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총 52,377건 중 51,301 - 51,320건 출력
  • 51301
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    A toile for tvvo-legged foxes Wherein their noisome properties; their hunting and vnkenelling, with the duties of the principall hunters and guardians of the spirituall vineyard is liuelie discouered, for the comfort of all her Highnes trustie and true-hearted subiects, and their encouragement against all popish practises. By I. B. preacher of the
  • 51302
    Book Info
    A toile for two-legged foxes. Wherein their noisome properties; their hunting and vnkenelling, with the duties of the principall hunters and guardians of the spirituall vineyard is liuely discouered, for the comfort of all her Highnesse trustie and true-hearted subiects, and their encouragement against all popish practises. / By I.B. preacher of th
  • 51303
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    A touchstone, whereby may easilie be discerned, which is the true Catholike faith, of all them that professe the name of Catholiques in the Church of Englande, that they bee not deceiued taken out of the Catholike Epistle of S. Iude.
  • 51304
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    A treasurie of catechisme, or Christian instruction. The first part, which is concerning the morall law or ten Commandements of Almightie God: with certaine questions and aunswers preparatory to the same
  • 51305
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    A treasurie or store-house of similies both pleasaunt, delightfull, and profitable, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common places: by Robert Cawdray.
  • 51306
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    A treatise of christian beneficence, and of that like christian thankefulnese which is due to the same The which, as they are duties of singular account with God, so are they of as necessarie vse to all christians, for the keeping of faith and a good conscience, as are fire and water for common vse and comfort to the naturall life of all men.
  • 51307
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    A treatise of morall philosophie contayning the sayings of the wise. Wherin you may see the worthie and pithie sayings of philosophers, emperours, kings, and oratours: of their liues, their answers, of what linage they came of, and of what countrie they were: whose worthy sentences, notable precepts, counsels, parables, and semblables, doe heereaft
  • 51308
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    A true and credible report, of a great and very daungerous fight at sea, betwene certaine ships belonging to sundrye merchants of England, and fiue well approoued ships of warre of the King of Spaines: which fight hapned the 25. of May last past 1600. within the straightes of Gibraltare. The truth thereof beeing faithfully sent from one friend to a
  • 51309
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    A true discourse concerning the certaine possession and dispossessio[n] of 7 persons in one familie in Lancashire which also may serve as part of an answere to a fayned and false discouerie which speaketh very much evill, aswell of this, as of the rest of those great and mightie workes of God which be of the like excellent nature. By George More, m
  • 51310
    Book Info
    A true discourse concerning the certaine possession and dispossession of 7 persons in one familie in Lancashire, which also may serve as part of an answere to a fayned and false discoverie which speaketh very much evill, aswell of this, as of the rest of those great and mightie workes of God which bee of the like excellent nature. / by George More,
  • 51311
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    A true narration of the strange and greuous vexation by the Devil, of 7. persons in Lancashire, and VVilliam Somers of Nottingham Wherein the doctrine of possession and dispossession of demoniakes out of the word of God is particularly applyed vnto Somers, and the rest of the persons controuerted: togeather with the vse we are to make of these work
  • 51312
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    A true relation of the famous & renowmed [sic] victorie latelie atchieued by the counte Maurice of Nassau, neere to Newport in Flaunders against the arch-duke Albertus with the names of such noblemen & others of acount, as haue bin eyther slaine or taken prisoners in this seruice late-done and y [sic] performed. Truly translated out of the Dutch co
  • 51313
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    A true report and description of the taking of the iland and towne of S. Maries by a shippe of Amsterdam, and foure English pinnasses. 1599. Translated out of Dutch into English.
  • 51314
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    A true report of Sir Anthony Shierlies iourney ouerland to Venice fro[m] thence by sea to Antioch, Aleppo, and Babilon, and soe to Casbine in Persia: his entertainment there by the great Sophie: his oration: his letters of credence to the Christian princes: and the priuiledg obtained of the great Sophie, for the quiet passage and trafique of all Ch
  • 51315
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    A true report of a most famous victorie or Romane fact, atchieued by a certaine vessell, called the blacke galley of Dort vpon the thirtieth day of Nouember last, 1600. VVhich at that time tooke the admirall of the citie of Antwerpe, with seuen other shippes, all well furnished with munition for warre.
  • 51316
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    Tabvlae sinuum, tangentiu[m], secantium.
  • 51317
    Book Info
    Th'overthrow of stage-playes, by the way of controversie betwixt D. Gager and D. Rainoldes wherein all the reasons that can be made for them are notably refuted; th'objections aunswered, and the case so cleared and resolved, as that the iudgement of any man, that is not froward and perverse, may easelie be satisfied. Wherein is manifestly proved, t
  • 51318
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    The teares of the beloued: or, The lamentation of Saint Iohn, concerning the death and passion of Christ Iesus our sauiour. By I.M.
  • 51319
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    The teares of the beloved, or, The lamentation of Saint Iohn : concerning the death and passion of Christ Iesus our sauiour
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 51320
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    The thirteene bookes of Aeneidos. The first twelue beeing the worke of the diuine poet Virgil Maro, and the thirteenth, the supplement of Maphæus Vegius. / Translated into English verse to the first third part of the tenth booke, by Thomas Phaer Esquire: and the residue finished, and now newly set forth for the delight of such as are studious in poetrie: by Thomas Twyne, Doctor in Physicke..