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총 52,377건 중 51,161 - 51,180건 출력
  • 51161
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    To the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie, the humble petition of two sisters, the church and commonwealth for the restoring of their auncient commons and liberties, which late inclosure with depopulation, vncharitably hath taken away : containing seuen reasons as euidences for the same.
  • 51162
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    To the Kings most excellent Maiestie
  • 51163
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    To the Kings most excellent Maiestie. The humble petition of two sisters the Church and Common-wealth: for the restoring of their ancient commons and liberties, which late inclosure with depopulation, vncharitably hath taken away: containing seuen reasons as euidences for the same.
  • 51164
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    To the honorable assembly of the Commons House of Parliament, & to the committees for grieuances of the same house: The reasons why the wood-mongers should continue their gouernment of carres and carre-roomes, as formerly they haue done.
  • 51165
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    To the reuerend fathers in God, and our trustie and well beloued, the bishops assembled at the Conuocation. Iames. Right reuerend fathers in God, and right trustie and well beloued, we greet you well ...
  • 51166
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    Tractatus de legibus & consuetudinibus regni Angliae, tempore Regis Henrici secundi compositus, iusticiae gubernacula tenente illustri viro Ranulpho de Glanuilla iuris regni & antiquarum consuetudinum eo tempore peritissimo. Et illas solum leges continet & consuetudines secundum quas placitatur in curia Regis ad Scaccarium & coram Iusticijs vbicunq
  • 51167
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    Two guides to a good life The genealogy of vertue and the nathomy of sinne. Liuely displaying the worth of one, and the vanity of the other.
  • 51168
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    Two little workes defensiue of our redemption that our Lord went through the veile of his flesh into heaven, to appeare before God for vs. Which iourney a Talmudist, as the Gospell would terme, a going vp to Paradise: but heathen Greek, a going downe to Hades, and Latin, descendere ad inferos. Wherein the vnlearned barbarous anger God and man, sayi
  • 51169
    Book Info
    Two little workes defensiue of our redemption that our Lord went through the veile of his flesh into heaven, to appeare before God for vs. Which iourney a Talmudist, as the Gospell, would terme, a going vp to Paradise: but heathen Greeke, a going downe to Hades, and Latin, descendere ad inferos. Wherein the vnlearned barbarous, anger God and man, s
  • 51170
    Book Info
    Two little workes defensiue of our redemption that our Lord went through the veile of his flesh into heaven, to appeare before God for vs. Which iourney a Talmudist, as the Gospell, would terme, a going vp to Paradise: but heathen Greeke, a going downe to Hades, and Latin, descendere ad inferos. Wherein the vnlearned barbarous, anger God and man, saying, that Iesus descended to Hell: and yeelde v
  • 51171
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    A True and perfect relation of the nevves sent from Amsterdam, the 21. of February, 1603 concerning the fight of fiue Dutche shippes in the East Indies, against the Portugall fleete, consisting of eight great gallions, and 22. galleyes both great and small, wherof was Admirall, Don Andreas Fartado Mendosa : wherevnto is added also, the voyage and nauigation of the said fiue Dutche shippes and oth
  • 51172
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    A True bill of the whole number that hath died in the cittie of London, the citty of Westminster, the citty of Norwich, and diuers other places, since the time this last sicknes of the plague began in either of them, to this present month of October the sixt day, 1603 with a relation of many visitations by the plague, in sundry other forraine countries.
  • 51173
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    A treatise concerning Antichrist divided into two bookes, the former, proving that the Pope is Antichrist, the latter, maintaining the same assertion, against all the obiections of Robert Bellarmine, Iesuit and cardinall of the church of Rome / by George Douuname ...
  • 51174
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    A treatise of Gods effectual calling: written first in the Latine tongue, by the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Christ, Maister Robert Rollock, preacher of Gods word in Edenburgh. And now faithfully translated for the benefite of the vnlearned, into the English tongue, by Henry Holland, preacher in London
  • 51175
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    A treatise of the pestilence vvherein is shewed all the causes thereof, with most assured preseruatiues against all infection: and lastly is taught the true and perfect cure of the pestilence, by most excellent and approued medicines. Composed by Thomas Thayre chirurgian, for the benefite of his countrie, but chiefly for the honorable city of Londo
  • 51176
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    A treatise of the plague containing the nature, signes, and accidents of the same, with the certaine and absolute cure of the feuers, botches and carbuncles that raigne in these times: and aboue all things most singular experiments and preseruatiues in the same, gathered by the obseruation of diuers worthy trauailers, and selected out of the writin
  • 51177
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    A treatise of the vocations, or, Callings of men, with the sorts and kinds of them, and the right vse thereof. written by Mr. W. Perkins.
  • 51178
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    A treatise of three conuersions of England from paganisme to Christian religion The first vnder the Apostles, in the first age after Christ: the second vnder Pope Eleucherius and K. Lucius, in the second age. The third, vnder Pope Gregory the Great, and K. Ethelbert in the sixth age; vvith diuers other matters thereunto apperteyning. Diuided into t
  • 51179
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    A treatise or exposition vpon the Ten commandements grounded vpon the Scriptures canonicall.
  • 51180
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    A trevve description of the nobill race of the Stevvards succedinge lineallie to the Croun of Scotland vnto this day: and novv this yeir 1603. vnto the croun of England: vvith thair lyvvelie portraturs, declaring exactlie vvhat tyme thay begane to reigne, hovv lange thay reigned, and of vvhat qualities thay vvere.