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총 52,377건 중 51,541 - 51,560건 출력
  • 51541
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    A true patterne of pietie meete for all Christian householders to looke vpon, for the better education of their families, in the feare and seruice of almightie God. Collected out of the fountaine of holy scriptures, for the especiall vse of the faithfull in the congregation of Malpasse in Cheshire. By Iohn Parker.
  • 51542
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    A true relation of the French kinge his good successe, in winning from the Duke of Parma, his fortes and trenches, and slaieng 500. of his men, with the great famine that is now in the sayd dukes campe. With other intelligences giuen by other letters since the second of May. 1592. A most wonderfull and rare example, the like wherof, neuer happended
  • 51543
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    The third and last part of conny-catching With the new deuised knauish arte of foole-taking. The like coosnages and villanies neuer before discouered. / By R.G.
  • 51544
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    The third and last part of conny-catching With the new deuised knauish arte of foole-taking. The like coosnages and villanies neuer before discouered. / By R.G.
  • 51545
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    The third part of the Countesse of Pembrokes Yuychurch Entituled, Amintas dale. Wherein are the most conceited tales of the pagan gods in English hexameters together with their auncient descriptions and philosophicall explications. By Abraham Fraunce.
  • 51546
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    The third part of the Countesse of Pembrokes Yuychurch: entituled, Amintas dale. Wherein are the most conceited tales of the pagan gods in English hexameters: together with their auncient descriptions
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51547
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    The tragedie of Tancred and Gismund Compiled by the gentlemen of the Inner Temple, and by them presented before her Maiestie. Newly reuiued and polished according to the decorum of these daies. By R.W.
  • 51548
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    The tragedye of Solyman and Perseda Wherein is laide open, loues constancy, fortunes inconstancy, and deaths triumphs.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51549
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    The triumph of faith The sacrifice of Isaac. The ship-wracke of Ionas. With a song of the victorie obtained by the French king, at Yvry. Written in French, by W. Salustius lord of Bartas, and translated by Iosuah Siluester, marchant aduenturer.
    Du Bartas
  • 51550
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    The triumph of faith The sacrifice of Isaac. The ship-wracke of Ionas. With a song of the victorie obtained by the French king, at Yvry. Written in French, by W. Salustius lord of Bartas, and translated by Iosuah Siluester, marchant aduenturer.
  • 51551
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    The true vse of armorie shewed by historie, and plainly proued by example: the necessitie therof also discouered: with the maner of differings in ancient time, the lawfulnes of honorable funerals and moniments: with other matters of antiquitie, incident to the aduauncing of banners, ensignes, and marks of noblenesse and cheualrie, by William Wyrley
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51552
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    The trueth of the most wicked and secret murthering of Iohn Brewen, goldsmith of London committed by his owne wife, through the prouocation of one Iohn Parker whom she loued: for which fact she was burned, and he hanged in Smithfield, on wednesday, the 28 of Iune, 1592. two yeares after the murther was committed.
  • 51553
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    The trumpet of the soule, sounding to iudgement. By Henry Smith
  • 51554
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    The trumpet of the soule, sounding to iudgement. By Henry Smith
  • 51555
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    The trumpet of the soule, sounding to iudgement. By Henry Smyth
  • 51556
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    Thirteene sermons vpon seuerall textes of Scripture Containing necessarie and profitable doctrine, as well for the reformation of our liues, as for the comfort of troubled consciences in all distresses. By Henrie Smith.
  • 51557
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    Thomae Thomasii dictionarium tertio jam summa fide ac diligentia accuratissimè emendatum, magnaque insuper rerum scitu dignarum, & vocabulorum accessione, longè auctiùs locupletiùsq[ue] redditum : huic etiàm (praeter dictionarium historicum & poeticum ...) novissimè accessit ...|Dictionarium
  • 51558
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    Thomas Masterson his first booke of arithmeticke Shewing the ingenious inuentions, and figuratiue operations, by which to calculate the true solution or answeres of arithmeticall questions: after a more perfect, plaine, briefe, well ordered arithmeticall way, then any other heretofore published: verie necessarie for all men.
  • 51559
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    Three prayers one for the morning, another for the euening, the third for a sicke man. Whereunto is annexed a godly letter to a sicke friend: and a comfortable speech of a preacher vpon his death bed. Anno 1591.
  • 51560
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    To the right honorable, Robert Earle of Essex knight of the most noble order of the garter Moses on mount Synai (right honorable) had a reulation of God ...