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총 52,377건 중 51,141 - 51,160건 출력
  • 51141
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    A treatise of divine worship tending to prove that the ceremonies imposed vpon the ministers of the Gospell in England, in present controversie, are in their vse vnlawfull.
  • 51142
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    A treatise of vnion of the two realmes of England and Scotland. By I.H.
  • 51143
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    A true and admirable historie, of a mayden of Confolens, in the prouince of Poictiers that for the space of three yeeres and more hath liued, and yet doth, vvithout receiuing either meate or drinke. Of whom, his Maiestie in person hath had the view, and, (by his commaund) his best and chiefest phisitians, haue tryed all meanes, to find, whether thi
  • 51144
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    A true description out of the word of God, of the visible Church
  • 51145
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    A true discourse of the practises of Elizabeth Caldwell, Ma: Ieffrey Bownd, Isabell Hall widdow, and George Fernely, on the parson of Ma: Thomas Caldwell, in the county of Chester, to haue murdered and poysoned him, with diuers others Together with her manner of godly life during her imprisonment, her arrainement and execution, with Isabell Hall wi
  • 51146
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    A true historie of the memorable siege of Ostend and what passed on either side, from the beginning of the siege, vnto the yeelding vp of the towne. Conteining the assaults, alarums, defences, inuentions of warre, mines, counter-mines and retrenchments, combats of galleys, and sea-fights, with the portrait of the towne: and also what passed in the
  • 51147
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    The third dayes creation. By that most excellent, learned, and diuine poet, VVilliam, Lord Bartas. Done verse for verse out of the originall French by Thomas VVinter, Master of Arts
    Du Bartas
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51148
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    The time triumphant declaring in briefe, the ariual of our soueraigne liedge Lord, King Iames into England, his coronation at Westminster: together with his late royal progresse, from the Towre of London throúgh the Cittie, to his Highnes manor of White Hall. Shewing also, the varieties & rarieties of al the sundry trophies or pageants, erected ...
  • 51149
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    The tragedie of Darius. By VVilliam Alexander of Menstrie
  • 51150
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    The tragicall historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. By William Shakespeare
  • 51151
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    The tragicall history of D. Faustus As it hath bene acted by the right honorable the Earle of Nottingham his seruants. Written by Ch. Marl.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51152
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    The true copie of all the burials and christnings aswell within the city of London as the liberties thereof, as in other parishes in the skirts of the city and out of the freedome according to the report made to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie / by the Company of Parish Clerkes of the said city ...
  • 51153
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    The true copie of all the burials and christnings aswell within the city of London as the liberties thereof, as in other parishes in the skirts of the city and out of the freedome according to the report made to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie / by the Company of Parish Clerkes of the said city ...
  • 51154
    Book Info
    The true copie of all the burials and christnings aswell within the city of London as the liberties thereof, as in other parishes in the skirts of the city and out of the freedome, according to the report made to the Kings most excellent Maiestie by the Company of Parish Clearks of the said city ...
  • 51155
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    The true discription of a royall masque Presented at Hampton Court, vpon Sunday night, being the eight of Ianuary. 1604. And personated by the Queenes most excellent Majestie, attended by eleuen ladies of honour.
  • 51156
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    The trve discription of a royall masque. Presented at Hampton Court, vpon Sunday night, being the eight of Ianuary. 1604. And personated by the Queenes most excellent Majestie, attended by eleuen ladies of honour..
  • 51157
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    Thomae Oliverii Buriensis Philiatri. De sophismatum praestigijs cauendis admonitio in qua praeter alia cognitu non indigna nec vsquequaq[ue] vulgo tractata accuratioris dialecticae finis, necessitas, & praestantia explicantur; adiuncta interpretatione loci arist otelici quo docet vsum principii: nihil simul est & non est in demonstrationibus. De re
  • 51158
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    Three sermons made by Master Henry Smith. I. The benefit of contentation. II. The affinitie of the faithfull. III. The lost sheepe is found
  • 51159
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    Time is a turne-coate. Or Englands three-fold metamorphosis VVherin is acted the pensiue mans epilogomena, to Londons late lamentable heroicall comi-tragedie. Also a panegyricall pageant-speech or idylion pronounced to the citie of London, vpon the entrance of her long expected comfort. Written by Iohn Hanson.
  • 51160
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    To the Honorable assemblie of the Commons in the present Parlament