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총 52,377건 중 51,201 - 51,220건 출력
  • 51201
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    The true narration of the entertainment of his Royall Maiestie, from the time of his departure from Edenbrough; till his receiuing at London with all or the most speciall occurrences. Together with the names of those gentlemen whom his Maiestie honoured with knighthood.
  • 51202
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    Three parte[s] of Salomon his Song of Songs, expounded. The first part printed before: but now re-printed and enlarged. The second and third partes neuer printed before. All which parts are here expounded and applied for the readers good. / By Henoch Clapham.
  • 51203
    Book Info
    Three partes of Salomon his Song of Songs, expounded The first part printed before: but now re-printed and enlarged. The second and third partes neuer printed before. All which parts are here expounded and applied for the readers good. By Henoch Clapham.
  • 51204
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    Three treatises religiously handled and named according to the seuerall subiect of each treatise: The mourning weede. The mornings joy. The kings reioycing. Published by R.M. minister of Gods word. Perused and allowed.
  • 51205
    Book Info
    Three treatises religiously handled, and named according to the seuerall subiect of each treatise the mourning weede, the mornings joy, the kings reioycing / published by R.M. ...
  • 51206
    Book Info
    Three treatises religiously handled, and named according to the seuerall subiect of each treatise: The mourning weede. The mornings joy. The kings reioycing / Published by R.M. minister of Gods word. Perused and allowed..
  • 51207
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    Threno-thriambeuticon Academiae Cantabrigiensis ob damnum lucrosum, & infoelicitatem foelicissimam, luctuosus triumphus.
  • 51208
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    To all maiors, shiriffes, iustices of the peace, post-masters, bailiffes, constables, hedboroughs, and all other the Kings Maiesties officers and subiects whatsoeuer, to whom it shall or may appertaine, and to euery of them. Forasmuch as there is present occasion of speedy dispatch of pacquettes by poste, for the speciall and important seruice of our soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie to and fro b
  • 51209
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    To the Maiestie of King Iames A gratulatorie poem by Michaell Drayton.
  • 51210
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    To the Maiestie of King James A gratulatorie poem by Michaell Drayton.
  • 51211
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    To the Maiestie of King James A gratulatorie poem by Michaell Drayton.
  • 51212
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    To the parson, vicar or curate, of [blank] and to everie of them
  • 51213
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    Tractatus brevis, in quo ex praecipuorum papistarum. inprimis ipsius Bellarmini confessione, multa Protestantium dogmata, tutissima esse concluduntur. Per Franciscum Dillighamum Baccalaureum in Theologia. In calce huius operis reperies lector tractatum de Iohanna Papissa adversus Bellarmini sophismata conscriptum
  • 51214
    Book Info
    Tuba academica quâ patrum antiquorum defensionem author liberè audacterque suscepit, & ad sanctam, sobriam, modestamq[ue] in causa fidei concertationem, pontificios peramantér inuitauit.
  • 51215
    Book Info
    Tvvo letters: One written by a Protestant to his brother being a Papist, to withdraw him foorth of the countrie of the Papists, who was partly by him perswaded, but that his wealth made him peremptorie, wherupon he tooke occasion to vvrite this letter, to moue him rather to make choice of the kingdome of God, then the riches of the vvorld. The othe
  • 51216
    Book Info
    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances, or large and ample tables alphabeticall. The first conteining the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery of them: and the second comprehending all such other principall wordes and matters, as concerne the sense and meanin
  • 51217
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    A tract of prayer by He. Clapham.
  • 51218
    Book Info
    A trevve description, of the nobill race of the Stevvards: succedinge lineallie to the croun of Scotland vnto this day: vvith thair lyvvelie portraturs, declaring exactlie vvhat tyme thay begane to reigne, hovv lange thay reigned, and of vvhat qualities thay vvere..|Trewe description, of the nobill race of the Stewards|True description of the noble race of the Stewarts
  • 51219
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    A true and perfect discourse of the practises and treasons of Marshall Biron together with the particulars of his arraignment and execution. Faithfully translated translated out of the French.
  • 51220
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    A true description of vnthankfulnesse: or an enemie to ingratitude. Compiled by Nicholas Breton Gent