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총 52,377건 중 51,401 - 51,420건 출력
  • 51401
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    The tragicomoedi of the vertuous Octauia. Done by Samuel Brandon. 1598
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51402
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    The troublesome raigne and lamentable death of Edward the second, King of England with the tragicall fall of proud Mortimer: and also the life and death of Peirs Gaueston, the great Earle of Cornewall, and mighty fauorite of king Edward the second, as it was publiquely acted by the right honorable the Earle of Pembrooke his seruantes. Written by Ch
  • 51403
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    The true lawe of free monarchies: or The reciprock and mutuall dutie betwixt a free king, and his naturall subiectes
  • 51404
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    The trumpet of vvarre A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the seuenth of Maie 1598. By M. Steph. Gosson parson of great Wigborow in Essex.
  • 51405
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    The trumpet of vvarre. A sermon preached at Paules Crosse the seuenth of Maie 1598. / By M. Steph. Gosson parson of great Wigborow in Essex..
  • 51406
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    Thule, or Vertues historie To the honorable and vertuous Mistris Amy Audely. By F.R. The first booke.
  • 51407
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    Thvle, or, Vertues Historie.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51408
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    Traicte paraenetique c'est à dire exhortatoire auquel se montre par bonne & viues raisons, argumens infallibles, histoires tres-certaines, & remarquables exemples, le droit chemin & vrais moyens de resister à l'effort du Castillan, rompre la trace de ses desseins, abbaiser son orgueil, & ruiner sa puissance : dedié aux roys, princes, potentats & republiques de l
  • 51409
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    True newes from [Mecare:] and also out of Worcestershire
  • 51410
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    True newes of a notable victorie obtayned against the Turkes, by the right honourable Lorde, Adolph Baron of Swartzburg, the 18. day of March last past, anno 1598 vvhen as he and his armie three houres before day, came before Raab, and tooke in that strong and well fenced hold and cittie / translated out of the high Dutch coppy ; printed first at Nurnbergh &c. ; by W.S.R.
  • 51411
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    True newes of a notable victorie obtayned against the Turkes.
  • 51412
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    True newes of a notable victorie obtayned against the Turkes.
  • 51413
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    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances, or large and ample tables alphabeticall. The first conteining the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery of them: and the second comprehending all such other principall wordes and matters, as concerne the sense and meanin
  • 51414
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    Twelve sermons preached by maister Henry Smith. And published by a more perfect copie then heretofore
  • 51415
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    Tyros roring Megge : planted against the walles of melancholy : one booke cut unto two decads
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51416
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    Tyros roring Megge Planted against the walles of melancholy. One booke cut into two decads.
  • 51417
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    Tyros roring Megge Planted against the walles of melancholy. One booke cut into two decads.
  • 51418
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    A treatyse of Chris[ti]an peregrination, w[rit]ten by M. Gregory Martin Licentiate, and late reader of the diuinitie in the Englishe Coleadge at Remes. VVhereunto is adioined certen epistles vvritten by him to sundrye his frendes: the copies vvhereof vvere since him decease founde amonge his vvrytings. Novv especially published for the beneifte of
  • 51419
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    A true and perfecte discourse of the ouerthrow of certaine companies of Burgonions both horse & foot men at Villefranche a towne scituate on the borders of Champaigne, vpon the riuer of Meuze, betweene Sunday at night & Munday morning being the 4. day of August 1597. together with the certaine number of how many are slaine and taken prisoners. Tran
  • 51420
    Book Info
    A true and perfecte discourse of the ouerthrow of certaine companies of Burgonions both horse & foot men at Villefranche, a towne scituate on the borders of Champaigne, vpon the riuer of Meuze, betweene Sunday at night & Munday morning being the 4. day of August 1597. together with the certaine number of how many are slaine and taken prisoners. / T