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총 52,377건 중 51,461 - 51,480건 출력
  • 51461
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    A treatise of the ministery of the Church of England Wherein is handled this question, whether it be to be separated from, or joyned vnto. Which is discussed in two letters, the one written for it, the other against it. Wherevnto is annexed, after the preface, A brief declaration of the ordinary officers of the Church of Christ. And, a few position
  • 51462
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    A treatise tending vnto a declaration, whether a man be in the estate of damnation, or in the estate of grace and if he be in the first, how he may in time come out of it: if in the second, how he may discerne it, and perseuer in the same to the end. Reuiewed and corrected by the author. The poynts that are handled be set downe in the page followin
  • 51463
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    A treatise tending vnto a declaration, whether a man be in the estate of damnation, or in the estate of grace and if he be in the first, howe hee may in time come out of it: if in the second, how he may discerne it, and perseuer in the same to the end. Reuiewed and corrected by the author. The poynts that are handled be set downe in the page follow
  • 51464
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    Terentius Christianus, sive Comoediae duae. Terentiano stylo conscriptae. Tobaeus. Iuditha. Hic accesit Pseudostratiotes, fabulo iocosa ac ludicra. Authore Cornelio Schonaeo.
  • 51465
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    The Triumphs Over Death
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51466
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    The testaments of the twelue patriarches, the sonnes of Iacob translated out of Greeke into Latine by Robert Grosthed, sometime bishop of Lincolne ; and out of his copie into Frenche and Dutch by others ; now Englished by A.G. ; to the credit whereof an ancient Greeke copie written in parchment is kept in the uniuersitie librarie of Cambridge.|Testaments of the twelve patriarchs. English. 1595.
  • 51467
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    The tragedie of Antonie. Doone into English by the Countesse of Pembroke
  • 51468
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    The triumphs ouer death: or, A consolatorie epistle, for afflicted mindes, in the affects of dying friends. First written for the consolation of one: but now published for the generall good of all, by R.S. the author of S. Peters complaint, and Moeoniae his other hymnes
  • 51469
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    The true copie, of a letter vvritten to a gentleman of vvorship in England Lamentably discoursing the crueltie of Bashavv Mahomet, high admirall to the great Turke: vvho vvith a fleete of one hundred and seauen gallies, entred the confines of the Christian princes within the Straits of Gibraltar. With his landing in Sicilia an iland of the Spanish
  • 51470
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    The true tragedie of Richard Duke of York and the death of good King Henrie the Sixt, with the whole contention betweene the two houses Lancaster and Yorke, as it was sundrie times acted by the right honourable the earle of Pembrooke his seruants.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51471
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    The trumpet o[f] fame: or Sir Fraunces Drakes and Sir Iohn Hawkins f[are]well with an encouragement to all saile[rs] and souldiers that are minded to go in this worthie enterprise. VVith the names of many ships, and what they h[aue] done against our foes. Written by H.R.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51472
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    Thomae Campiani poemata Ad Thamesin. Fragmentum vmbrae. Liber elegiarum. Liber epigrammatum.
  • 51473
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    Thomas Masterson his third booke of arithmeticke Shewing the more ingenious inuentions, and the figuratiue and caractericall operations, by which to calculate the true solutions or answers of arithmeticall questions: after a more perfect, plaine, briefe, and well ordered arithmetical way then any other heretofore published. No lesse necessary and p
  • 51474
    Book Info
    Thomas Masterson his third booke of arithmeticke Shewing the more ingenious inuentions, and the figuratiue and caractericall operations, by which to calculate the true solutions or answers of arithmeticall questions: after a more perfect, plaine, briefe, and well ordered arithmetical way then any other heretofore published. No lesse necessary and pleasant to all men employed in great and worthie
  • 51475
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    Tithes and oblations according to the lawes established in the Church of England. Containing, questions of tything, with their answers and resolutions. A declaration of composition, transaction, custome, prescription, priuiledge, together with such statute lawes which concern the right of tythe. To the great benefite and instruction of all the Quee
  • 51476
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    To the worshipful our good benefactor In all lamentable manner, most humbly beseecheth your good worship, wee the miserable multitude of very poore distressed prisoners, in the hole of Woodstreet Counter, in nomber fifite poore men, or thereabouts, ying vpon the bare boordes, still languishing in great neede, ...
  • 51477
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    Truth and falshood, or, A comparison betweene the truth now taught in England, and the doctrine of the Romish church: with a briefe confutation of that popish doctrine. Hereunto is added an answere to such reasons as the popish recusants alledge, why they will not come to our churches. By Francis Bunny, sometime fellow of Magdalen College in Oxford
  • 51478
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    Tuuo treatises I. Of the nature and practise of repentance, II. Of the combate of the flesh and spirite.
  • 51479
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    Tvvo bookes of constancie. Written in Latine, by Iustus Lipsius. Containing, principallie, A comfortable conference, in common calamities. And will serue for a singular consolation to all that are priuately distressed, of afflicted, either in body or mind. Englished by Iohn Stradling, gentleman
  • 51480
    Book Info
    Tvvo bookes of constancie. Written in Latine, by Iustus Lipsius. Containing, principallie, A comfortable conference, in common calamities. And will serue for a singular consolation to all that are priuately distressed, or afflicted, either in body or mind. Englished by Iohn Stradling, gentleman.