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총 52,377건 중 51,241 - 51,260건 출력
  • 51241
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    The trumpet of Apollo sounding out the sweete blast of recouerie, in diuers dangerous and desperate diseases.
  • 51242
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    Three pastoral elegies of Anander, Anetor, and Muridella. By William Bas.
  • 51243
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    Tiomna Nuadh ar dTighearna agus ar Slanaightheora Josa Criosd, ar na tarruing gu firinneach as gréigis gu gáoidheilg, / re hUilliam O Domhnuill ...|Bible. N.T. Irish. O'Domhnuill. 1602.
  • 51244
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    Tis merrie vvhen gossips meete
  • 51245
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    To all and singular justices of peace, maiors, sheriffes,d bailiffes, and other her Maiesties officers, &c. whereas her Maiestie hath bene credibly informed, that notwithstanding there is great plenty of woolls within this realme, whereby the same ought to be solde at conuenient and reasonable prices ...|Whereas her Maiestie hath bene credibly informed, that notwithstanding there is great plenty
  • 51246
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    Troposchematologiae libri duo quorum prior de tropis posterior de figuris praecipit: in usum regiae scholae Shirburnensis
  • 51247
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    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances, or large and ample tables alphabeticall the first conteyning the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes ... : the seconde comprehending all such other principall wordes and matters, as concerne the sense and meaning of the Scriptures ... / collected by R.F.H.|Two right profitable and fruitfull concordances
  • 51248
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    Two sermons preached by Maister Henry Smith: with a prayer for the morning therevnto adioyned. And published by a more perfect coppie then heere-to-fore
  • 51249
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    Two sermons, of Ionahs punishment, preached by Master Henrie Smith, and published by a more perfect copie then heretofore
  • 51250
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    Two sermons, of Ionahs punishment, preached by Master Henrie Smith, and published by a more perfect copie then heretofore
  • 51251
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    A True relation of taking of Alba-Regalis in the German tongue, called Sfullweissenburgh [sic], the chiefe cittie in Nether-Hungarie, which was taken by the Christian armie, the twentith [sic] of September last past, 1601 / truely traslated [sic] out of the German tongue.
  • 51252
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    A table showing how paym[en]ts may be made by Silver at the prices following ...
  • 51253
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    A thousand notable things of sundrie sorts Whereof some are wonderfull, some strange, some pleasant, diuers necessary, a great sort profitable, and many verie precious.
  • 51254
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    A treatise against iudicial astrologie Dedicated to the right Honorable Sir Thomas Egerton Knight, Lord Keeper of the great Seale, and one of her Maiesties most honorable priuie Councell. VVritten by Iohn Chamber, one of the prebendaries of her Maiesties free Chappell of VVindsor, and fellow of Eaton College.
  • 51255
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    A treatise concerning the trinitie of persons in vnitie of the deitie Written to Thomas Mannering an Anabaptist, who denyed that Iesus is very God of very God: but man onely, yet endued with the infinite power of God.
  • 51256
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    A treatise of Gods free grace, and mans free-will.
  • 51257
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    A treatise of commerce vvherin are shevved the commodies [sic] arising by a wel ordered, and ruled trade, such as that of the Societie of Merchantes Adventurers is proved to bee, written principallie for the better information of those who doubt of the necessarienes of the said Societie in the state of the realme of Englande, by Iohn Wheeler, secre
  • 51258
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    A treatise of commerce vvherin are shevved the commodies [sic] arising by a wel ordered, and ruled trade, such as that of the Societie of Merchantes Adventurers is proved to bee, written principallie for the better information of those who doubt of the necessarienes of the said Societie in the state of the realme of Englande, by Iohn Wheeler, secretarie to the said Societie.
  • 51259
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    A treatise of commerce· VVherein are shewed the commodities arising by a well ordered and ruled trade, such as that of the Societie of Merchants Aduenturers is proued to be: written principally for the better information of those who doubt of the necessarinesse of the said societie in the state of the realme of England. By Iohn Wheeler, secretarie
  • 51260
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    A treatise of the canker of Englands common wealth Deuided into three parts: wherein the author imitating the rule of good phisitions, first, declareth the disease. Secondarily, sheweth the efficient cause thereof. Lastly, a remedy for the same. By Gerrard De Malynes merchant.