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총 52,377건 중 51,081 - 51,100건 출력
  • 51081
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    A treatise, concerning the causes of the magnificencie and greatnes of cities, deuided into three bookes by Sig: Giouanni Botero, in the Italian tongue; now done into English by Robert Peterson, of Lincolnes Inne Gent. Seene and allowed
  • 51082
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    A treatise, concerning the death and resurrection of our bodies, grounded vpon our sauiour Christs words, in the eleuenth verse of the eleuenth chapter of the gospell of Saint Iohn: / made by Henry Hoddeson, Master of Art, and student in diuinity.
  • 51083
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    A true and perfect relation of the proceedings at the seuerall arraignments of the late most barbarous traitors
  • 51084
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    A true and perfect relation of the whole proceedings against the late most barbarous traitors, Garnet a Iesuite, and his confederats contayning sundry speeches deliuered by the Lords Commissioners at their arraignments, for the better satisfaction of those that were hearers, as occasion was offered; the Earle of Northamptons speech hauing bene enla
  • 51085
    Book Info
    A true and perfect relation of the whole proceedings against the late most barbarous traitors, Garnet a Iesuite, and his confederats contayning sundry speeches deliuered by the Lords Commissioners at their arraignments, for the better satisfaction of those that were hearers, as occasion was offered; the Earle of Northamptons speech hauing bene enlarged vpon those grounds which are set downe. And
  • 51086
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    A true report of the imprisonment, the arraignement, and execution of the late traytors VVith a relation of the other traytors which were executed at VVorcester, the 27. of Ianuary last past, with others that were executed at VVolner-Hampton.
  • 51087
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    Tamburlaine the Greate· VVith his impassionate furie, for the death of his lady and loue faire Zenocrate: his forme of exhortation and discipline to his three sonnes, and the manner of his owne death. The second part.
  • 51088
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    The testament of the twelue patriarches the sonnes of Iacob translated out of Greek into Latine by Robert Grosthead sometime bishop of Lincolne, and out of his copy into French and Dutch by others, and now Englished by A.G. ...|Testaments of the twelve patriarchs. English. 1606.
  • 51089
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    The tragedie of Sophonisba. Written by Iohn Marston..
  • 51090
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    The true coppy of a certaine letter written from Sluce the 12. of Iune 1606 (according to theyr computation.) Concerning an exployt attempted by the enemie against the said towne. As it was printed at Flushing.
  • 51091
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    The true watch Or A direction for the examination of our spirituall estate (according to the word of God, whereby wee must be iudged at the last day) to helpe to preserue vs from apostacie, or decaying in grace, and to further our daily growth in Christ.
  • 51092
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    Thomae Thomasii Dictionarium summa fide ac diligentia accuratissime emendatum, magnaque insuper rerum scitu dignarum, et vocabulorum accessione, longè auctius locupletiusque redditum. Huic etiàm (praeter Dictionarium historicum necessarium) novissime accessit vtilissimus de ponderum, mensurarum, & monetarum veterum reductione ad ea, quae sunt Angli
  • 51093
    Book Info
    Threnodia in obitum D. Edouardi Lewkenor Equitis, & D. Susannae coniugis charissimae. = Funerall verses vpon the death of the right worshipfull Sir Edvvard Levvkenor Knight, and Madame Susan his Lady With Deaths apologie, and a reioynder to the same.
  • 51094
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    Times anotomie [sic]. Containing: the poore mans plaint, Brittons trouble, and her triumph. The Popes pride, Romes treasons, and her destruction: affirming, that Gog, and Magog, both shall perish, the Church of Christ shall flourish, Iudeas race shall be restored, and the manner how this mightie worke shall be accomplished. Made by Robert Pricket,
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51095
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    Tithes examined and proued to bee due to the clergie by a diuine right VVhereby the contentious and prophane atheists, as also the dissembling hypocrites of this age, may learne to honour the ministers and not to defraude them, and to rob the Church. The contents heereof is set downe in the page next following. Written by George Carleton Batchelour
  • 51096
    Book Info
    Tithes examined and proued to bee due to the clergie by a diuine right. VVhereby the contentious and prophane atheists, as also the dissembling hypocrites of this age, may learne to honour the ministers and not to defraude them, and to rob the Church. The contents heereof is set downe in the page next following. Written by George Carleton Batchelou
  • 51097
    Book Info
    Tithes examined and proued to bee due to the clergie by a diuine right. VVhereby the contentious and prophane atheists, as also the dissembling hypocrites of this age, may learne to honour the ministers and not to defraude them, and to rob the Church. The contents heereof is set downe in the page next following. Written by George Carleton Batchelour in Diuinitie.
  • 51098
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    To the Right Worshipfull Sir Thomas Gerard, Knight.
  • 51099
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    To the Right Worshipfull Sir Thomas Gerard, Knight.
  • 51100
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    Trayterous Percyes & Catesbyes prosopopeia. Written by Edward Hawes, scholler at Westminster a youth of sixteene yeeres old