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총 52,377건 중 51,501 - 51,520건 출력
  • 51501
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    Thomas Masterson his addition to his first booke of arithmetick Shewing the true vnderstanding of the same booke: with the examples therein, declared at large: also how the solutions of the questions propounded in his second booke of arithmeticke, may be calculated by the said first booke many seuerall wayes. All after so plaine and easie manner, that any which is desirous to make the said operat
  • 51502
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    Three godly and fruitfull sermons declaring first how we may be saved in the day of iudgement, and so come to life everlasting: secondly, how we ought to liue according to Gods will during our life: which are the two things that every one ought to be most carefull of as long as they liue. Preached and written by the reverend & godly learned M. Iohn
  • 51503
    Book Info
    Three treatises of the second part of symbolaeographie first, Of comprimises and arbiterments, 2. Of fines, concordes, and common recoueries, 3. Of offences and indictments / newlie made by William West of the Inner Temple, Gent. ; whereunto is annexed another treatise of equitie, the iurisdiction and proceedings of the high Court of Chauncerie, by the same author.|Symbolaeographia
  • 51504
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    To the Christian reader.
  • 51505
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    To the most high and mightie prince Elizabet, by the grace of God Queene of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defender of the fayth. &c.
  • 51506
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    Tractatus de globis et eorum vsu accommodatus iis qui Londini editi sunt anno 1593, sumptibus Gulielmi Sandersoni ciuis Londinensis, conscriptus à Roberto Hues.
  • 51507
    Book Info
    Tractatus de globis et eorum vsu, accommodatus iis qui Londini editi sunt anno 1593, sumptibus Gulielmi Sandersoni ciuis Londinensis, / conscriptus à Roberto Hues.
  • 51508
    Book Info
    Tratado para confirmar los pobres catiuos de Berueria en la catolica y antigua se, y religion Christiana y para los consolar con la Palabra de Dios en las afliciones que padecen por el evangelio de Iesu Christo. [...] Al fin deste tratado hallareys un enxambre de los falsos milagros, y illusiones del Demonio con que Maria de la visitacion priora de
    De Valera
  • 51509
    Book Info
    Tvvo bookes of constancie. Written in Latine by Iustus Lipsius. Containing, principallie, a comfortable conference, in common calamities. And will serue for a singular consolation to all that are priuately distressed, or afflicted, either in body or mind. ; Englished by Iohn Stradling, Gentleman..|De constantia.
  • 51510
    Book Info
    Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances or large and ample tables alphabeticall. The first conteining the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, with their common places following euery of them: and the second comprehending all such other principall word
  • 51511
    Book Info
    A table from the beginning of the world to this day Wherein is declared in what yeere of the world every thing was done, both in the Scriptures mentioned, and also in prophane matters. Written by that worthy member of the church of God, M. Iohn More preacher at Norwich. Seene and allowed by publike authoritie.
  • 51512
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    A treatise concerning the right vse and ordering of bees newlie made and set forth, according to the authors owne experience: (which by any heretofore hath not been done) by Edmund Southerne Gent.
  • 51513
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    A treatise concerninge the forms of fines, concords, recoueries, arbitrementes and indictments &c. being a parcell of Symbolaeography iudiciall.|Symbolaeographia
  • 51514
    Book Info
    A treatise conteyning the true catholike and apostolike faith of the holy sacrifice and sacrament ordeyned by Christ at his last Supper vvith a declaration of the Berengarian heresie renewed in our age: and an answere to certain sermons made by M. Robert Bruce minister of Edinburgh concerning this matter. By VVilliam Reynolde priest.
  • 51515
    Book Info
    A treatise of c[hri]stian renunciation Compiled of excellent sentences [and] as it were diuerse homelies of ancient fathers: wherin is shewed how farre it is lawfull or necessary for the loue of Christ t[o] forsake father, mother, wife and children, and all other worldly creatures. Against the enemies of the crosse of Christ, ... Wherunto is added
  • 51516
    Book Info
    A treatise of c[hri]stian renunciation Compiled of excellent sentences [and] as it were diuerse homelies of ancient fathers: wherin is shewed how farre it is lawfull or necessary for the loue of Christ t[o] forsake father, mother, wife and children, and all other worldly creatures. Against the enemies of the crosse of Christ, ... Wherunto is added [a shorte discourse against going to hereticall c
  • 51517
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    A tres-noble, honorable, & vertueux Seigneur, Monsiegneur Edward Zouche, ferme base, pillier et vray Mecoenas de toutes mes estudes.
  • 51518
    Book Info
    A true discourse vvherin is set downe the wonderfull mercy of God, shewed towardes the Christians, on the two and twenty of Iune. 1593 against the Turke, before Syssek in Croatia. Truly translated out of the high Dutch coppie. Printed at Vienna.
  • 51519
    Book Info
    Tabulae analyticae quibus exemplar illud sanorum sermonum de fide, charitate, et patientia, quod olim prophetae, euangelistae, apostoli literis memoriaeque mandauerunt, fideliter declaratur / authore Stephano Szegedino pannonio ...
  • 51520
    Book Info
    Tabulae analyticae quibus exemplar illud sanorum sermonum de fide, charitate, et patientia, quod olim prophetae, euangelistae, apostoli literis memoriaeque mandauerunt, fideliter declaratur. Authore Stephano Szegedino Pannonio. De operis huius, nunquam anteà editi ratione & vsu longe maximo, ad ampliss. Senatum Schaphusianum epistola dedicatoria. A