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총 52,377건 중 51,321 - 51,340건 출력
  • 51321
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    The touchstone of true religion. Decyphering the right vse & finall ende there-of; without whose practise, none that hath attained to yeeres of discretion can saued: against the pernicious impietie of the atheists, epicures, libertines, hipocrites, and temporisers of thiese [sic] last times..
  • 51322
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    The transformed metamorphosis / by Cyril Turner
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 51323
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    The treasurie of hidden secrets. Commonlie called, The good-huswiues closet of prouision, for the health of her houshold Gathered out of sundrie experiments, lately practised by men of great knowledge: and now newly enlarged with diuers necessary phisicke helpes, and knowledge of the names and naturall disposition of diseases, that most commonly ha
  • 51324
    Book Info
    The triall of truth Containing a plaine and short discovery of the chiefest pointes of the doctrine of the great Antichrist, and of his adherentes the false teachers and heretikes of these last times.
  • 51325
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    The triumphs ouer death: or A consolatorie epistle, for afflicted minds, in the affects of dying friends. First written for the consolation of one: but nowe published for the generall good of all, by R.S. the authour of S. Peters complaint, and Moeoniae his other hymnes
  • 51326
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    The true and perfect declaration of the mighty army by the sea made and prepared by the generall states of the vnited prouinces, purposely sent forth to hinder the proceedings of the King of Spaine, vnder the conduct of Peter Vander Does generall of the said army: together with all whatsoeuer hath bene done by the said army against the islands, tow
    De Jonghe
  • 51327
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    The true tragedie of Richarde Duke of Yorke and the death of good King Henrie the sixt: vvith the whole contention betweene the two houses, Lancaster and Yorke; as it was sundry times acted by the Right Honourable the Earle of Pembrooke his seruantes.
  • 51328
    Book Info
    The true tragedie of Richarde Duke of Yorke and the death of good King Henrie the sixt: vvith the whole contention betweene the two houses, Lancaster and Yorke; as it was sundry times acted by the Right Honourable the Earle of Pembrooke his seruantes.
  • 51329
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    Thomas Taylor at ye Golden Lyon near the Horne Tavern in Fleetstreet London ...
  • 51330
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    Thomæ Thomasii dictionarium summâ fide ac diligentiâ accuratissimè emendatum, magnâque insuper rerum scitu dignarum, & vocabulorum accessione, longè auctiùs locupletiusque redditum : huic etiàm (præter dictionarium historicum & poëticum ...) accessit vtilissimus ...|Dictionarium
  • 51331
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    Timor Domini
  • 51332
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    To the Parliament of England the humble petition of Lawrence Loe, citizen of London.
  • 51333
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    To the maior, aldermen, and inhabitants of N. That whiche heretofore I haue propounded to you (right worshipfull and beloued) in teaching, I do now publish to all men by printing, to wit, mine opinion of the vnlawfulnesse of games consisting in chance ...
  • 51334
    Book Info
    To the most high and mightie prince, James by the grace of God, King of Great Brittain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. / the translatours of the Bible, with grace, mercie, and peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
  • 51335
    Book Info
    To the most high and mightie prince, James by the grace of God, King of Great Brittain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. / the translatours of the Bible, with grace, mercie, and peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
  • 51336
    Book Info
    To the most irreuerend Pope-holy Fathers of the two seminaries at Rheimes and Rome A confirmation of the xposition of the former emblemes, containing a messe of spirituall sonnets, or two paire of pastorall Eclogues, in rurall meeter: for the Kings crowne and dignitie, against the Popes miter and rochet.
  • 51337
    Book Info
    To the most irreuerend Pope-holy Fathers of the two seminaries at Rheimes and Rome. A confirmation of thexposition [sic] of the former emblemes, containing a messe of spirituall sonnets, or two paire of pastorall Eclogues, in rurall meeter: for the Kings crowne and dignitie, against the Popes miter and rochet.
  • 51338
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    To the reader.
  • 51339
    Book Info
    To the reader.
  • 51340
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    To the reader.