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총 52,377건 중 51,581 - 51,600건 출력
  • 51581
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    Textes of Scripture chayning the holy chronicle vntyll the sunne lost his lyght, and the Sonne brake the Serpentes head: dying, rising, and ascending.
  • 51582
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    The Tragedy Of Tancred and Gismund
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51583
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    The taking of the royall galley of Naunts in Brittaine, from the Spanyards and Leaguers, with the releasement of 153 galley slaues, that were in her by Iohn Bilbrough, prentice of London, in Nouember last.
  • 51584
    Book Info
    The taking of the royall galley of Naunts in Brittaine, from the Spanyards and Leaguers, with the releasement of 153 galley slaues, that were in her: by Iohn Bilbrough, prentice of London, in Nouember last.
  • 51585
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    The third part of the Bible, (after some division) conteining fiue excellent bookes, most commodious for all Christians faithfully translated out of the Ebrewe, and expounded with most profitable annotations vpon the harder places ; the names whereof, with other the contents of this booke, followe in the next page.
  • 51586
    Book Info
    The tragedie of Tancred and Gismund Compiled by the gentlemen of the Inner Temple, and by them presented before her Maiestie. Newly reuiued and polished according to the decorum of these daies. By R.W.
  • 51587
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    The trauailes of an English man Containing his sundrie calalmities indured by the space of twentie and odd yeres in his absence from his natiue countrie; wherein is truly decyphered the sundrie shapes of wilde beasts, birds, fishes, foules, rootes, plants, &c. With the description of a man that appeared in the sea: and also of a huge giant brought
  • 51588
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    The treasurie of commodious conceits, and hidden secretes Commonlie called The good huswiues closet of prouision, for the health of her houshold. Meete and necessarie for the profitable vse of all estates. Gathered out of sundry experiments, lately practised by men of great knowledge: and now newly corrected, and inlarged, with diuers necessary phi
  • 51589
    Book Info
    The trial of trueth or a treatise vvherein is declared vvho should be iudge betvvene the Reformed Churches, and the Romish in which is shewed, that neither Pope, nor Councels, nor Fathers, nor traditions, nor succession, nor consent, nor antiquitie of custome: but the onely written worde of God, ought to determine the controuersies of religio[n]: w
  • 51590
    Book Info
    The triplicitie of triumphes Containing, the order, solempnitie and pompe, of the feastes, sacrifices, vowes, games, and triumphes: vsed vpon the natiuities of emperours, kinges, princes, dukes, popes, and consuls, with the customc [sic], order and maners of their inaugurations, coronations and annointing. Wherein is also mentioned, the three most
  • 51591
    Book Info
    The triplicitie of triumphes Containing, the order, solempnitie and pompe, of the feastes, sacrifices, vowes, games, and triumphes: vsed vpon the natiuities of emperours, kinges, princes, dukes, popes, and consuls, with the custome, order and maners of their inaugurations, coronations and annointing. Wherein is also mentioned, the three most happy,
  • 51592
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    The troubles of Geneua VVith the warres which the Duke of Sauoy hath made against it these three yeeres space. And the great victories which God hath lately giuen to the citizens of Geneua. Trulie translated according to the French copie. by W.P. The map of Geneua.
  • 51593
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    The true coppie of a letter, written from the leager by Arnham, the 27. day of Iuly according to the computation of the Church of Rome. Wherin is perticularly set forth, the ouerthrowe of the Prince of Parmaes forces, before Knodtsenburgh sconce. Translated out of Dutch. Seene and allowed.
  • 51594
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    The true description or draffte of that famous Ile of Wighte with some parte of the Englishe or Britaine coast and inwarde countreye of Hampshire and Sussex : wherein gentle reader you maye see the true distances sett downe by measure or scale of any parte thereof, also the particuler descriptions of hills, woodes, beacons, castells, rockes, and townes, whiche vnto this platt are adioyninge / mad
  • 51595
    Book Info
    The true history of the ciuill vvarres of France, betweene the French King Henry the 4. and the Leaguers Gathered from the yere of our Lord 1585. vntill this present October. 1591. By Antony Colynet.
  • 51596
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    The true reporte of the seruice in Britanie. Performed lately by the honorable knight Sir Iohn Norreys and other captaines and gentlemen souldiers before Guingand Together with the articles which the Prince D'ombes accorded to the defendants of the towne.
    De Bourbon Montpensier
  • 51597
    Book Info
    The true reporte of the seruice in Britanie. Performed lately by the honorable knight Sir Iohn Norreys and other captaines and gentlemen souldiers before Guingand. Together with the articles which the Prince D'ombes accorded to the defendants of the towne.
    De Bourbon Montpensier
  • 51598
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    The trumpet of the soule, sounding to iudgement by Henry Smith.
  • 51599
    Book Info
    Three praiers, one for the morning, another for the euening, the third for a sick-man whereunto is annexed, a godlie letter to a sicke-friend, and a comfortable speech of a preacher, vpon his death bed, 1591.
  • 51600
    Book Info
    Three prayers one for the morning, another for the euening: the third for a sick-man. Whereunto is annexed, a godly letter to a sicke freend: and a comfortable speech of a preacher vpon his death bedde. Anno. Dom. 1591.