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총 52,377건 중 51,621 - 51,640건 출력
  • 51621
    Book Info
    Tarltons newes out of purgatorie Onely such a iest as his iigge, fit for gentlemen to laugh at an houre, &c. Published by an old companion of his, Robin Goodfellow.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 51622
    Book Info
    That the pope is that Antichrist: and An answer to the obiections of sectaries, which condemne this Church of England Two notably learned and profitable treatises or sermons vpon the 19. verse of the 19. chapter of the Reuelation: the first whereof was preached at Paules Crosse in Easter terme last, the other purposed also to haue bene there preach
  • 51623
    Book Info
    The thinges vvhich happened vpon the Prince of Parmas retire since the 20. of Nouembre, till the 27. of the same moneth With the newes from dauphine. Published by authority.
  • 51624
    Book Info
    The thinges vvhich happened vpon the Prince of Parmas retire since the 20. of Nouembre, till the 27. of the same moneth. With the newes from Dauphine. Published by authority.
  • 51625
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    The true discourse of the wonderfull victorie, obteined by Henrie the fourth, the French King, and King of Nauarre, in a battell against those of the League, neere the towne of Yurie, on the Plaine of Saint Andrew, the foureteenth day of March (according to the French account) in the yeare 1590 Added thereto first, certaine newes that happened sinc
  • 51626
    Book Info
    The true discourse of the wonderfull victorie, obteined by Henrie the fourth, the French King, and King of Nauarre, in a battell against those of the League, neere the towne of Yurie, on the Plaine of Saint Andrew, the foureteenth day of March (according to the French account) in the yeare 1590. Added thereto first, certaine newes that happened sin
  • 51627
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    To my Christian friend, I.F. comfort in Christ during this life, and glory with Christ in the life to come
  • 51628
    Book Info
    Tractatus [pi]us et moderatus de vera excommunicatione, & christiano Presbyterio, iampridem pacis conciliandae causa, cl. v. Th. Erasti D. Medicicentum manuscriptis thesibus oppositus, & nunc primum, cogente necessitate, editus. Theodoro Beza Vezelio auctore.
    De Bèze
  • 51629
    Book Info
    Tractatus pius et moderatus de vera excommunicatione, & christiano Presbyterio, iampridem pacis conciliandae causa, cl. v. Th. Erasti D. Medicicentum manuscriptis thesibus oppositus, & nunc primum, cogente necessitate, editus. Theodoro Beza Vezelio auctore
    De Bèze
  • 51630
    Book Info
    True newes, concerning the winning of the towne of Corbeyll by the French king from the Prince of Parma Which was doone on S. Martins euen at night last past. 1590. Sent from Deepe to an English gentleman.
  • 51631
    Book Info
    True newes, concerning the winning of the towne of Corbeyll by the French king from the Prince of Parma. Which was doone on S. Martins euen at night last past. 1590. Sent from Deepe to an English gentleman.
  • 51632
    Book Info
    Two godly sermons The first preached before the Queenes Maiestie, the 25. of Februarie. 1569. The other preached in the Tower of London the 11. of December the same yeare. By Maister Edward Deringe. Perused & alowed by authoritie.
  • 51633
    Book Info
    Two godly sermons The first preached before the Queenes Maiestie, the 25. of Februarie. 1569. The other preached in the Tower of London the 11. of December the same yeare. By Maister Edward Deringe. Perused & alowed by authoritie.
  • 51634
    Book Info
    Two godly sermons The first preached before the Queenes Maiestie, the 25. of Februarie. 1569. The other preached in the Tower of London the 11. of December the same yeare. By Maister Edward Deringe. Perused and alowed by authoritie.
  • 51635
    Book Info
    A tipe or figure of friendship. Wherein is liuelie, and compendiouslie expressed, the right nature and propertie of a perfect and true friend. Also a conclusion at the end in the praise of friendship. / Written by W.D.|Type or figure of friendship
  • 51636
    Book Info
    A treatise of the excellencie of a Christian man, and how he may be knowen. Written in French by Maister Peter de la Place, one of the kings counsel, and cheife president of his court of aides in Paris. Whereunto is adioyned a briefe description of the life and death of the said author to the end that euery one may knowe what he was. Translated int
  • 51637
    Book Info
    A treatise of the excellencie of a Christian man, and how he may be knowen. Written in French by Maister Peter de la Place, one of the kings counsel, and cheife president of his court of aides in Paris. Whereunto is adioyned a briefe description of the life and death of the said author to the end that euery one may knowe what he was. Translated into English by L. Tomson.
  • 51638
    Book Info
    A treatise, touching Antichrist VVherein, the place, the time, the forme, the workmen, the vpholders, the proceeding, and lastly, the ruine and ouerthrow of the kingdome of Antichrist, is plainly laid open out of the word of God: where also manie darke, and hard places both of Daniell and the Reuelation are made manifest. By Lambert Danaeus.
  • 51639
    Book Info
    A treatise, touching Antichrist VVherein, the place, the time, the forme, the workmen, the vpholders, the proceeding, and lastly, the ruine and ouerthrow of the kingdome of Antichrist, is plainly laid open out of the word of God: where also manie darke, and hard places both of Daniell and the Reuelation are made manifest. By Lambert Danæus.
  • 51640
    Book Info
    A true coppie of a discourse written by a gentleman, employed in the late voyage of Spaine and Portingale sent to his particular friend, and by him published, for the better satisfaction of all such, as hauing been seduced by particular report, haue entred into conceipts tending to the discredit of the enterprise, and actors of the same.