    Two faces vnder a hood, or, The cloake of hypocrisie, worne thred bare by many, and perceiued by few.|Two faces under a hood, or, The cloake of hypocrisie, worne thred bare by many, and perceived by few|Two faces under a hood, or, The cloak of hypocrisy, worn thredbare by many, and perceived by few|Cloake of hypocrisie, worne thred bare by many, and perceiued by few|Cloak of hypocrisy, worn thredb
  • 51071
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    Two horrible and inhumane murders done in L[in]colneshire, by two husbands vpon their wiues the o[ne] strangled his wife in her sicknesse fiue and twenty yeares since, and not reuealed til Nouember last: the other hauing killed his wife, made a great fire, and burnther [sic], which fact was done and renealed [sic] in Iune Anno Dom. 1604. Thomas Cas
  • 51072
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    Two right profitable and fruitfull concordances, or large and ample tables alphabeticall the first containing the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery one of them, and the second comprehending all such other principall wordes and matters, as concerne the sense and mea
  • 51073
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    Two sermons, of Ionahs punishment ; Foure sermons preached by Maister Henry Smith ; and published by a more perfect copie then heretofore.
  • 51074
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    A True and perfect relation of the whole proceedings against the late most barbarous traitors, Garnet a Iesuite, and his confederats contayning sundry speeches deliuered by the Lords commissioners at their arraignments for the better satisfaction of those that were hearers, as occasion was offered : the Earle of Northamptons speech hauing bene enlarged vpon those grounds which are set downe : and
  • 51075
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    A table collected of the yeares of our Lord God, and of the years of the Kings of England continued from the first yeare of William the Conquerour, vntill the first year of our soueraign Lord, Iames by the grace of God, king of Great Brittaine, France, and Ireland shewing how the yeares of our Lord God, and the yeares of the Kings of this realme co
  • 51076
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    A terrible battell betweene the two consumers of the whole world: time, and death. By Samuell Rowlands
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51077
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    A threefold answer vnto the third part of a certain triobolar treatise of three supposed conuersions of England to the modern Romish religion published by Rob. Parsons vnder the continued maske of N.D.
  • 51078
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    A treatise of the church Wherein are handled the principall questions mooued in our time concerning that matter. By Philip of Mornai, Lord of Plessis-Marli, counsaylor to the King in his counsell of estate, captaine of fiftie men at armes of his ordinances, gouernour for his Maiestie in the citie and iurisdiction of Saumur, and superintendent of hi
  • 51079
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    A treatise of the church Wherein are handled the principall questions mooued in our time concerning that matter. By Philip of Mornai, Lord of Plessis-Marli, counsaylor to the King in his counsell of estate, captaine of fiftie men at armes of his ordinances, gouernour for his Maiestie in the citie and iurisdiction of Saumur, and superintendent of his house and crowne of Nauarre. Reuiewed and enlar
  • 51080
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    A treatise of the great and generall daye of iudgement necessarie for euerie Christian that wisheth good successe to his soule, at that great and terirble day. By Henrie Greenwood, Master of Arts, and preacher of the word of God. With an addition of certaine godly prayers the contents appeare in the next page.