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총 52,377건 중 51,261 - 51,280건 출력
  • 51261
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    A trew discourse of the order observed in the assemble & meeting made by the leaue of the king at Fontainebleau: for the effectuating of the dispute agreed vpon, betwixt the Lord Bishoppe of Eureux, and the Sr. of Plessis Mornay, vpon Thursday being the 4. of May Anno Domini 1600. : In the presence of the Kinges Maiestie, of many Prelates, Princes, Lords, Gentlemen, and other persons of diuer
  • 51262
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    A true discourse of the occurrences in the warres of Sauoy and the warring of the forte of Mont-millan: by the most Christian King of France and Nauarre Henrie the fourth. Also the number of cannons and munition by his Maiestie taken in the said Mont-millan. Wherevnto is annexed, the oration of Sir Philip Cauriana, knight: pronounced to the most Ch
  • 51263
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    A true discourse of the whole occurrences in the Queenes voyage from her departure from Florence, vntil her arriuall at the citie of Marseilles together with the triumphs there made at her entrie: whereto is adioyned her receiuing and entrie into Lyons. Hereunto is annexed, the first Sauoyan: wherein is set forth the right of the conquest of Sauoy
  • 51264
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    A true discourse of the whole occurrences in the Queenes voyage from her departure from Florence, vntil her arriuall at the citie of Marseilles, together with the triumphs there made at her entrie: whereto is adioyned her receiuing and entrie into Lyons. Hereunto is annexed, the first Sauoyan: wherein is set forth the right of the conquest of Sauoy
  • 51265
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    A true relation of the faction begun at VVisbich by Fa. Edmonds, alias VVeston, a Iesuite, 1595. and continued since by Fa. Walley, alias Garnet, the prouincall of the Iesuits in England, and by Fa. Parsons in Rome, with their adherents: against vs the secular priests their bretheren and fellow prisoners, that disliked of nouelties, and thought it
  • 51266
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    A true report of all the proceedinges of Grave Mauris before the towne of Bercke with all the accidentes that happened in the besiedge of the same, since the. 12. day of Iune last. 1601. and lastly, the yeelding vp of the towne on the 30. of Iuly following, with the conditions agreed vpon betweene his excellencie and the gouernour of the towne. Tra
  • 51267
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    Ten learned personages, lately conuerted (in the realme of France) from papistrie, to the Churches reformed hauing learnedly and zealously set downe the reasons that mooued them thereunto. The names and degrees of the conuerts. 1 Symon Palory ... 2 Iohn Colleij ... 3 Melchior Roman ... 4 Iohn Norman ... 5 Father Abraham ... 6 Antony Ginestet ... 7
  • 51268
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    Terentius Christianus, siue, Comoediae duae Terentiano stylo conscriptae: ad vsum scholarum seorsim excusae. Tobaeus. Iuditha. His accessit Pseudostratiotes, fabula iocosa ac ludicra. / Autore Cornelio Schonaeo..
  • 51269
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    That his Grace will please to grant lycenc to the peticoner to enclose, affact[?], plow connect to vyllage and pastuer, & so to hould the same for euer, one parcell of ground within his Ma[jes]tise Haye of Billayhagh withine the Fforest of Sherwod containing by estimac[i]on 42 accres according to the measure of the Fforest ...
  • 51270
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    That there be a distinct acc[ompt?] kept of each branch of the revenue wherein the revenue be charged with all the mony collected upon the people of for example in the excise excise [sic] to be made p[e]r[?] for all collected ...
  • 51271
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    The testament of the twelue patriarches the sonnes of Iacob: translated out of Greeke into Latine by Robert Grosthead, sometime byshoppe of Lincolne, and from his copy into French and Dutch, and now Englished. Heereto is prefixed the Testament of Iacob their father, collected out of the scripture.
  • 51272
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    The text of the New Testament of Iesus Christ, translated out of the vulgar Latine by the Papists of the traiterous seminarie at Rhemes. With arguments of bookes, chapters, and annotations, pretending to discouer the corruptions of diuers translations, and to cleare the controuersies of these dayes. Whereunto is added the translation out of the ori
  • 51273
    Book Info
    The text of the New Testament of Iesus Christ, translated out of the vulgar Latine by the papists of the traiterous seminarie at Rhemes. With arguments of bookes, chapters, and annotations, pretending to discouer the corruptions of diuers translations, and to cleare the controuersies of these dayes. Whereunto is added the translation out of the ori
  • 51274
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    The theatre of the earth Containing very short and compendious descriptions of all countries, gathered out of the cheefest cosmographers, both ancient and moderne, and disposed in alphabeticall order. For the benefit of all such as delight to be acquainted with the knowledge of strange countries, and the scituation thereof, and especially for trave
  • 51275
    Book Info
    The third volume of the French academie contayning a notable description of the whole world, and of all the principall parts and contents thereof: as namely, of angels both good and euill: of the celestiall spheres, their order and number: of the fixed stars and planets; their light, motion, and influence: of the fower elements, and all things in t
  • 51276
    Book Info
    The third volume of the French academie: contayning a notable description of the whole world, and of all the principall parts and contents thereof: as namely, of angels both good and euill: of the celestiall spheres, their order and number: of the fixed stars and planets; their light, motion, and influence: of the fower elements, and all things in
  • 51277
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    The trauellers breuiat, or, An historicall description of the most famous kingdomes in the world relating their situations, manners, customes, ciuill gouernment, and other memorable matters. / Translated into English.
  • 51278
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    The true gaine more in worth then all the goods in the world.
  • 51279
    Book Info
    The true gaine more in worth then all the goods in the world.
  • 51280
    Book Info
    This booke is called the Treasure of gladnesse and seemeth by the copie, beeing a verie little manuell, and written in velam, to be made aboue CC. yeares past at the leaste : wherby it appeareth how God in olde time, and not of late onely, hath beene truely confessed and honoured : the copie heereof, is for the antiquitie of it, preserued and to bee seene in the printers hall / sette foorth and a