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총 52,377건 중 51,381 - 51,400건 출력
  • 51381
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    A table collected of the yeeres of our Lord God and of the yeeres of the Kings of England, from the first yeere of William Conquerour, shewing how the yeeres of our Lord God, and the yeeres of the Kings of England concurre and agree together, by which table it may be quickely accounted, how many yeeres, moneths and dayes be past, since the making o
  • 51382
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    A table declaring what planet dooth raigne euery day and houre enduring for euer: whereunto is added diuers and sundry very necessarie tables..
  • 51383
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    A tracte containing the artes of curious paintinge caruinge buildinge written first in Italian by Io: Paul Lomatius painter of Milan and Englished by R.H student in physik
  • 51384
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    A treatise and discourse of the lawes of the forrest wherin is declared not onely those lawes, as they are now in force, but also the originall and beginning of forrestes: and what a forrest is in his owne proper nature, and wherein the same doth differ from a chase, a park, or a warren ... Also a treatise of the purallee, declaring what purallee i
  • 51385
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    A treatise of the sufferings and victory of Christ, in the work of our redemption declaring by the Scripturs these two questions: that Christ suffered for vs the wrath of God, which we may well terme the paynes of hell, or hellish sorrowes. That Christ after his death on the crosse, went not into hell in his soule. Contrarie to certaine errours in
  • 51386
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    A treatise paraenetical, that is to say: an exhortation Wherein is shewed by good and euident reasons, infallible arguments, most true and certaine histories, and notable examples; the right way & true meanes to resist the violence of the Castilian king: to breake the course of his desseignes: to beat downe his pride, and to ruinate his puissance.
  • 51387
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    A treatise with a kalendar, and the proofes thereof, concerning the holy-daies and fasting-daies in England
  • 51388
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    A true coppie of the admonitions sent by the subdued provinces to the states of Hollande and the Hollanders answere to the same. Together vvith the articles of peace concluded betweene the high and mightie princes, Phillip by the grace of God King of Spaine, &c. and Henry the Fourth by the same grace, the most Christian King of France, in the yeare
  • 51389
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    A true coppie of the transportation of the Lowe Countries, Burgundie, and the countie of Charrolois: doone by the King of Spayne, for the dowrie of his eldest daughter. Giuen in marriage vnto the Cardinall Albert, Duke of Austria, vvith the articles and conditions of the same, signed by the King in Madrill. Translated out of Dutch by H.W. Nouember.
  • 51390
    Book Info
    A true coppy of the admonitions sent by the subdued prouinces to the states of Holland and the Hollanders answere to the same. Together with the articles of peace concluded betweene the high and mightie princes, Phillip by the grace of God King of Spaine, &c. and Henry the fourth by the same grace, the most Christian King of Fraunce, in the yeare 1
  • 51391
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    Terence in English Fabulae comici facetissimi et elegantissimi poetae Terentii omnes Anglicae factae primúmque hac noua forma nunc editae: opera ac industria R.B. in Axholmiensi insula Lincolnsherij Epvvortheatis.
  • 51392
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    The True lamentable discourse of the burning of Teuerton in Deuon-shire the third day of Aprill last past, about the hower of one of the clocke in the after-noone being Market day, 1598. At what time there was consumed to ashes about the number of 400 houses with all the money and goods that was therein: and fyftie persons burnt aliue through the v
  • 51393
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    The theorike and practike of moderne vvarres discoursed in dialogue vvise. VVherein is declared the neglect of martiall discipline: the inconuenience thereof: the imperfections of manie training captaines: a redresse by due regard had: the fittest weapons for our moderne vvarre: the vse of the same: the parts of a perfect souldier in generall and i
  • 51394
    Book Info
    The theorike and practike of moderne vvarres, discoursed in dialogue vvise. VVherein is declared the neglect of martiall discipline: the inconuenience thereof: the imperfections of manie training captaines: a redresse by due regard had: the fittest weapons for our moderne vvarre: the vse of the same: the parts of a perfect souldier in generall and
  • 51395
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    The tragedie of King Richard the second As it hath been publikely acted by the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. By William Shake-speare.
  • 51396
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    The tragedie of King Richard the second As it hath beene publikely acted by the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. By William Shake-speare.
  • 51397
    Book Info
    The tragedie of King Richard the second As it hath beene publikely acted by the Right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. By William Shake-speare.
  • 51398
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    The tragedie of King Richard the third Conteining his treacherous plots against his brother Clarence: the pitiful murther of his innocent nephewes: his tyrannicall vsurpation: with the whole course of the detested life, and most deserued death. As it hath beene lately acted by the Right honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. By William Shak
  • 51399
    Book Info
    The tragedie of King Richard the third Conteining his treacherous plots against his brother Clarence: the pitiful murther of his innocent nephewes: his tyrannicall vsurpation: with the whole course of the detested life, and most deserued death. As it hath beene lately acted by the Right honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. By William Shake-speare.
  • 51400
    Book Info
    The tragedie of King Richard the third Conteining his treacherous plots against his brother Clarence: the pitiful murther of his innocent nephewes: his tyrannicall vsurpation: with the whole course of the detested life, and most deserued death. As it hath beene lately acted by the Right honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants. By William Shake-speare.