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총 52,377건 중 51,101 - 51,120건 출력
  • 51101
    Book Info
    Truths purchase: or A commoditie, which no man may either neglect to buie, or dare to sell laid forth in two sermons vpon Prov.23.23. by Samuel Hieron minister of the word, at Modburie in Deuon. Very necessary for the times, in which so few seeke after the truth, and so many fall away from the profession and practise of the truth.
  • 51102
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    Tvvo epistles vnto great men of Britanie, in the yeare 1599 Requesting them to put their neckes unto the work of theyr Lord: to break the bread of the soule unto the hungry Iewes, by theyr writinges, or by theyr charges, through such as be ready to declare all that theyr necessity doth require. Printed now the second time, in the yeare synce the cr
  • 51103
    Book Info
    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances or large and ample tables alphabeticall. The first containing the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery of them: and the second comprehending all such other principall word
  • 51104
    Book Info
    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances or large and ample tables alphabeticall. The first containing the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery of them: and the second comprehending all such other principall wordes and matters, as concerne the sense and meaning
  • 51105
    Book Info
    Tvvo sermons preached before his Maiestie, in his chappell at Whitehall the one, the xi. of Februarie, the other the xxv. of same moneth. By Richard Meredeth, one of his Maiesties chaplaines in ordinarie.
  • 51106
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    A theater of delightfull recreation.
  • 51107
    Book Info
    A treatise of faith wherin is briefely, and planly [sic] shewed, a direct way, by which every man may resolue, and settle his minde, in all doubtes, questions, or controuersies, concerning matters of faith.
  • 51108
    Book Info
    A treatise of morall philosophie containing the sayings of the wise: wherin you may see the worthy & pithie sayings of philosophers, emperors, kings and oratours: of their liues, their answers, of what linage they come of, & of what countrie they were: whose worthy sentences, notable precepts, counsels, parables and semblables, doe heereafter follo
  • 51109
    Book Info
    A treatise of specters or straunge sights, visions and apparitions appearing sensibly vnto men Wherein is delivered, the nature of spirites, angels, and divels: their power and properties: as also of witches, sorcerers, enchanters, and such like. With a table of the contents of the several chapters annexed in the end of the booke. Newly done out of
  • 51110
    Book Info
    A treatise of the nature and vse of things indifferent Tendinge to proue, that the ceremonies in present controuersie amongst the ministers of the gospell in the realme of Englande, are neither in nature nor vse indifferent.
  • 51111
    Book Info
    A true relation of Go[ds] vvonderfull mercies in preseruing one aliue, which hanged fiue dayes, who was falsely accused.
  • 51112
    Book Info
    A true relation of the most prosperous voyage made this present yeere 1605, by Captaine George Waymouth, in the discouery of the land of Virginia where he discouered 60 miles vp a most excellent riuer; together with a most fertile land. Written by Iames Rosier. a gentleman employed in the voyage.
  • 51113
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    A true reporte of the great ouerthrowe lately giuen vnto the Spaniards, in their resolute assault of Bergen op Zoam, in the lowe countries
  • 51114
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    Tamburlaine the Greate VVho, from the state of a shepheard in Scythia, by his rare and wonderfull conquests, became a most puissant and mighty monarque.
  • 51115
    Book Info
    Thankesgiuing for the Queenes Maiesties safe deliuerance 9. April 1605.
  • 51116
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    The True chronicle history of King Leir, and his three daughters, Gonorill, Ragan, and Cordella. As it hath bene divers and sundry times lately acted
  • 51117
    Book Info
    The tragedie of King Richard the third Conteining his treacherous plots against his brother Clarence: the pittifull murther of his innocent nephewes: his tyrannicall vsurpation: with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserued death. As it hath bin lately acted by the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. Newly augmented
  • 51118
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    The tragicall historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke By William Shakespeare
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51119
    Book Info
    The triumphes of re-vnited Britania Performed at the cost and charges of the Right Worship: Company of the Merchant-Tayulors, in honor of Sir Leonard Holliday kni: to solemnize his entrance as Lorde Mayor of the Citty of London, on Tuesday the 29. of October. 1605. Deuised and written by A. Mundy, cittizen and draper of London.
  • 51120
    Book Info
    The trivmphes of re-vnited Britania. Performed at the cost and charges of the Right Worship: Company of the Merchant-Taylors, in honor of Sir Leonard Holliday kni: to solemnize his entrance as Lorde Mayor of the Citty of London, on Tuesday the 29. of October. 1605. / Deuised and written by A. Mundy, cittizen and draper of London.
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)