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총 52,377건 중 51,421 - 51,440건 출력
  • 51421
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    A true chronologie of the times of the Persian monarchie, and after to the destruction of Ierusalem by the Romanes Wherein by the way briefly is handled the day of Christ his birth: with a declaration of the angel Gabriels message to Daniel in the end of his 9. chap. against the friuolous conceits of Matthew Beroald. Written by Edvvard Liuelie, rea
  • 51422
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    A true discourse of the ouerthrovve giuen to the common enemy at Turnhaut, the 14. of Ianuary last 1597. by Count Moris of Nassaw and the states, assisted with the Englishe forces. Sent from a gentleman of account, that was present at the seruice, to a friend of his in England. Seene and allowed.
  • 51423
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    Tamburlaine the great VVho, from the state of a shepheard in Scythia, by his rare and wonderfull conquests, became a most puissant and mightie monarque: as it was acted: by the right Honorable, the Lord Admyrall his Seruauntes.
  • 51424
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    Testamenti Veteris Biblia sacra, sive, Libri canonici, priscae Iudaeorum ecclesiae à Deo traditi Latini recens ex Hebraeo facti, brevibúsque scholijs illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Junio ; accesserunt libri qui vulgo dicuntur Apocryphi, Latine redditi & notis quibusdam aucti à Francisco Junio ; multò omnes quam ante emendatiùs editi & aucti loci
  • 51425
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    The Tragedy Of King Richard the Third
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51426
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    The theatre of Gods iudgements: or, a collection of histories out of sacred, ecclesiasticall, and prophane authours concerning the admirable iudgements of God vpon the transgressours of his commandements. Translated out of French and augmented by more than three hundred examples, by Th. Beard.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51427
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    The tragedie of King Richard the second As it hath beene publikely acted by the right Honourable the Lorde Chamberlaine his Seruants.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51428
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    The tragedy of King Richard the third Containing, his treacherous plots against his brother Clarence: the pittiefull murther of his iunocent [sic] nephewes: his tyrannicall vsurpation: with the whole course of his detested life, and most deserued death. As it hath beene lately acted by the Right honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants.
  • 51429
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    The trimming of Thomas Nashe Gentleman, by the high-tituled patron Don Richardo de Medico campo, barber chirurgion to Trinitie Colledge in Cambridge
  • 51430
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    Tractatus de vocatione efficaci, quae inter locos theologiae communissimos recensetur, deq[ue] locis specialioribus, qui sub vocatione comprehenduntur Vt doctrina de vocatione illustrior evaderet, adjectae sunt qu[a]estiones aliquot de modis illis, quibus Deo visum est jam inde à principio, homini verbum vtriusq[ue] foederis sui, revelare. Authore
  • 51431
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    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances or large and ample tables alphabeticall. The first conteining the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery of them: and the second comprehending all such other principall word
  • 51432
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    Tvvo sermons vpon 1. Peter 5. vers .8. and 9 Wherein is shewed that the diuell is to be resisted only by a stedfast faith, how soeuer he commeth either against soule or body: and that whosoeuer hath once attained the true and liuelie faith, it can neuer be vtterly lost, but he is sure to get the victorie. By M. George Giffard, Preacher of the worde
  • 51433
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    Tvvo treatises I. Of the nature and practise of repentance. II. Of the combat of the flesh and spirit.
  • 51434
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    Tvvo treatises I. Of the nature and practise of repentance. II. Of the combat of the flesh and spirit.
  • 51435
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    Two sermons on these wordes of Peter the apostle, honour all men, loue brotherly felowship ... preached at Marlebrough the seuenth of Nouember, and fifth of Ianuarie 1595 / by Charles Pynner, minister of the Church of Wotton-Basset in Northwiltshire.
  • 51436
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    Two tales, translated out of Ariosto: the one in dispraise of men, the other in disgrace of women. VVith certaine other Italian stanzas and prouerbs. By R.T. gentleman.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51437
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    Two treatises concerning regeneration, 1. Of repentance, 2. Of the diet of the soule shewing the one, how it ought to be sought after and may be attained vnto, the other, how it being gotten, is to be preserued and continued.
  • 51438
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    A treatise of morall philosophie containing the sayings of the wise: wherein you may see the worthie & pithie sayings of philosophers, emperors, kinges, and oratours: of their liues, their answers, of what linage they came of, [and] of what countrie they were: whose worthy sentences, notable precepts, counsels, parables, and semblables, doe heeraft
  • 51439
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    A treatise of the threefolde state of man wherein is handled, 1 His created holinesse in his innocencie. 2 His sinfulnesse since the fall of Adam. 3 His renewed holinesse in his regeneration.
  • 51440
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    A treatise, shewing the possibilitie, and conueniencie of the reall presence of our Sauiour in the blessed Sacrament the former is declared by similitudes and examples: the latter by the causes of the same.